*****How's Kris Doing? *****

A voice of reason? How refreshing InsaneHawkJJP. Thanks!

InsaneHawkJJP, you aren't bickering, more common sense words. Be a great board if everyone had your attitude.

Sett, we have gotten along for years now. I have been consistently adding to your "Minny, put in Garza" thread. On Dec 18, 2022, when InsaneHawkJJP was trolling me and the board, you criticized him & wrote this, and I quote: Posting Hawk clips, stats, pundits reactions and videos is spamming?? Wth....I enjoy your content Fran....The mods are ruining the board.

So, I don't know who pissed in your Cheerios yesterday, but if you NOW think a troll like InsaneHawkJJP is a voice of reason, has common sense and has a great attitude (as you wrote yesterday), then you clearly have FORGOTTEN what you literally wrote about him and me 7 months ago.

As you can see in post #2 above, @ICWestfan asked me to make this thread official, so I did. Sorry that you are so outraged over that.

And then the hypocrite InsaneHawkJJP bitches about ***official*** threads; well, did you forget how he has encouraged other trolls on this site to do the same thing? Yet, you consider the hypocrite now a voice of reason. Incredible.

InsaneHawkJJP wrote that "it’s becoming almost unbearable to visit these boards." Well, it's because of trolls like him who add nothing to these forums and BITCH ABOUT EVERYTHING that make it unbearable. InsaneHawkJJP has a long history of trolling by bumping threads with useless info just to keep those threads on top (something I have been accused of; again, he's a f'ing hypocrite). In one thread, he even admitted what he was doing, saying he was doing it to "to upset fake Fran." When trolling and bumping threads, InsaneHawkJJP often would post with just one word: "bump."

And your reply to InsaneHawkJJP yesterday was that it would "be a great board if everyone had your attitude."


Ironically, InsaneHawkJJP wrote that "some people just can’t see the wolf through the sheep’s skin." You used to see InsaneHawkJJP for what he was; how you have suddenly forgotten is a head scratcher.

These are your own words, from Dec 18, when you saw InsaneHawkJJP for what he was:

Posting Hawk clips, stats, pundits reactions and videos is spamming??
I enjoy your content Fran.
The mods are ruining the board.
Dalton is a Golden State beat writer. Prior to the NBA Draft there was speculation that the Warriors, with the 19th overall pick, might draft Kris because of Kris being older and more NBA ready (ie, Kris would be a good fit for an older, veteran Warriors squad). Instead they picked Podziemski.

After scoring 0 points on Sunday night, Kris was interviewed postgame on NBA TV on Tuesday night after putting up 19 points

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Sett, we have gotten along for years now. I have been consistently adding to your "Minny, put in Garza" thread. On Dec 18, 2022, when InsaneHawkJJP was trolling me and the board, you criticized him & wrote this, and I quote: Posting Hawk clips, stats, pundits reactions and videos is spamming?? Wth....I enjoy your content Fran....The mods are ruining the board.

So, I don't know who pissed in your Cheerios yesterday, but if you NOW think a troll like InsaneHawkJJP is a voice of reason, has common sense and has a great attitude (as you wrote yesterday), then you clearly have FORGOTTEN what you literally wrote about him and me 7 months ago.

As you can see in post #2 above, @ICWestfan asked me to make this thread official, so I did. Sorry that you are so outraged over that.

And then the hypocrite InsaneHawkJJP bitches about ***official*** threads; well, did you forget how he has encouraged other trolls on this site to do the same thing? Yet, you consider the hypocrite now a voice of reason. Incredible.

InsaneHawkJJP wrote that "it’s becoming almost unbearable to visit these boards." Well, it's because of trolls like him who add nothing to these forums and BITCH ABOUT EVERYTHING that make it unbearable. InsaneHawkJJP has a long history of trolling by bumping threads with useless info just to keep those threads on top (something I have been accused of; again, he's a f'ing hypocrite). In one thread, he even admitted what he was doing, saying he was doing it to "to upset fake Fran." When trolling and bumping threads, InsaneHawkJJP often would post with just one word: "bump."

