Hysterics on the Iran deal

Iran wants it's $100-150 billion and it wants a way to deliver the nukes and they've figured out a way to get them. Let's say in 2 years Iran no longer allows inspections and the deal is off - according to the WH's own estimates the 'break-out' period would be less than a year. So, in less than 3 years they will be at the same place they are now, only with 100s of billions more dollars to continue and increase their terrorist activities and buy/develop nukes and ICBMs.

At that point, the US and/or Israel will be forced to use military measures to degrade their capabilities. Anyone who thinks this deal will make it to 10 years is naïve. It simply kicks the can down the road and will make the ME and the world a much more dangerous place. Obama is being played and it's obvious to everyone except the 21% of Americans who support the deal. This deal is appeasement at an unprecedented level. Obama and the libs own Iran's behavior from now forward - good luck with that.
So . . . your worst-case-scenario is a bomb in 3 years with the deal. Whereas the scenario without a deal, we were repeatedly told, was a bomb in a few months.

And you think rejecting the deal makes sense?

How is a quicker path to a bomb better than a slower path to a bomb?
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Haven't we screwed up Iran enough? Washington overthrew their democratically elected leader, Mohammed Mossadegh, in 1953 (Operation Ajax) because he wanted to nationalize the oil fields where the revenue could better suit Iranian citizens. Then DC and the UK install their puppet Shah and the oppressive bloody Savak police. He gets sick and comes to the US for healthcare. Then the Hostage crisis, a reaction to western meddling. Then our Elites finance Iraq and Saddam Hussein in an 8 year war killing their future. How about we just do an about face and stay out of their business. Iran is surrounded by U.S. bases. Israel has over 200 nukes pointed at them. Why would Iran risk annihilation? Of course, they wouldn't. Our leaders have lied us into war everytime and yet, you believe them everytime.
War is a lie that is told and sold generation after generation. And, not even a very good lie, at that.
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You are totally missing the point; I'm not necessarily talking about ICBMs here. Iran is a terrorist state. How many dirty bombs can be created and used by terrorists? It would be naive to think this isn't a very real possibility. The line of thinking that this is only about tactical nuclear weapons is absurd; because of the deterrent factor of the other nuclear states. This is less about all out nuclear war and more about the terrorist cells setting off dirty bombs, and they would if they had them.
Against who? Isn't Washington's perpetual presence and never-ending wars a form of terrorism? So much so that there is a mass exodus as we write.
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You are totally missing the point; I'm not necessarily talking about ICBMs here. Iran is a terrorist state. How many dirty bombs can be created and used by terrorists? It would be naive to think this isn't a very real possibility. The line of thinking that this is only about tactical nuclear weapons is absurd; because of the deterrent factor of the other nuclear states. This is less about all out nuclear war and more about the terrorist cells setting off dirty bombs, and they would if they had them.
One of the same arguments for invading Iraq. Just as ludicrous when applied to Iran.

Actually MUCH stupider vis a vis Iran - given the severe restrictions on the quantity of mildly-enriched uranium they are allowed to have under the deal.

Like most other things the right claims are wrong with this deal, it would be MUCH WORSE WITHOUT THE DEAL. They would have much more U on hand and it would be more highly-enriched. Plus they would have the plutonium reactor coming on line soon, whereas they won't under the deal.
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One of the same arguments for invading Iraq. Just as ludicrous when applied to Iran.

Actually MUCH stupider vis a vis Iran - given the severe restrictions on the quantity of mildly-enriched uranium they are allowed to have under the deal.

Like most other things the right claims are wrong with this deal, it would be MUCH WORSE WITHOUT THE DEAL. They would have much more U on hand and it would be more highly-enriched. Plus they would have the plutonium reactor coming on line soon, whereas they won't under the deal.

So you are of the belief they will actually follow the deal?

This is where you and I part ways on this subject. I have zero faith that Iran will stay complaint within the framework of this deal. You can live with your head in the sand all you want, I for one choose not to believe a single word that comes out of their mouths. History has shown they can't be trusted.
Things to keep in mind re: Israel. Israel admits that an Israeli terrorist cell operating in Egypt planted bombs in several buildings, including U.S. diplomatic facilities, then left behind “evidence” implicating the Arabs as the culprits (one of the bombs detonated prematurely, allowing the Egyptians to identify the bombers, and several of the Israelis later confessed) (and see this and this),2506,L-3065838,00.html#n
Against who? Isn't Washington's perpetual presence and never-ending wars a form of terrorism? So much so that there is a mass exodus as we write.
They take that personally. Whenever you accuse the USA of doing something, people IN the USA include themselves. I like that you used "Washington" to make the point. But, sadly, in this context, Washington is their leader. Tribalism is an ancient instinct humans have and are always taught to maintain at all costs.

Some of us are not emotionally attached to the entities that actually bring about war and violence. We may live on the land that is referred to as the United States, but we don't allow that to deter our understanding of what we see as being the source of the problem. Very few people have the humility to say "I'm wrong." Even if the "I'm" is their government. Usually they criticize at least half of their government... until you get another country's government involved. Then ours becomes "US", and us becomes WE, and we becomes ME.

I'm not very familiar with Iran except through a few objective sources (Rick Steves). They are a theocracy and I believe that many of them truly dislike the decadent, self-serving, commercialized society of the USA. But, I don't see them as any more of a threat to my life than North Korea, Russia, Israel or Washington, D.C. I'm more frightened of my own government, not some other country.
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You are totally missing the point; I'm not necessarily talking about ICBMs here. Iran is a terrorist state. How many dirty bombs can be created and used by terrorists? It would be naive to think this isn't a very real possibility.

