How the American Right Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love Russia


HR King
May 29, 2001
By Emily Tamkin
Ms. Tamkin is the U.S. senior editor at The New Statesman and author of “The Influence of Soros.”

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Last week, before Russian threats toward Ukrainian borders turned into an all-out invasion, one part of the American media landscape questioned why we weren’t supporting the invaders.
“Hating [Russian President Vladimir] Putin has become the central purpose of America’s foreign policy. It’s the main thing that we talk about,” Fox News anchor Tucker Carlson said on Tuesday. “It might be worth asking yourself, since it is getting pretty serious: What is this really about? Why do I hate Putin so much? Has Putin ever called me a racist? Has he threatened to get me fired for disagreeing with him?”
Interviewed on “The Clay Travis & Buck Sexton Show” on Tuesday, former President Donald Trump described Putin as “smart” and “savvy.” Then on Wednesday night, as reports of Russian explosions across Ukraine rolled in, Mr. Trump repeated his admiration for the Russian leader. J. D. Vance, a Republican candidate for Senate in Ohio, said during a Feb. 19 podcast interview with Steve Bannon, Mr. Trump’s former White House chief strategist, “We did not serve in the Marine Corps to go and fight Vladimir Putin because he didn’t believe in transgender rights, which is what the U.S. State Department is saying is a major problem with Russia.” Mr. Bannon, for his part, hailed Mr. Putin as “anti-woke” hours before Russia’s assault on Ukraine.
The American political right was long associated with Cold War hawkishness. But in recent years the trend has shifted toward fawning praise for autocrats, even those leading America’s traditional adversaries, as well as projecting our own culture wars overseas. Where once Russia and other autocracies were seen as anti-democratic, they have now become symbols of U.S. conservatism — a mirror for the right-wing worldview.
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Supporting Mr. Putin, as well as other authoritarian leaders, is yet another way in which the political right is weaponizing culture wars to further divide Americans.
Part of this new paradigm is that foreign policy is now a partisan matter. In 2016, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán offered an endorsement of then-candidate Donald Trump, admiration that was later returned. Mr. Putin’s Russia reportedly meddled in the American election in 2016, and the Russian president has admitted that he wanted Mr. Trump to win. Those amicable relationships trickled down to the Republican voting population, which shifted its views on Mr. Putin’s favorability, which soared from a mere 10 percent in July 2014 to 37 percent in December 2016. A Yahoo News/YouGov poll from January of this year found that 62 percent of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents consider Vladimir Putin a stronger leader than Joe Biden.

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“Strong” may be the key word here. In this construction, a strong leader is apparently one who cracks down on opposition, cultural and political, and does not concede. This idea then dovetails with right-wing ideas that liberal elites are actively corroding deeply held traditional values — including traditional gender roles. For those who spend a fair amount of airtime worrying about the emasculation of men, the kind of strength portrayed by Mr. Putin — who on Monday convened his top security officials and demanded they publicly stand and support him — is perhaps appealing.
Many of the admirers of the world’s strongmen on the American right appear to believe that the countries each of these men lead are beacons of whiteness, Christianity and conservative values. On Wednesday, conservative commentator Rod Dreher wrote, “I adamantly oppose risking the lives of boys from Louisiana and Alabama to make the Donbass safe for genderqueers and migrants.”
These comments, from the right, aren’t exactly advancing a new position. In 2018, political commentator Pat Buchanan said that Mr. Putin and Belarusian dictator Alexander Lukashenko were “standing up for traditional values against Western cultural elites.” He considered the Belarusian Ministry of Internal Affairs to have told a “moral truth” in asserting that same-sex relationships were “fake.” But those traditional values do not include the freedom to political opposition. According to Viasna Human Rights Center, an organization dedicated to keeping track of Belarusian abuses, there are over 1,000 political prisoners in Belarus, many of whom were arrested for peaceful assembly, protesting or daring to engage in political activities.

