How would you fix the immigration issue at the southern border?


HB All-American
Gold Member
Nov 17, 2021
First off, I have always been a liberal or progressive or whatever you want to call it, some might say I am for good social programs, especially with all the wealth we have in this country.

So with that knowledge my solution to what everyone argues about concerning the souther border is to use a very reductionist technique to solving the problem. Reductionism in various disciplines is to take complex situations and problems and reduce their complexity.

If I had the power backing of those in charge I would mobilize the national guard, military, and the border states with Border Patrol and other entities to TOTALLY CLOSE DOWN the border except for necessary business trade. Necessary is defined as perishable foods and crops, emergencies, and normal US passport citizen travel. But no non-US citizen entry. This stops the problem that people are bitching about. Non-US citizens hopping walls and swimming rivers etc would be immediately turned back.

We would have plans in place then to very soon start opening certain spots to process immigration entry.

I would reduce the problem to ZERO and then slowing increase entry to worker visa and asylum levels that can be processed in real time. This should satisfy most all rational american citizens except those crazies on both ends of the spectrum.

How would you solve the problem.
I should say I am for some immigration levels as farmers know we need people to help with ag related work. And some people are fleeing true death squads.
I'd have armed guards and shoot people that cross illegally only takes a couple to send the message... if you want to come, file your paperwork, wait your turn, and use the door.
Deport, deport, deport and deport. Then deport more.

Pass legislation that makes it illegal for any private or government entity to fund, aid or abet illegal crossers.

Pass legislation severely restricting asylum seekers.

Stop all aid to any country that is complicit in the flow of migration.

Militarize the southern border and set up incarceration camps similar to Maricopa County.
Deport, deport, deport and deport. Then deport more.

Pass legislation that makes it illegal for any private or government entity to fund, aid or abet illegal crossers.

Pass legislation severely restricting asylum seekers.

Stop all aid to any country that is complicit in the flow of migration.

Militarize the southern border and set up incarceration camps similar to Maricopa County.
I have a good friend who has 2 sons in the national guard. He's said if his sons are called up to round up women and kids they are out as soon as they meet the terms of their enlistment. CBP is already understaffed because the job is hard, and requires you to sit in remote, hot parts of the country. Who do you think is going to run and set up all the camps? Do you think recruitment in the military will be adversely affected if the commercials feature men and women rounding up illegals? How are you funding your mass deportation campaign? Will you be willing to show your papers at checkpoints?
Deport, deport, deport and deport. Then deport more.

Pass legislation that makes it illegal for any private or government entity to fund, aid or abet illegal crossers.

Pass legislation severely restricting asylum seekers.

Stop all aid to any country that is complicit in the flow of migration.

Militarize the southern border and set up incarceration camps similar to Maricopa County.
Why set up camps when you can just not let them in.

Again, setting up camps for detention is part of the problem now.

I say stop it 100% with plans in place to only let in workers and needed asylum seekers. Other people are going to come into the country via college enrollment or at the coastal and northern borders. But those borders dont seem the be where the hatred is.

Plus shutting the border down gets rid of all the lying and yelling done by all politicians and citizens about the issue.
We saw how serious the GQP is about immigration reform when a bi-partisan bill was struck down because Orange Jesus wanted the mayhem to continue. You want to secure the border, start with comprehensive immigration reform. Bring undocumented workers out of the shadows to decrease the incentive for people like Donald Trump to keep employing them at his golf courses. Streamline the legal proceedings around asylum. Hire more judges and case workers. Work with our Southern neighbors more closely.
For those that initially evade the border patrol but who are later caught.
In my close it all down to begin with plan there would be 24-7 coverage of the border and no one is getting across from california to east texas. We would have all kinds of people guarding the border.

We had 25 million people in uniform in WW2 so pay some national guards to come down, active duty military, etc people in uniform to help local law enforcement and border patrol.

The navy would be there with marines to have boats up and down the rio grande. They would ferry people right back to Mexico. What is Mexico going to do about it anyway?

Then slowly open a small number of site entry ways to let a controlled number of people in.

Trump is a dick head saying he had a good border and even more of a dick head with dick head speaker johnson for blocking passage of the Lankford bill.
End all incentives to illegal immigration that were created and promoted by Obama/Biden Admins.