And your reply to InsaneHawkJJP yesterday was that it would "be a great board if everyone had your attitude."


Ironically, InsaneHawkJJP wrote that "some people just can’t see the wolf through the sheep’s skin." You used to see InsaneHawkJJP for what he was; how you have suddenly forgotten is a head scratcher.

These are your own words, from Dec 18, when you saw InsaneHawkJJP for what he was:
Fran, I don't remember every conversation I had months ago with a poster. In the moment, I agreed with him defending my right to post on my Kris thread. Because I agree with someone on some things doesn't mean I agree with them on all.
I do appreciate your posts, always have, always will.
I also don't hold grudges because I disagreed with someone at some point.
I do remember people attacking you and I've defended your right to post. Like he did mine. I certainly don't remember months later who I was arguing with. Lol
I'm getting old.
The Blazers beat Orlando 88-71 tonight and improve to 3-1 in Summer League action.

Kris' stats:

25 minutes

1-7 (14%) from three
3-7 (43%) from two point range
4-14 (29%) overall shooting

0-0 FTs

9 points
4 rebounds (1 offensive)
1 assist

2 steals

2 turnovers
2 fouls
Sett, we have gotten along for years now. I have been consistently adding to your "Minny, put in Garza" thread. On Dec 18, 2022, when InsaneHawkJJP was trolling me and the board, you criticized him & wrote this, and I quote: Posting Hawk clips, stats, pundits reactions and videos is spamming?? Wth....I enjoy your content Fran....The mods are ruining the board.

So, I don't know who pissed in your Cheerios yesterday, but if you NOW think a troll like InsaneHawkJJP is a voice of reason, has common sense and has a great attitude (as you wrote yesterday), then you clearly have FORGOTTEN what you literally wrote about him and me 7 months ago.

As you can see in post #2 above, @ICWestfan asked me to make this thread official, so I did. Sorry that you are so outraged over that.

And then the hypocrite InsaneHawkJJP bitches about ***official*** threads; well, did you forget how he has encouraged other trolls on this site to do the same thing? Yet, you consider the hypocrite now a voice of reason. Incredible.

InsaneHawkJJP wrote that "it’s becoming almost unbearable to visit these boards." Well, it's because of trolls like him who add nothing to these forums and BITCH ABOUT EVERYTHING that make it unbearable. InsaneHawkJJP has a long history of trolling by bumping threads with useless info just to keep those threads on top (something I have been accused of; again, he's a f'ing hypocrite). In one thread, he even admitted what he was doing, saying he was doing it to "to upset fake Fran." When trolling and bumping threads, InsaneHawkJJP often would post with just one word: "bump."

And your reply to InsaneHawkJJP yesterday was that it would "be a great board if everyone had your attitude."


Ironically, InsaneHawkJJP wrote that "some people just can’t see the wolf through the sheep’s skin." You used to see InsaneHawkJJP for what he was; how you have suddenly forgotten is a head scratcher.

These are your own words, from Dec 18, when you saw InsaneHawkJJP for what he was:
I couldn't care less who has an "official" thread and who doesn't. I didn't even notice someone asked you to make it official.
Matter if fact I didn't even remember this thread existed when I posted about Kris. I have no interest in being a message board hero.
I'm just here to enjoy the content people like you post and to occasionally start a post if it suits my whims.
I couldn't care less who has an "official" thread and who doesn't. I didn't even notice someone asked you to make it official.
Matter if fact I didn't even remember this thread existed when I posted about Kris. I have no interest in being a message board hero.
I'm just here to enjoy the content people like you post and to occasionally start a post if it suits my whims.

I just found it odd that when someone told you there was already a thread started (and that you couldn't miss it because this thread was only 1/3 of the way down on page 1), your response was "I don't give a crap about the official thread." That's not like you.

