How to stop fake news…


HB All-American
Sep 28, 2013
Finland is one of the top nations in the world in education, and #1 in the world in discerning between fake news and legitimate news. They teach it in schools, at an early age, because Russia is constantly bombarding them with fake news and propaganda.

Yet in the U.S. we have one political party spreading fake news (pro Russia, election deniers, immigrants eating pets, etc.). One party is trying to degrade public education to keep the masses stupid. And it’s why we can’t have nice things…

We need to be more like Finland

I’ve said for some time we need classes for media literacy. Teach kids how to identify fake or misleading stories, how to find the truth, how to analyze the reliability of various sources of information,etc.

We are increasingly living in a world where most Americans live in a world that doesn’t match reality.
I’ve said for some time we need classes for media literacy. Teach kids how to identify fake or misleading stories, how to find the truth, how to analyze the reliability of various sources of information,etc.

We are increasingly living in a world where most Americans live in a world that doesn’t match reality.
donald trump GIF
Finland is one of the top nations in the world in education, and #1 in the world in discerning between fake news and legitimate news. They teach it in schools, at an early age, because Russia is constantly bombarding them with fake news and propaganda.

Yet in the U.S. we have one political party spreading fake news (pro Russia, election deniers, immigrants eating pets, etc.). One party is trying to degrade public education to keep the masses stupid. And it’s why we can’t have nice things…

We need to be more like Finland

It would help if we can all acknowledge first that fake news and propaganda has no political affiliation. It can come from the left or the right.
It would help if we can all acknowledge first that fake news and propaganda has no political affiliation. It can come from the left or the right.
Absolutely, neither side should turn a blind eye to fake news. But there is one party that seems as if their followers will go to their graves believing fake news, even when their leaders admit to making it up.

Maybe their MSM isnt a political arm of one two of the parties

FOX has been the propaganda ministry of the GOP for decades.

MSNBC and CNN have tried to adopt the FOX food-fight-and-misinformation-over-facts model, with varying degrees of success. In the process, MSNBC sometimes seems like the propaganda ministry for Dems, but other times isn't. Meanwhile, CNN often seems clueless about whose propaganda to spew. More Dem than GOP, but inconsistent.
Absolutely, neither side should turn a blind eye to fake news. But there is one party that seems as if their followers will go to their graves believing fake news, even when their leaders admit to making it up.

For sure the echo chamber right spews more nonsense than the echo chamber left. They exhibit much more certainty about their "facts."
Absolutely, neither side should turn a blind eye to fake news. But there is one party that seems as if their followers will go to their graves believing fake news, even when their leaders admit to making it up.

Dude, did you read the article you linked? The headline itself is misleading and misrepresents JD’s position.

He did not “admit” to making up stories like the headline represents. He said he is willing to continue pushing claims until all of the evidence is available. He said he will do that in order to flush out all of the details rather than the MSM ignoring it. That is blatantly against what the headline states and no quote in the that article says JD “makes up crazy stories” as the headline written states.

SMH - This thread needs to die already. OP posts misleading propaganda in a thread promoting less propaganda.
Dude, did you read the article you linked? The headline itself is misleading and misrepresents JD’s position.

He did not “admit” to making up stories like the headline represents. He said he is willing to continue pushing claims until all of the evidence is available. He said he will do that in order to flush out all of the details rather than the MSM ignoring it. That is blatantly against what the headline states and no quote in the that article says JD “makes up crazy stories” as the headline written states.

SMH - This thread needs to die already. OP posts misleading propaganda in a thread promoting less propaganda.
Dude, did you hear what Vance said? He said he will make up stories to get the media to focus on something. He admits to pushing the fake claims of immigrants eating pets, so media will focus on immigration. That is the definition of fake news.

Dude, did you hear what Vance said? He said he will make up stories to get the media to focus on something. He admits to pushing the fake claims of immigrants eating pets, so media will focus on immigration. That is the definition of fake news.

