How Tommy Tubberville cut players

He is an epic level POS.

You left out his honorable post-coaching career, in which he stole millions from investors in a Ponzi scheme, had his business partner take the fall for him, then went on to have the people he stole money from elect him to the US senate.
You left out his honorable post-coaching career, in which he stole millions from investors in a Ponzi scheme, had his business partner take the fall for him, then went on to have the people he stole money from elect him to the US senate.
Wow, he had them elect him to the Senate. Same people? He is good
You left out his honorable post-coaching career, in which he stole millions from investors in a Ponzi scheme, had his business partner take the fall for him, then went on to have the people he stole money from elect him to the US senate.
Ah, what a country, when failed humans fill the halls of Congress and failed humans who are convicted felons can run a nationwide cult and be nominated for president.
Maybe the people who disagree have integrity.
Take a look around at the teams who win Natty's. Integrity is not a priority. I'd rather see my team win it all if that meant we had to stoop to the level of the competition. I guess you're good with outback bowl appearances lol.
And yet, there are more than a few posters around here who wouldn’t mind a sleazy, corrupt HC if it meant Iowa was a consistent NC contender.

Um, if that’s what it would take for Iowa to win a natty, sign me the fvck up. Anyone who disagrees is full of shit.

Being dishonorable and a thief. Sounds like Hillary, Barack, Joe, Kamala etc .. You sure you got the right perspective?
So you're saying all politicians are lying rotten bastards that you gullible common folk put way too much trust in, at least when they're on your side of the political tribe?

Yeaaahhh that's what I thought. No more politics in the football board. :)
college football has no integrity, the last of it vanished with the shit show we have now with zero consequences for stealing money then transferring out

But that's also why my interest is down from what it normally is. Iowa has always done it the right way and we win (albeit really ugly and with defense). Now I just feel like our top players will be stolen or bought.

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