Make declaring asylum at a port of entry mandatory. No proper declaration, zero chance of ever becoming a citizen. No excuses, no exceptions.

End anchor babies immigration law and the knock on effects of this incentive that Dems use to justify their policies.

Mass immigration is intentional and has its roots in globalist / non-US designs for ending US individualism in a globalist future.

Foreigners have set and are conducting our immigration policies, Biden and Dem cronies are merely the tools of their designs.
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End all incentives to illegal immigration that were created and promoted by Obama/Biden Admins.

Make declaring asylum at a port of entry mandatory. No proper declaration, zero chance of ever becoming a citizen. No excuses, no exceptions.

End anchor babies immigration law and the knock on effects of this incentive that Dems use to justify their policies.

Mass immigration is intentional and has its roots in globalist / non-US designs for ending US individualism in a globalist future.

Foreigners have set and are conducting our immigration policies, Biden and Dem cronies are merely the tools of their designs.

Also, have the new supeme court revisit the ruling that requires us to provide K-12 education to illegals.
First, shutting down the border using military, NG, police, etc is stupid and would be monstrously expensive trying to solve a problem that isn't monstrously expensive.

Want to actually fix the problem?

Change the requirements for asylum. Right now they have to be in the country, with or without a valid entry (meaning they don't have to be inspected at a port of entry). Make it easier to make an asylum claim outside the country, but change it so it's not a requirement to be inside the country. Get the asylum "visa" before entering. They can't do that now.

Change the visa requirements. Depending on the reason and country, there are people on a decade long waiting list to get a visa (depending on the type of visa they are looking for). Again depending on the country, many times they get frustrated and just come, get inside the country and claim asylum.

Hire more people in DHS to process entry/adjustment forms. A ton of the "illegals" are nonimmigrant overstays whose extensions/adjustment forms have been unprocessed for years and their original visa ran out while waiting. If they stay, they're overstays and technically "illegal", if they leave, their form gets denied because there is a residence requirement.
First off, I have always been a liberal or progressive or whatever you want to call it, some might say I am for good social programs, especially with all the wealth we have in this country.

So with that knowledge my solution to what everyone argues about concerning the souther border is to use a very reductionist technique to solving the problem. Reductionism in various disciplines is to take complex situations and problems and reduce their complexity.

If I had the power backing of those in charge I would mobilize the national guard, military, and the border states with Border Patrol and other entities to TOTALLY CLOSE DOWN the border except for necessary business trade. Necessary is defined as perishable foods and crops, emergencies, and normal US passport citizen travel. But no non-US citizen entry. This stops the problem that people are bitching about. Non-US citizens hopping walls and swimming rivers etc would be immediately turned back.

We would have plans in place then to very soon start opening certain spots to process immigration entry.

I would reduce the problem to ZERO and then slowing increase entry to worker visa and asylum levels that can be processed in real time. This should satisfy most all rational american citizens except those crazies on both ends of the spectrum.

How would you solve the problem.
Enforce the current laws, deport all here illegally, re-write the law about citizenship for children born here to illegals or anyone not legally working through the immigration process.
There is a need for legal immigration and legal migrant worker visas. Most migrant workers send that money back out of the country.
I would require some sort of sponsorship, be it through families or organizations. Sponsors would be required to provide housing and funding for 60-90 days, and in that time, I would require that a hearing be held to determine whether they should be allowed to remain in the US. Missing the hearing results in automatic deportation.
No sponsorship, no entry.
Mandatory E-verify

