Huffington Post: Stephanopoulos Deserve Same Treatment as Brian Williams


HR Legend
Nov 11, 2002
Twin Cities MN
From the linked article:

For Stephanopolous to hammer away at the question of evidence as Podesta and other Clinton apologists had been doing since pre-publication promotion began - without even acknowledging Schweizer's disclaimer in the beginning of his book - is transparently disingenuous.

He would have viewers believe that his questions were those of a hard-hitting investigative journalist. But Schweizer's disclaimers at the outset of his book expose that as a shallow façade.

A metro daily newspaper journalist myself for 43 years, I refused to sign even neighborhood petitions because I didn't want to compromise my appearance of objectivity and impartiality. If Stephanopoulos didn't learn that journalistic principle as he transitioned from Clinton confidant to newsman, I can excuse his contributions.

But there's no way I can forgive him for using his position at ABC to echo the defense points that have constituted the response from Hillary Clinton loyalists. Not when a reading of the book provides so much material for a serious, probing interview.

If Brian Williams gets a six-month sentence for misrepresenting his reporting role over and over, George Stephanopoulos deserves nothing less for masquerading as an objective journalist asking ostensibly tough questions.
What Stephanopoulos has done is far, far worse than what Brian Williams did.