Hy-Vee Homefront 250 Indy Car race from Newton just starting...

Sweat. Hot weather. Day star. Hillbilly car racing. Loud. Really loud. Busch light. Coors light. Concrete. Drunk hillbillies.

In the least uppity way possible…no thanks.
Indy cars are not as noisy as their NASCAR brothers. These cars lap the 7/8 oval in about 17-18 seconds...they move it out over 215mph on the back stretch...been to 3 or 5 of them over the’s an interesting afternoon/evening. 2 1/2 hrs and you’re on your way home...40 minutes from my driveway to their parking lots...Most of the music does nothing for me, though.
Indy cars are not as noisy as their NASCAR brothers. These cars lap the 7/8 oval in about 17-18 seconds...they move it out over 215mph on the back stretch...been to 3 or 5 of them over the’s an interesting afternoon/evening. 2 1/2 hrs and you’re on your way home...40 minutes from my driveway to their parking lots...Most of the music does nothing for me, though.
Ed Sheeran is a putz like Austin Powers…

Anyone go this weekend? Thought about going after attending the NASCAR race last month, but didn't. I feel bad for anyone roasting in the stands today.
My father was in the pits yesterday. A friend of his owns a team and I’m guessing he’s thankful that the race didn’t start until 7pm. Had a nice conversation with KF too