How often do you just ignore calls from you spouse?


HB Legend
Jul 4, 2001
My wife calls all the friggin time. She's done with work and driving home, she calls me, even though she knows I'm still at work. Even if she doesn't have anything important I need to know for the night. She's done with something and driving home from 10 minutes away, she calls me. Tonight she's driving between two practices which are about 20 minutes apart. Other kids are at practices, too. Do you answer and spend 20 minutes of valuable free time talking on the phone or do you ignore it and do what you want for 20 minutes?
When she calls just send her an email and let her know you are currently busy with very important stuff and that you are so successful because of how hard you work doing important stuff.

Be sure to CC the kids.
To answer your question, on those calls that I get form her every few weeks, I never ignore them.
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The KEY to a healthy marriage is Good

Marital communication is a process of
sharing yourself both verbally and non-
verbally in a way that your spouse both
receives and understands what you have
said. The best conversations between a
husband and wife are face to face.
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Never. I like the person I married.

Same here. I can't imagine a point where I would "ignore her". I might refuse to take a call because I'm busy at the moment, but I always immediately send a text telling her when I'll be done with whatever and ask her if it's an emergency or if it can wait.
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Sometimes. Less than 50% but I do. I mean the goodbyes alone can last up to 30 seconds and sometimes I can’t even...
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I generally answer 90% of calls from wife. But they are just when she gets off work and I need to know what the plan is.
Since face to face conversations are the best
way to communicate, the message is conveyed
in three ways.

A. CONTENT......7% of total communication are the
actual words spoken to each other.

B. TONE OF VOICE.....38% of total communication
(anger, happy, abrupt, matter of fact, delighted)

C. BODY LANGUAGE....55% of total communication
{eye contact, frown, smile, stare, hug, pat on the back)
I had an ex that was a habitual caller and called essentially about nothing. Maybe five to ten times a day while I was working. About effing nothing.

The new sbgf never calls, and I'll be honest it is amazing.

I don’t allow her to bring her phone into my’re welcome.
Don’t marry a high maintenance woman, don’t have these problems. My wife would only call me if it’s an emergency.
My wife and I never ignore each other’s calls, but if we’re busy we just say “Hey, I’m right in the middle of something, let me call you back in a bit.”

I wouldn’t interrupt another call or conversation to take a call from my wife unless she called back immediately a second time. Or sent a text saying please call ASAP or something.

We’ve never actually discussed it, just works.
My wife calls all the friggin time. She's done with work and driving home, she calls me, even though she knows I'm still at work. Even if she doesn't have anything important I need to know for the night. She's done with something and driving home from 10 minutes away, she calls me. Tonight she's driving between two practices which are about 20 minutes apart. Other kids are at practices, too. Do you answer and spend 20 minutes of valuable free time talking on the phone or do you ignore it and do what you want for 20 minutes?
I never ignored my ex-wife's calls. However, if I was busy and missed the calls or see that I had missed a call, I was always accused of ignoring the calls. That detail ties into the "ex" part of ex-wife.
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I never ignored my ex-wife's calls. However, if I was busy and missed the calls or see that I had missed a call, I was always accused of ignoring the calls. That detail ties into the "ex" part of ex-wife.
Yep. Ex,never. Current, never. Ex routinely ignored my communication attempts, current, never ignores me. Not that we call each other often, but when we do it's for a reason, or if I'm away to catch up on the day. This makes me think back, there are so many "wtf" moments from TBxW that make me wonder why I put myself through that for so long.
Short answer is never.

Long answer: This made me look back in my phone for the last time we talked on the phone. it was 11 days ago. We text throughout the day and now that we don't have to haul kids around to events, we are rarely in different places so there's no need to call. When one of us is traveling we talk each evening for a while but not multiple times during the day.
What kind of horrible relationship are you in that you ignore a call from your wife? I couldn't imagine that. Life must suck.
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The only time we ever call each other is for an emergency. So never.

Same. We live together, there are very few things we would talk about that are time sensitive. Those can be handled through a text message.

I think the wives that call husbands on the regular are the same people who send you an email and then 30 seconds later, they're at your desk asking you if you got the email.
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You guys are getting this all wrong. It's not that I dont like my wife or we have a bad relationship. I would rather just not talk to her.
My wife calls all the friggin time. She's done with work and driving home, she calls me, even though she knows I'm still at work. Even if she doesn't have anything important I need to know for the night. She's done with something and driving home from 10 minutes away, she calls me. Tonight she's driving between two practices which are about 20 minutes apart. Other kids are at practices, too. Do you answer and spend 20 minutes of valuable free time talking on the phone or do you ignore it and do what you want for 20 minutes?
Not as often as I would like to.
So what I am reading here is that nobody has a wife who calls 30 seconds after she just left the house, and after she just talked to you. Just to talk.