How would you fix the immigration issue at the southern border?

Are you going to take their place? How about you and every other tough talker sign up with the CBP and get a little trigger time in? It isn't like you have a career or family to leave behind when you report to Brownsville.
Starship Troopers GIF
Are you going to take their place? How about you and every other tough talker sign up with the CBP and get a little trigger time in? It isn't like you have a career or family to leave behind when you report to Brownsville.
Starship Troopers GIF

Your boy Biden has them processing paperwork and waving them in. Why would I want to an instrument to that?
In my close it all down to begin with plan there would be 24-7 coverage of the border and no one is getting across from california to east texas. We would have all kinds of people guarding the border.

We had 25 million people in uniform in WW2 so pay some national guards to come down, active duty military, etc people in uniform to help local law enforcement and border patrol.

The navy would be there with marines to have boats up and down the rio grande. They would ferry people right back to Mexico. What is Mexico going to do about it anyway?

Then slowly open a small number of site entry ways to let a controlled number of people in.

Trump is a dick head saying he had a good border and even more of a dick head with dick head speaker johnson for blocking passage of the Lankford bill.
The US never had 25 million people in uniform.
Who is paying for putting all the men and women into uniform to pay for your plan? Let's pretend you could actually provide enough incentives to get those people into uniform, what would it do to the US economy. Forget the lack of unskilled labor provided by undocumented workers, what about taking so many people out of the labor force?
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Your boy Biden has them processing paperwork and waving them in. Why would I want to an instrument to that?
We aren't talking about under Biden. Honestly, you seem like the type that would leave your current life of low wage drudgery for the inflated sense of authority you can get shoving women and kids around while stroking your Glock.
Deport, deport, deport and deport. Then deport more.

Pass legislation that makes it illegal for any private or government entity to fund, aid or abet illegal crossers.

Pass legislation severely restricting asylum seekers.

Stop all aid to any country that is complicit in the flow of migration.

Militarize the southern border and set up incarceration camps similar to Maricopa County.
Stop allowing Big Ag to hire illegal immigrants which they continue to do as they pay off the corrupt jokes like a Reynolds.
I would jail the people who hire illegal immigrants. Make them lose their businesses and their homes. It would dry up pretty quick imo.
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Maybe designate the cartels as terrorist groups and unleash the military on those horrible fvcks. Them maybe people would want to stay in Mexico.
I'd have armed guards and shoot people that cross illegally only takes a couple to send the message... if you want to come, file your paperwork, wait your turn, and use the door.

This coming from the guy that said:

"I can't speak for Whiskey, but perhaps maybe the reason he and others are rooting for a political motive, is because he and others have been labeled MAGA extremists, nazis, racists, insurrectionists, traitors, bigots, among other things simply because they thought Trump did a good job"

Poor MAGA extremists. You're just so misunderstood!
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First off, I have always been a liberal or progressive or whatever you want to call it, some might say I am for good social programs, especially with all the wealth we have in this country.

So with that knowledge my solution to what everyone argues about concerning the souther border is to use a very reductionist technique to solving the problem. Reductionism in various disciplines is to take complex situations and problems and reduce their complexity.

If I had the power backing of those in charge I would mobilize the national guard, military, and the border states with Border Patrol and other entities to TOTALLY CLOSE DOWN the border except for necessary business trade. Necessary is defined as perishable foods and crops, emergencies, and normal US passport citizen travel. But no non-US citizen entry. This stops the problem that people are bitching about. Non-US citizens hopping walls and swimming rivers etc would be immediately turned back.

We would have plans in place then to very soon start opening certain spots to process immigration entry.

I would reduce the problem to ZERO and then slowing increase entry to worker visa and asylum levels that can be processed in real time. This should satisfy most all rational american citizens except those crazies on both ends of the spectrum.

How would you solve the problem.
Massive investigation, prosecutions, huge fines and jail time for employers who hire undocumented immigrants to start... the results will tell us how much (or little) we dislike illegal immigration.
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Immigration and the border are both fine. Kamala and the Democrats have a handle on the it. I don’t understand why we are searching for solutions to a problem that doesn’t exist.

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