He did not say “I will make up stories.”

He said he will push claims (that others make) believing that some may still be true. That of course is silly but he is not directly making up stories himself which is what the headline you posted directly states and is misleading itself.

The purpose of your thread is identifying fake and misleading news and how to train people to identify it when it happens. Don’t post misleading headlines as your prime example when misleading headlines are part of the overall problem.
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It did not help matters when the president of the U.S. Senate announced that he personally held copies of Mitt Ronney's tax returns ... which as we all now know, he did not. He later bragged about telling this lie and accordingly he now has a major airport named after him.

The Russia hoax news fleshed out originally in the Steele Report has to this point gone unanswered. That marked a significant inflection point in this issue even though it was the vilest episode of this nature in the history of American Media.

The perpetrators of the hoax, instead of going to prison, ended up having developed the model for fake news which everyone else now follows.

... just get the fake stories out there and repeat them over and over until they become part of our reality.

The problem is that the victims cannot sue for slander without actually compounding the negative impact of the stories. To this point, nearly all of the victims have decided to ride it out. At some point, that will change, but only when victims start suing the perpetrators into bankruptcy.

I found it interesting that Christopher Steele was able to testify truthfully in a court of law that he simply created the entire "Trump likes to hire prostitutes to pee on him" story from thin air, collect a middling amount of money, and go on about his affairs. He created an entire industry because to this point, no one is being held accountable.

Stories about people eating filet-of-cat are small change compared to the grandaddy of all fake news, the
Steele Report.
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He did not say “I will make up stories.”

He said he will push claims (that others make) believing that some may still be true. That of course is silly but he is not directly making up stories himself which is what the headline you posted directly states and is misleading itself.

The purpose of your thread is identifying fake and misleading news and how to train people to identify it when it happens. Don’t post misleading headlines as your prime example when misleading headlines are part of the overall problem.
OK, so you believe Vance and Trump that immigrants are eating our cats, eating our dogs….they're eating our pets.

Vance refuses to admit it isn’t happening in his own state, even when everyone in the town of Springfield, the Governor of the state, and city officials said it never happened. The lady that started the rumor (on social media) admitted her lost cat eventually returned home.

Trump couldn’t even come up with a source for the fake news that he spread during the debate. When fact checked, he said “Well, I saw it on TV”. What a dumbass!
OK, so you believe Vance and Trump that immigrants are eating our cats, eating our dogs….they're eating our pets.

Vance refuses to admit it isn’t happening in his own state, even when everyone in the town of Springfield, the Governor of the state, and city officials said it never happened. The lady that started the rumor (on social media) admitted her lost cat eventually returned home.

Trump couldn’t even come up with a source for the fake news that he spread during the debate. When fact checked, he said “Well, I saw it on TV”. What a dumbass!
It’s a bad narrative. No arguments there. I am totally on board with education to help people identify fake news. But that needs to extend to media bias training as well. That article you linked is a great example of how a single headline can twist the context of the story and misrepresent a political candidate to the reader.

Let us not forget the Steele Dossier that involved numerous media outlets all pushing the same narrative that has now been debunked. That was coordination between political party, several three-letter government agencies, and multiple global media outlets!

This shit happens on both sides. In a thread about propaganda, let’s remember it can come from anywhere and everywhere and our kids need to learn how to properly identify not just some of it, but all of it!
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It’s a bad narrative. No arguments there. I am totally on board with education to help people identify fake news. But that needs to extend to media bias training as well. That article you linked is a great example of how a single headline can twist the context of the story and misrepresent a political candidate to the reader.

Let us not forget the Steele Dossier that involved numerous media outlets all pushing the same narrative that has now been debunked. That was coordination between political party, several three-letter government agencies, and multiple global media outlets!

