How the American Right Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love Russia

So you are under the assumption that 74 million people are pro Russian? I can give a lot of other reasons why they probably voted for trump over Biden and none of them have anything to do with Russia. Russia was a complete afterthought to both parties. With that being said I will agree there is more Putin sympathy from the far right. But I do believe a lot of the people that voted for trump hate what is going on in Ukraine and are anti putin. Hell, I would say a lot of peoples minds have changed about NATO including myself.
Uh no. Since meddling in our election in 16 to help get their guy in (which should be considered an act of war) Russia was anything but an afterthought on one side at least. There should have been consequences then but of course R's had to pretend it just didn't happen and of course Trump did nothing but fawn over his hero.

Those who paid attention know Biden ran on being tough on Putin and doing the opposite of Trump which was basically to get on his knees and suck the guy's dick. He addressed Vlad directly in one debate and said things would be different and they are thank God.... It's why Putin was so bummed his pawn was thrown out of office. Afterthought my ass.... Only to right wing enablers I guess
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. He will not stand in the way of any abortion as long as the mother wants it.
i hear his next social spending plan is going to be to send every household a wire hanger labeled as a “do it yourself abortion kit”

once we jab you wifes cooter with the hanger, we are gonna grab yer guns, shred your bible and inject your son with some of that trans juice.
It is sadly the Democratic Party policy on abortion.
Can’t believe I’m doing this… I’m going to assume you don’t like abortions. They hurt your feelings. Want to know what has worked to reduce the demand and thus reduce the incidences of the procedure, as well as making it safer when it does occur? Progressive policy. Sadly, your party uses the issue disingenuously. Uses it not to actually keep whittling demand down towards zero, but instead to criminalize it. Gee, what happens when our society criminalizes something for which there will always be some measure of demand? Gee, I wonder.

Want to make abortion nearly obsolete? Help make womens reproductive health care as accessible as possible to all sectors of society. That means, for example, funding the organization (quite ironically from your perspective) maybe most effective in reducing the demand for abortions—Planned fuçking Parenthood.

I’ll stop there. Nothing tells me how unthinking a person is quite like the abortion issue—especially when stated so dumbly as you have.

Think, man.
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Do you have Facebook or any other social media? Look around and see if any of your friends are rooting for Russia. I have tons of conservative friends. CRAZY conservative friends. It's 100% support for Ukraine. Why these dipshit people on TV say what they say I have no idea. Nor do I care.

You should care because their Russian propagated lies are filling the heads of your friends and families when they watch these shows.

Is your position truly that you don’t care that Russian propaganda is delivered to millions of your fellow Conservatives via TV & Radio? You really don’t care about that? Why not?
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Every iowa politician has come out with support for Ukraine. I would not vote for Trump again, so which votes are you speaking to? I have never watched Tucker Carlson. So I guess I don't know what more you expect. I suspect you are falling for the narrative that the left, especially the left on this board, is trying to spread.

Thank you @Keehawk

Seriously, thank you man. Country over Individual. Remember that. Our values and principles as a Nation will carry on long after we are all gone. That’s why we are Americans and that’s what makes us and others that hold to these ideals special.
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You should care because their Russian propagated lies are filling the heads of your friends and families when they watch these shows.

Is your position truly that you don’t care that Russian propaganda is delivered to millions of your fellow Conservatives via TV & Radio? You really don’t care about that? Why not?
My friends and family are 100% behind Ukraine. So, again I don't know what you guys are asking. Maybe don't fall for the bullshit division being spread by vocal minorities. That'd be my advice to you.
My friends and family are 100% behind Ukraine. So, again I don't know what you guys are asking. Maybe don't fall for the bullshit division being spread by vocal minorities. That'd be my advice to you.
look at the facts and use some common sense!!