Russia is neither all white nor all Christian — it is a country that encompasses several regions, religions and ethnicities. Still, it is often perceived as white. White nationalist Richard Spencer has referred to Russia as “the sole white power in the world.” Matthew Heimbach, a founder of the Traditionalist Worker Party who was involved in the 2017 Unite the Right rally, has expressed admiration for Mr. Putin and ultranationalist European political leaders. “Russia is our biggest inspiration,” Mr. Heimbach told The Times in 2016. “I see President Putin as the leader of the free world.” As The Times reported at the time, this construction of Mr. Putin as a beacon of far-right values began with the ultra-far-right nationalists in Europe and later spread to the United States.
But, as the Washington Post opinion writer Christian Caryl wrote in 2018, just as the halcyon image American Communists had of Stalinist Russia in the early 20th century belied the truth of a brutal regime, the Russia celebrated today by conservatives is also, in some ways, a fiction.
In any event, Mr. Putin is not waging a culture war. He is waging real, actual war, in which real, actual lives are already being lost.
But then, why would that matter? The Russia, Ukraine, Hungary and Belarus of conservative pundits’ imaginations are just that: imaginings. Avatars. Projections of themselves. The Russians and Ukrainians who are living — and dying — do not factor into the picture.
Emily Tamkin is the U.S. senior editor at The New Statesman and author of “The Influence of Soros” and the forthcoming “Bad Jews.”

Go away, trolls.

We finally got rid of the Covid Theater after poll numbers plummeted for Dems maybe the “every Republican is a Russian asset” strategy will go way when polling is just as bad. The left’s political playbook just has no creativity. The American Left and Brian Ferentz have a lot in common.
Just stop it with this bullshit. The entire world is against Russia here.
The entire world except Steve Bannin, Richard Spencer, Donald Trump, Tucker Carlson, Dinesh D’Souza, Douglas MacGregor, the 7 Republican congressmen who spent the 4th of July in Moscow, the right wingers chanting “Putin, Putin” at CPAC.

Yeah, the entire world, sans America’s mainstream Republican Party and media.
The entire world except Steve Bannin, Richard Spencer, Donald Trump, Tucker Carlson, Dinesh D’Souza, Douglas MacGregor, the 7 Republican congressmen who spent the 4th of July in Moscow, the right wingers chanting “Putin, Putin” at CPAC.

Yeah, the entire world, sans America’s mainstream Republican Party and media.
Do you have Facebook or any other social media? Look around and see if any of your friends are rooting for Russia. I have tons of conservative friends. CRAZY conservative friends. It's 100% support for Ukraine. Why these dipshit people on TV say what they say I have no idea. Nor do I care.
Why these dipshit people on TV say what they say I have no idea. Nor do I care.
They are following the leader. Trump called Putin's violent military incursion into Ukraine "genius". He said that publicly. Your conservative acquaintances may hold different opinions regarding Ukraine, but Trump's influence over American conservatives and the Republican Party is undeniable. Attendees were waving Russian flags at the CPAC convention this weekend.
We finally got rid of the Covid Theater after poll numbers plummeted for Dems maybe the “every Republican is a Russian asset” strategy will go way when polling is just as bad. The left’s political playbook just has no creativity. The American Left and Brian Ferentz have a lot in common.
Well, say what you will about Brian, but he does t appear to be a Russian stooge, Coff. Did you have a good day being a victim today?
Just stop it with this bullshit. The entire world is against Russia here.
Recent polling: "When it comes to how the US should proceed the partisan divides are far more muted, and in some cases nearly nonexistent. More than 8 in 10, across party lines, backed increased economic sanctions (84% among Democrats and Republicans, 81% among independents), and majorities said the US should be doing more to stop Russia (65% among Republicans, 64% among Democrats and 57% among independents). Similarly, majorities across parties opposed military action should sanctions fail (60% among independents, and 56% each among Democrats and Republicans)."

Do you have Facebook or any other social media? Look around and see if any of your friends are rooting for Russia. I have tons of conservative friends. CRAZY conservative friends. It's 100% support for Ukraine. Why these dipshit people on TV say what they say I have no idea. Nor do I care.
Same. 100% support for Ukraine across all social media platforms and personal conversations.

