How would you fix the immigration issue at the southern border?

We've basically had this problem forever. Remember everyone freaking out about all of the illegal immigration during the Bush years? Of course not but it was happening in big numbers back then and prior.
Here is ONE article and I won't speak to it's credibility. It claims that there are about the same number of illegals living in the country as there were in 2016.

So the article is claiming that since 2016 border crossings plus visa's is equal to deportations?,... Bullshit, obviously not credible.
Why would we ever allow people into the country that aren't legally allowed to work. That might be a starting point. I do agree with more of our republican friends here. We can't be the bleeding heart liberals that think everyones great. If you want to come here have a job/purpose. Canada aint letting you in, neither should we.
First off, I have always been a liberal or progressive or whatever you want to call it, some might say I am for good social programs, especially with all the wealth we have in this country.

So with that knowledge my solution to what everyone argues about concerning the souther border is to use a very reductionist technique to solving the problem. Reductionism in various disciplines is to take complex situations and problems and reduce their complexity.

If I had the power backing of those in charge I would mobilize the national guard, military, and the border states with Border Patrol and other entities to TOTALLY CLOSE DOWN the border except for necessary business trade. Necessary is defined as perishable foods and crops, emergencies, and normal US passport citizen travel. But no non-US citizen entry. This stops the problem that people are bitching about. Non-US citizens hopping walls and swimming rivers etc would be immediately turned back.

We would have plans in place then to very soon start opening certain spots to process immigration entry.

I would reduce the problem to ZERO and then slowing increase entry to worker visa and asylum levels that can be processed in real time. This should satisfy most all rational american citizens except those crazies on both ends of the spectrum.

How would you solve the problem.
Totally agree that's a reasonable step 1. Right behind that has to be a reform of the application process and increase of legal immigration quotas. No excuse for it to take years to process an application for legal migrant status.

Personally I'd increase it to 2 million/year.

I'd also advocate we treat it more like the UK, where people have to show they are going to be productive and not a drain on society, but have some wiggle room there.
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I won't defend it.

But why is it wrong? Just because someone says it is?

It's called math...

Just for 2023
Approximate border encounters = 2,000,000
Immigrant Visas = 562,976
Deportations = 205,125

(2,000,000 + 562,976) - 205,125 = 2,357,851 additional illegal and/or short term immigrants entered the US during 2023
It's called math...

Just for 2023
Approximate border encounters = 2,000,000
Immigrant Visas = 562,976
Deportations = 205,125

(2,000,000 + 562,976) - 205,125 = 2,357,851 additional illegal and/or short term immigrants entered the US during 2023
Ok. How many were expelled? I read 3 million over 3 years.

Not sure if you should count Visa's.

Just trying to get to the facts. Your numbers are helpful.
Not to the cult members. Not to the so called evangelicals who support Orange Jesus. They are sub human.
No, if they haven't filed for asylum, legal immigration, a green card, or have a visa or pass port... they're a criminal coming here illegally. I am in favor of legal immigration. I like knowing who is trying to enter the country and why. I like people to follow the rules like my step mom who is a legal immigrant from Germany.
Most of what you said about him is false. The claim of being a felon is a complete joke and a black eye for the NY justice system. How nice of you to downplay inflation. The average American family now pays an additional $1100 more every month just to maintain same standard of living. You chose to downplay it as only "$.34 less per gallon". Are you lacking integrity?

Why do you hate Americans having jobs and making more money than they did in 2020? Numbers don't really lie. Don't forget also, Trump threw a bunch of free money to everyone in 2020. Biden had a stimulus too, but it's not as miserable of a picture you're trying to paint

The Biden administration called the analysis "flawed." Citing federal labor data, a White House spokesman noted that per capita disposable income has risen 16% since December 2020, just prior to President Joe Biden's inauguration.

"14 million more Americans have jobs today than when President Biden took office and household disposable income is up by almost $21,000 since December 2020," the spokesman said in a statement to CBS MoneyWatch.
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Why do you hate Americans having jobs and making more money than they did in 2020? Numbers don't really lie. Don't forget also, Trump threw a bunch of free money to everyone in 2020. Biden had a stimulus too, but it's not as miserable of a picture you're trying to paint

The Biden administration called the analysis "flawed." Citing federal labor data, a White House spokesman noted that per capita disposable income has risen 16% since December 2020, just prior to President Joe Biden's inauguration.

"14 million more Americans have jobs today than when President Biden took office and household disposable income is up by almost $21,000 since December 2020," the spokesman said in a statement to CBS MoneyWatch.
Yes, Trump threw away lots of stimulus money in 2020 and all the Democrats were onboard with it. I disagreed with him and all the Democrats.

Your source for state of the economy and well being of Americans is incredibly flawed. I can post 20 of these articles even from liberal sources.
Why do you hate Americans having jobs and making more money than they did in 2020? Numbers don't really lie. Don't forget also, Trump threw a bunch of free money to everyone in 2020. Biden had a stimulus too, but it's not as miserable of a picture you're trying to paint

The Biden administration called the analysis "flawed." Citing federal labor data, a White House spokesman noted that per capita disposable income has risen 16% since December 2020, just prior to President Joe Biden's inauguration.

"14 million more Americans have jobs today than when President Biden took office and household disposable income is up by almost $21,000 since December 2020," the spokesman said in a statement to CBS MoneyWatch.
Well, the Biden administration would never lie so this must be true. 🤣🤣🤣

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