How often do you think about the Roman Empire?

The amazing thing about Rome is there’s so much buried there that nobody will ever see. Same for many other places around Italy.

My wife thinks I’m nuts, but when I retire I’m going to go over there and volunteer on an archaeological dig for a few weeks. I think that would be awesome.

Been there. Done that. You should, it's great and they love volunteers in general.

Re-register as a student and take a class, you can go here.

It also checks off @goldmom 's interest in the Etruscans and the Romans (and after).
Amazing, thanks!

Im overstating if you can just "register as a student" and do it. BUT, that site has a special place in my heart. They created a museum in the local city for the site last year. We were there for the opening as my whole family has worked at that site and I am in a picture hanging in the museum (uncredited of course, but my father is credited).
The amazing thing about Rome is there’s so much buried there that nobody will ever see. Same for many other places around Italy.

My wife thinks I’m nuts, but when I retire I’m going to go over there and volunteer on an archaeological dig for a few weeks. I think that would be awesome.
I would LOVE to spend days just wandering Pompeii and watching the ongoing work.

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