This shit happens on both sides. In a thread about propaganda, let’s remember it can come from anywhere and everywhere and our kids need to learn how to properly identify not just some of it, but all of it!
I agree with you that it happens on both sides. The purpose of my thread, is that I wish our country did a better job of teaching our students to discern between fake and real news, in an effort to reduce the negative effect of foreign government’s attempts at spreading disinformation, as well as people in our own country that spread fake news for political or personal gain.
I agree with you that it happens on both sides. The purpose of my thread, is that I wish our country did a better job of teaching our students to discern between fake and real news, in an effort to reduce the negative effect of foreign government’s attempts at spreading disinformation, as well as people in our own country that spread fake news for political or personal gain.
Spot on!
I’ve said for some time we need classes for media literacy. Teach kids how to identify fake or misleading stories, how to find the truth, how to analyze the reliability of various sources of information,etc.

We are increasingly living in a world where most Americans live in a world that doesn’t match reality.
Is the United Nations documents telling us they want freedom of movement in regards to immigration considered misinformation to you?

How many United Nations documents have you actually read? Because I have read a lot and you personally have considered most of it misinformation. So it seems you don't have a very good sense of truth vs. misinformation.
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It would help if we can all acknowledge first that fake news and propaganda has no political affiliation. It can come from the left or the right.
I agree with this. Logic, reason and critical thinking are one of the great hallmarks of our forefathers and I believe one of the reasons we have such a great country.

It does seem that this is waning in the face of social media influencers, “journalists” with an agenda and foreign influence making up or spinning “facts” to fit their preferred narrative.

I also agree both sides do this, although my (probably biased) lens says this happens about 2x as often on the right as the left.
Is the United Nations documents telling us they want freedom of movement in regards to immigration considered misinformation to you?

How many United Nations documents have you actually read? Because I have read a lot and you personally have considered most of it misinformation. So it seems you don't have a very good sense of truth vs. misinformation.
I speak for all when I say HUH? WTF was that word salad supposed to say?
It’s a bad narrative. No arguments there. I am totally on board with education to help people identify fake news. But that needs to extend to media bias training as well. That article you linked is a great example of how a single headline can twist the context of the story and misrepresent a political candidate to the reader.

Let us not forget the Steele Dossier that involved numerous media outlets all pushing the same narrative that has now been debunked. That was coordination between political party, several three-letter government agencies, and multiple global media outlets!

This shit happens on both sides. In a thread about propaganda, let’s remember it can come from anywhere and everywhere and our kids need to learn how to properly identify not just some of it, but all of it!
The article didn't twist anything. Vance makes stuff up. He admitted to doing it. It's not difficult to grasp. This is the shit that drives me nuts about the right. You're still trying to defend him. Seriously WTF
Maybe their MSM isnt a political arm of one of the parties
So full of shit. What you're really saying here is that anything not directly controlled by Republicans/cons is a political arm of the Democratic party. Which is bullshit. If only it were true. You can see the actual in the 2024 Presidential campaign coverage. The MSM desperately sane-washes Trump and tries to find any "both sides" bullshit it can fling at Harris/Walz.

She needs to do more interviews! She needs to provide more policy specifics/depth!
It would help if we can all acknowledge first that fake news and propaganda has no political affiliation. It can come from the left or the right.
I bet all of us have a “BS meter” hidden in our gray matter but with some of us it’s been turned off or was never awakened.
I bet it’s connected to that part of our mind that fosters curiosity and if we just try we can activate it?
Be curious
Ask questions
Consider the source
Who has something to gain by what they’re selling
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The article didn't twist anything. Vance makes stuff up. He admitted to doing it. It's not difficult to grasp. This is the shit that drives me nuts about the right. You're still trying to defend him. Seriously WTF
This is an example of why I think we have some trolls and bots on here. Rigidly stick to what you’re programmed or paid to say. Never truly read what someone with a different POV might state in a pretty reasonable manner, just go on autopilot and try to shut them down.
That’s dangerous and counterproductive and I don’t think it displays thoughtfulness at all.
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The idea that you believe it illustrates how badly we need those classes. The media isn't an arm of one political party. That's idiotic.
Do the first two letters of your sig name stand for Chinese or Communist Operative?
Ask your handler if you’re allowed to answer. 😉
He did not say “I will make up stories.”