Reform and expand work visa programs

End birthright citizenship
Online submissions for any status, you’ll be queued into a respective list and scheduled for a day to appear at the port of entry for vetting, processing and presentation of official documents and also for a hearing for determining your application. Applicants rejected and in good standing can reapply after one year, but must return to their home country in the interim. Because congress refused to pass legislation to commit more resources into the system the wait time for your official hearing may take years. Expedite the process for those cases where a clear danger exists to the applicants.
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Short Term
1. Announce that the US border is closed to asylum seekers and illegals and blanket every country of this fact. Create a rule that if encountered at the border during this time, you and your immediate family are barred from applying for citizenship for a twenty-year term.
2. Work with Mexico to close their southern border to help with number one. If the flow is slowed at the southern Mexican border through incentives and the threat of sanctions, it will help our problems.
3. Write a new immigration law that anyone employing an illegal worker is subject to twenty years in federal prison for each count. This would apply to hiring managers, operations managers, and company owners. Creating jobs is one of the biggest problems we have with immigration.
4. Construct illegal and asylum courts at points of entry. These will be able to "house" folks while awaiting trial and be staffed to get through our backlog of cases.
5. During construction, inform every illegal alien and asylum seeker who was released into the country that they must report by "this date." Failure to report results in loss of work authorization and lifetime expulsion
6. Create rules to deal with backlog of cases and going forward
  • How to determine valid asylum seekers
  • Is there a path to citizenship for long-term residents who have not been convicted of a crime and have paid taxes
  • Migrant workers
  • expulsion rules
7. Reopen as soon as the backlog is under control

Long Term

1. Rewrite immigration laws, mainly how we deal with asylum seekers.. Part of the law will include funding for proper staffing so that asylum and encounter cases are dealt with in days, not years
2. Create better use of technology to monitor the path of the known pathways to use our Border Patrol forces better.
3. Legislate that if a state, county, or city wants to be a "sanctuary," that is great; however, that decision will result in a loss of federal funds. Allowing illegals a safe haven invites more illegals, you can explain to your residents why your roads are garbage
4. Part of immigration reform has to be an easier-to-use, easier-to-understand path to citizenship. This country will need legal immigration; in the current format, only immigration attorneys benefit.

Few other ideas, but that would be a start
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Open the border up. Let the immigrants have Texas and Florida. Also make DeSantis and Abbott give hand jobs to any immigrant who wants one.
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I always felt a wall was a bad way to go and a waste of money. Just dig a 60 foot deep moat and it becomes a wall. And put an electric fence at the top, if they somehow manage to make it out. And because we are humane, put a ladder on the southern side of it so they can get out on their side easily.
Sky High Boom GIF by California Army National Guard
World War Ii Vintage GIF by US National Archives
armed machine gun GIF
Write a new immigration law that anyone employing an illegal worker is subject to twenty years in federal prison for each count. This would apply to hiring managers, operations managers, and company owners. Creating jobs is one of the biggest problems we have with immigration.

Florida’s law isn’t that harsh in terms of jail time, more business licensing problems and fines I believe, but @TC Nole OX hasn't updated us lately on whether or not it destroyed Florida’s economy.
Enforce the current laws, deport all here illegally, re-write the law about citizenship for children born here to illegals or anyone not legally working through the immigration process.
There is a need for legal immigration and legal migrant worker visas. Most migrant workers send that money back out of the country.

Per existing law, most people here "illegally" aren't deportable. Entering without inspection is a civil violation, not a criminal violation. They have to commit a crime to be deported.

And no, that's not a new law, it's decades old.
I would stand there with a clip board and I would 1 by 1 ask them "what do you want to do when you grow up" and if I'm impressed I will let them in, and if not I will tell them to leave, but ones I am on the fence about I will ask them to have a seat until I make up my mind.
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Border wall like Egypt has between them and Palestine and drones manning it
Per existing law, most people here "illegally" aren't deportable. Entering without inspection is a civil violation, not a criminal violation. They have to commit a crime to be deported.

And no, that's not a new law, it's decades old.

Your post is 100% bullshit!

You let Border Patrol do their job. Catch illegals crossing and put them back. At some point though politicians on both sides need to actual work on the issue. You can't let everyone in but you can't just throw everyone back either. Create more ports of entries. Work on backlogged immigrant's cases. This is the best place to live and people want to be here so figure it out
It's really easy to fix immigration, if you wanted to. But they don't want to.

1. Seriously disincent employers from hiring illegals. Like serious fines and jail time for executives. $25k/day per employee, plus jail. It stops pretty instantly.

2. Fix immigration to align with seasons and needs, to get people in legally that do the work we need them to do.

3. Significantly prosecute illegal immigrants after 1 and 2.
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