"Throughout the building tensions in Ukraine over the past few weeks, the messaging from Republican leaders has been consistent: blame Biden, but don’t praise Putin. And the majority of Republican voters don’t trust the Russian president, according to polls taken prior to the invasion. But there have been notable exceptions to this response in recent days, including former President Trump, Fox News host Tucker Carlson and online conspiracy theories among the far right."
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Thought provoking op-ed from the Times. So Russia attacks the Ukraine, which side do everyday working class Republican white nationalist support? Tough question - I've been thinking about it all weekend. Since both countries are white and semi-Christian, I'd say root for the country that is more hostile to transgenders.
Recent polling: "When it comes to how the US should proceed the partisan divides are far more muted, and in some cases nearly nonexistent. More than 8 in 10, across party lines, backed increased economic sanctions (84% among Democrats and Republicans, 81% among independents), and majorities said the US should be doing more to stop Russia (65% among Republicans, 64% among Democrats and 57% among independents). Similarly, majorities across parties opposed military action should sanctions fail (60% among independents, and 56% each among Democrats and Republicans)."

Same. 100% support for Ukraine across all social media platforms and personal conversations.

"Throughout the building tensions in Ukraine over the past few weeks, the messaging from Republican leaders has been consistent: blame Biden, but don’t praise Putin. And the majority of Republican voters don’t trust the Russian president, according to polls taken prior to the invasion. But there have been notable exceptions to this response in recent days, including former President Trump, Fox News host Tucker Carlson and online conspiracy theories among the far right."

So basically 80% of Republicans are now going to pretend that their entire party didn't love Vladimir Putin right up until the tanks started rolling into Ukraine.

Shoot some of their mouthpieces still havn't stopped praising Putin.
So basically 80% of Republicans are now going to pretend that their entire party didn't love Vladimir Putin right up until the tanks started rolling into Ukraine.

Shoot some of their mouthpieces still havn't stopped praising Putin.
Seriously, I don't know a single Republican who loves Putin...not a one. Maybe because most of my Republican friends are pro-military and have always known you NEVER trust Russia. I'm still trying to find a single person who supports Putin outside of some dipshit, grandstanding politicians.
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Seriously, I don't know a single Republican who loves Putin...not a one. Maybe because most of my Republican friends are pro-military and have always known you NEVER trust Russia. I'm still trying to find a single person who supports Putin outside of some dipshit, grandstanding politicians.
This. 100%

Then why do they VOTE for those dipshit grandstanding politicians? Why do they tune into Tucker Carlson every night to where he has one of the highest rated shows out there?

You could say that maybe they don't agree with them on everything but to me it would seem that openly praising a dictator like Putin is a complete non starter. If you admire what Putin has done than it seems to me your plan is to imitate what he has done here.

The votes betray their real loyalties and they are not to the United States or democracy.

If this invasion has hopefully changed their minds then I expect all of the Putin lovers to lose their seats in the next election and Tucker Carlson to lose his show from no one watching it anymore.

But you and I know that won't happen. Maybe Tucker will read the room and stop praising Putin and his audience will somehow manage to forget that he praised Putin for YEARS.
Then why do they VOTE for those dipshit grandstanding politicians? Why do they tune into Tucker Carlson every night to where he has one of the highest rated shows out there?

You could say that maybe they don't agree with them on everything but to me it would seem that openly praising a dictator like Putin is a complete non starter. If you admire what Putin has done than it seems to me your plan is to imitate what he has done here.

The votes betray their real loyalties and they are not to the United States or democracy.
Every iowa politician has come out with support for Ukraine. I would not vote for Trump again, so which votes are you speaking to? I have never watched Tucker Carlson. So I guess I don't know what more you expect. I suspect you are falling for the narrative that the left, especially the left on this board, is trying to spread.
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Then why do they VOTE for those dipshit grandstanding politicians? Why do they tune into Tucker Carlson every night to where he has one of the highest rated shows out there?

You could say that maybe they don't agree with them on everything but to me it would seem that openly praising a dictator like Putin is a complete non starter. If you admire what Putin has done than it seems to me your plan is to imitate what he has done here.

The votes betray their real loyalties and they are not to the United States or democracy.

If this invasion has hopefully changed their minds then I expect all of the Putin lovers to lose their seats in the next election and Tucker Carlson to lose his show from no one watching it anymore.

But you and I know that won't happen. Maybe Tucker will read the room and stop praising Putin and his audience will somehow manage to forget that he praised Putin for YEARS.
Contrary to what many believe on here, not everyone follows every single political nitnoid detail that's pushed out into cyberspace. I know many many people who don't watch Fox News, don't have twitter, FB, etc. They simply vote party line or vote based on the issue of abortion, etc. When we're stuck with an antiquated, 2-party system that thrives on team politics, many people pick what they believe is the lesser of two evils. I've had conversations with Trump voters who have told me they don't really like Trump, but what choice do they have? Progressive leftism is just too much for them to bear.