And then calling trolls like InsaneHawkJJP "a voice of reason" is not like you, either. You said you are old but you can't be "that" old. ;)
Sett, we have gotten along for years now. I have been consistently adding to your "Minny, put in Garza" thread. On Dec 18, 2022, when InsaneHawkJJP was trolling me and the board, you criticized him & wrote this, and I quote: Posting Hawk clips, stats, pundits reactions and videos is spamming?? Wth....I enjoy your content Fran....The mods are ruining the board.

So, I don't know who pissed in your Cheerios yesterday, but if you NOW think a troll like InsaneHawkJJP is a voice of reason, has common sense and has a great attitude (as you wrote yesterday), then you clearly have FORGOTTEN what you literally wrote about him and me 7 months ago.

As you can see in post #2 above, @ICWestfan asked me to make this thread official, so I did. Sorry that you are so outraged over that.

And then the hypocrite InsaneHawkJJP bitches about ***official*** threads; well, did you forget how he has encouraged other trolls on this site to do the same thing? Yet, you consider the hypocrite now a voice of reason. Incredible.

InsaneHawkJJP wrote that "it’s becoming almost unbearable to visit these boards." Well, it's because of trolls like him who add nothing to these forums and BITCH ABOUT EVERYTHING that make it unbearable. InsaneHawkJJP has a long history of trolling by bumping threads with useless info just to keep those threads on top (something I have been accused of; again, he's a f'ing hypocrite). In one thread, he even admitted what he was doing, saying he was doing it to "to upset fake Fran." When trolling and bumping threads, InsaneHawkJJP often would post with just one word: "bump."

And your reply to InsaneHawkJJP yesterday was that it would "be a great board if everyone had your attitude."


Ironically, InsaneHawkJJP wrote that "some people just can’t see the wolf through the sheep’s skin." You used to see InsaneHawkJJP for what he was; how you have suddenly forgotten is a head scratcher.

These are your own words, from Dec 18, when you saw InsaneHawkJJP for what he was:
Good god, junior high school drama LOL
Good god, junior high school drama LOL
I really did forget. I don't follow all this that closely. Lol
Love the content Fran provides but I am not involved or vested enough to remember what I posted 7 months ago. Plus, usually I'm having a beer when I post. Lol
I don't remember what I posted yesterday @nu2u. 🤣
Portland is done with Summer League and finished with a 3-2 record after falling to Miami 104-78.

Kris' Stats:

26 minutes

1-3 (33%) from three
3-4 (75%) from two point range
4-7 (57%) Overall Shooting

3-3 (100%) FTs

12 points
5 Rebounds (1 offensive)
3 Assists

3 Steals

2 Turnovers
1 Foul
Portland is done with Summer League and finished with a 3-2 record after falling to Miami 104-78.

Kris' Stats:

26 minutes

1-3 (33%) from three
3-4 (75%) from two point range
4-7 (57%) Overall Shooting

3-3 (100%) FTs

12 points
5 Rebounds (1 offensive)
3 Assists
3 Steals

2 Turnovers
1 Foul

Tyler, why are you COPYING EXACTLY what I just posted above (in post #65) AND PASTING it into the other duplicate Kris thread?

cc: @RossWB
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Are stats proprietary information?

cc: YouAreABitch

So, now I am a narc and a bitch, huh?

You literally copied what I posted in post #65 above and pasted it in the other Kris thread. You're nothing but a worthless troll.

And you celebrated Karnack getting banned.


cc: @RossWB
Last edited:
“What I love about Kris is that he plays with an intensity that isn't noticeable because he looks so cool and poised, but he's a real competitor. He plays well, he's smart, he's a shooter. He's going to be a good NBA player."

--Chauncey Billips

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"(Kris) plays with an intensity that you can see yourself. He seems very calm and quiet, but he really fights on the court, he has a strong basketball IQ, is really capable of shooting, and plays the right way. I think he will become a very, very good pro."

--Chauncey Billips

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