How many more creepy, sexual predator friends does Adam Schiff have left?

I gave you a like here because it just seems so sick and wrong. :oops:

i think i passed out on the keyboard for a min..
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That could be: I don't do 'right' or 'left' though. Those people are the dregs of society no matter which side of the spectrum they crawl out of.

You most certainly do “right” based on your OP. In fact, you seem to be far, delusional, conspiracy theory right.
Now, we're seeing why rape victims never come forward. When there is nothing there to defend about the accused, or when you've run out of excuses, attack the person making the accusations.

Schiff is the problem, Vondland is the problem, Taylor is the problem, the whistleblower is the problem, Pelosi is the problem, Bolton was the problem, Mattis was the problem, on and on...

Why is it never the guy making dumb decisions, making illegal decisions, lying constantly, threatening people, intimidating people live on TV for all to see and via Twitter for all to see never the freaking problem?

Oh yeah, I forgot, she sent some emails and he was from Kenya.

I hope we survive this episode as a nation and actually make America great again. Because the current resident of the WH is doing everything he can to destroy it and profit of that.
This is how I know the impeachment hearings are working when you start seeing crap like this.
If you’re criticizing people for their physical appearance, take a look at our president.

Sure but this thread is about Schiff, we have plenty to Trump threads to rip him in.

Also, it isn't necessarily to provide covering fire for Schiff just bc Trump is a dick, these guys are all dicks.
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You most certainly do “right” based on your OP. In fact, you seem to be far, delusional, conspiracy theory right.
Over the years I have ripped the likes of Ronny Raygun, McCain, McConnell, Graham, Trump, the Bushies (especially the Bushies) and their ilk.

I have spoken with admiration towards people like Jimmy Carter, Ron Paul, Dennis Kucinich, Tulsi Gabbard, etc.

I am hardly a right winger, though I will proudly proclaim my fondness for a good conspiracy theory.

It’s much preferred to being a partisan hack.

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