There's so much more going on that people don't want to dive into. They'd rather just paint with the wide brush and call it a day. (typically, you don't fall into that category, Hoosier, so I'm surprised by your stance).
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Every iowa politician has come out with support for Ukraine. I would not vote for Trump again, so which votes are you speaking to? I have never watched Tucker Carlson. So I guess I don't know what more you expect. I suspect you are falling for the narrative that the left, especially the left on this board, is trying to spread.

You may not watch Tucker Carlson but a lot of the right does. You can see it in the ratings.

I hope you honestly don't vote for Trump again but it's foolish to think that he isn't still extremely popular with the right.

And that man was praising Putin as the tanks were rolling into Ukraine.
Contrary to what many believe on here, not everyone follows every single political nitnoid detail that's pushed out into cyberspace. I know many many people who don't watch Fox News, don't have twitter, FB, etc. They simply vote party line or vote based on the issue of abortion, etc. When we're stuck with an antiquated, 2-party system that thrives on team politics, many people pick what they believe is the lesser of two evils. I've had conversations with Trump voters who have told me they don't really like Trump, but what choice do they have? Progressive leftism is just too much for them to bear.

There's so much more going on that people don't want to dive into. They'd rather just paint with the wide brush and call it a day. (typically, you don't fall into that category, Hoosier, so I'm surprised by your stance).

Because so much of what Trump does should be disqualifying for anyone with any sense. I don't care how much you hate Hilary or Biden or whatever.

And if they are not educated to know what Trump does than they are voting in a completely uneducated manner and it's destroying the country.
You may not watch Tucker Carlson but a lot of the right does. You can see it in the ratings.

I hope you honestly don't vote for Trump again but it's foolish to think that he isn't still extremely popular with the right.

And that man was praising Putin as the tanks were rolling into Ukraine.
I'd LOVE to see someone like Adam Kinzinger take on Trump. I'm so ready for a country without Trump.
He would lose. . . that's the problem. The Republicans consider him a traitor because he defied their Cult leader.
I would love to test that. I know folks like my mom would happily change her vote to Adam.

And any group that makes a golden statue of their leader is a cult.
I absolutely agree. It's sickening.
Every iowa politician has come out with support for Ukraine. I would not vote for Trump again, so which votes are you speaking to? I have never watched Tucker Carlson. So I guess I don't know what more you expect. I suspect you are falling for the narrative that the left, especially the left on this board, is trying to spread.
It’s not a narrative you fool. The op ed is connecting dots that are plain as day. Rs are so invested in culture-warring they’ve effectively become Putin-enablers. The affinity for autocratic types isn’t some made up phenomenon. Trump, who very much wishes to be autocratic, was not elevated and elected by accident.

The R party has devolved into this. The question is why.
Well, this is encouraging:

“White supremacy, neo-Nazism, hate speech and bigotry are disgusting and do not have a home in the Republican Party," RNC chairwoman Ronna McDaniel said."

Rep. Liz Cheney, R-Wyo., said Rep. Paul Gosar, R-Ariz., also appeared by video at the event.

"As Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene and Rep Paul Gosar speak at this white supremacist, anti-Semitic, pro-Putin event, silence by Republican Party leaders is deafening and enabling," Cheney tweeted. "All Americans should renounce this garbage and reject the Putin wing of the GOP now."
I would love to test that. I know folks like my mom would happily change her vote to Adam.

I absolutely agree. It's sickening.

When the right posts someone like Adam Kinsinger as it's nominee I will stop considering them a cult and heck I would probably vote for the guy.

The problem is that in the grand scheme of things you and I both know that's not what's happening. Trump and Desantis are the only people who have a legit shot at the Republican nomination right now.

Maybe. . . hopefully the Ukrainian invasion changes the right's mind but I don't look for it to happen. 1/6 didn't change their minds, half of them think it was Democrats who attacked the capitol.

I don't anticipate this changing their minds either. In fact when it's all over probably 40% of Republicans will believe that it was a false flag and Ukraine invaded itself or something like that.

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