He said he will push claims (that others make) believing that some may still be true. That of course is silly but he is not directly making up stories himself which is what the headline you posted directly states and is misleading itself.

The purpose of your thread is identifying fake and misleading news and how to train people to identify it when it happens. Don’t post misleading headlines as your prime example when misleading headlines are part of the overall problem.
If I have to create stories so the American media starts paying attention to the American people's suffering then that's what I'm going to do Dana.
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Finland is one of the top nations in the world in education, and #1 in the world in discerning between fake news and legitimate news. They teach it in schools, at an early age, because Russia is constantly bombarding them with fake news and propaganda.

Yet in the U.S. we have one political party spreading fake news (pro Russia, election deniers, immigrants eating pets, etc.). One party is trying to degrade public education to keep the masses stupid. And it’s why we can’t have nice things…

We need to be more like Finland

@seminole97 Case in point.
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"We need to be more like Finland"

Let's do it!

Finland–Russia border barrier​

The Finland–Russia border barrier (Finnish: Itärajan esteaita, Swedish: Gränsstaket vid östgränsen) is an under construction border barrier in Finland along the Finland–Russia border.[1] The border barrier began to be built in response to the 2022 Russian Invasion of Ukraine by the Marin Cabinet,[2] and gained increased popularity due to the use of migrants in hybrid warfare by the Russian Federation.[3] The border barrier is to be approx. 200 kilometres (120 mi) long,[4] covering roughly 15% of the 1,340-kilometre (830 mi) border. The construction of the border barrier began in Imatra on 28 February 2023, and construction is set to be complete in 2027 or 2028.[5]

The border barrier is to be built by the Finnish Border Guard,[6] and the border barrier is to be equipped with razor wire and cameras. The border barrier is predicted to cost around 380 million euros.

Finland Passes Law to Turn Away Asylum Seekers at Border​

The country last year closed all land crossings with Russia, accusing Moscow of trying to weaponize migration. Russian authorities have called the accusations “unsubstantiated.”

Parliament voted 167 to 31 to approve the bill, which would be in place for a year. Because it is an expedited constitutional amendment, it required more than the typical supermajority to pass.

The legislation gives the authorities the power to halt the acceptance of asylum applications at the border for up to a month at a time — and to remove migrants who had already made it into the country in hopes of seeking asylum. Forcing people back over a border, a practice known as “pushbacks,” is illegal under European and international law.
But ahead of its passage, the bill appeared to be largely supported by the Finnish public. About 65 percent of Finns said they were in favor of the law, with just 19 percent saying they were opposed, according to a survey commissioned by a prominent Finnish newspaper in late June.

Finnish officials have claimed Moscow is encouraging and helping an influx of migrants to cross the border, in hopes of stoking polarization within the country. More than 1,300 people have crossed the Finnish-Russian border to seek asylum since last summer, according to border authorities, largely coming from third countries in the Middle East and Africa. Russia, however, has denied deliberately shuttling migrants to the Finland border.

The border closures Finland implemented have been effective: Since December, only some 35 migrants have crossed illegally into the country from Russia, according to the Finnish broadcaster Yle.
Do the first two letters of your sig name stand for Chinese or Communist Operative?
Ask your handler if you’re allowed to answer. 😉
No, it's for Colorado where I lived when I set up this account long ago. You don't know what communism is. So it's hard to take you seriously.
I speak for all when I say HUH? WTF was that word salad supposed to say?
So Im guessing you have not read any of the United nations documents. We could argue about how to interpret what they say in those documents, but unfortunately, people like you think everything I say about what is in those documents are all conspiracy. Your lack of knowledge shows me how uninformed most people are about the globalists agenda. You should try educating yourself about the agenda of the globalists.

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