"Dirty bombs" have been within the capability of Iran for at least a couple decades already. That is a complete red herring argument relative to actual nuclear attacks and nuclear bomb-making capability. This agreement will do NOTHING regarding any potential for 'dirty bombs', and was never intended to.

Part of the whole point with delaying the timeline for Iran to have nuclear capability is to allow more moderate voices to arise within the regime (which has already happened, and will accelerate as sanctions enable more trade).

Our Middle East policy is still stuck in a Cold War and 1970s-era 'oil embargo' mentality: if we are capable of and able to de-carbonize our energy needs, the Middle East becomes essentially irrelevant from an 'oil as an energy source' perspective; the nations in the Middle East will either need to reform, or they will become completely irrelevant because they will have no income source (oil). Protecting the oil access has been THE reason for all of our interventions there in the past 50+ years; as the world weans itself off oil, and other deposits are accessible and sustainable in more politically stable areas of the globe, the reasons for our intervention there completely lose relevance. Israel was only our partner over there to counter Soviet incursion and intervention, which is also now irrelevant.
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I always find it interesting when the idea of "We're giving them money" comes into the equation! Who is the "we" and where is the money coming from? What money? Federal Reserve Notes? Gold? Silver? Digits on a computer screen? The USA has no money of it's own. The Federal Reserve has all the money, creates all the money, counts all the money, prints all the money, charges interest on all the money. That pronoun of "We" is a pretty loose one!
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80 percent of Americans disagree with the deal. That is a pretty hefty percentage
80% of Americans probably couldn't find their butt if it had a bell on it. And, that 80% is being told what the circumstances are by a government comprised of about 99% professional bullshitters.
80 percent of Americans disagree with the deal. That is a pretty hefty percentage

And the vast majority of those opposed are seriously uninformed or misinformed on the deal. Actually, your statement isn't even true according to the latest polls. A plurality of those polled fell into the "don't know enough to have an opinion" category.
So you are of the belief they will actually follow the deal?

This is where you and I part ways on this subject. I have zero faith that Iran will stay complaint within the framework of this deal. You can live with your head in the sand all you want, I for one choose not to believe a single word that comes out of their mouths. History has shown they can't be trusted.
Actually I do think they will mostly follow the deal. It's in their best interests.

Sure, they will push and probe for cracks and workarounds. That's human nature. But I'd rather have them do that with aggressive inspections, their plutonium plant full of concrete, and strict limits on nuclear materials than have them going forward with no restraints or fewer restraints.

The best case scenario - which nobody seems to talk about - is that we have 10-15 years to integrate them fully into the community of nations so well that they will play nice. That's a long time and a goal that doesn't seem overly-ambitious. There are plenty of Iranians who want exactly that. The deal makes them more likely to thrive and influence their country's course.

Frankly, I'm more worried about Saudi Arabia. They have been educating jihadists for decades and now they are engaged in open aggression in the region. It's well understood that they consider themselves in competition with Iran for hegemony in the Middle East and perhaps in the Muslim world (although Indonesia may have something to say about that).
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And the vast majority of those opposed are seriously uninformed or misinformed on the deal. Actually, your statement isn't even true according to the latest polls. A plurality of those polled fell into the "don't know enough to have an opinion" category.
And besides, even if a majority believes the Earth is flat, does that make it flat?

The good news is that at least this time, the game was rigged to assure the sane outcome. The GOP and AIPAC and Netanyahu and others did their best Goebbels act but fell short.

The bad news is that the next deal, the TPP - the one that actually is bad - will get the propaganda treatment in the other direction and the game is rigged to see it pass.

So at the end of Obama's deal-making binge, we'll end up with a very good deal on Iran that many have been convinced will be the end of the world, but won't; and a really bad one that everybody will be convinced is good, but isn't.
The Elites plan to go to war has to do with oil and dollar hegemony. All else is a crock of shyte. Iraq was trading oil for euros and then...KAPOW. After the takeover, Iraq starts trading oil in $$$$. Iran opened up an oil bourse in 2005-06. See the links provided. Also, do not forget General Wesley Clark in this video revealing his conversations immediately following 9/11. Iran was targeted for destruction in 2001 or earlier. Nothing to do with the propaganda being spilled from DC.
The Elites plan to go to war has to do with oil and dollar hegemony. All else is a crock of shyte. Iraq was trading oil for euros and then...KAPOW. After the takeover, Iraq starts trading oil in $$$$. Iran opened up an oil bourse in 2005-06. See the links provided. Also, do not forget General Wesley Clark in this video revealing his conversations immediately following 9/11. Iran was targeted for destruction in 2001 or earlier. Nothing to do with the propaganda being spilled from DC.
Excellent post.

The truth is really empowering.

If you want the oil, just f*cking say it!
The Elites plan to go to war has to do with oil and dollar hegemony. All else is a crock of shyte. Iraq was trading oil for euros and then...KAPOW. After the takeover, Iraq starts trading oil in $$$$. Iran opened up an oil bourse in 2005-06. See the links provided. Also, do not forget General Wesley Clark in this video revealing his conversations immediately following 9/11. Iran was targeted for destruction in 2001 or earlier. Nothing to do with the propaganda being spilled from DC.
Note that this interview was back in 2007.

Why is that worth noting? Because we have followed through on some of that since then. Libya and Syria are among the 7 nations mentioned as being targets. We've also seen activity in Somalia and Sudan. While it's reasonable to think that Obama handled them a little differently, he seems to be drawing from the Bush playbook as to targets.
Here is Netanyahu caught in a myriad of lies and false hysteria. He whips up support in his home country absent the facts presented to him by his own intelligence agencies.

Note that this interview was back in 2007.

Why is that worth noting? Because we have followed through on some of that since then. Libya and Syria are among the 7 nations mentioned as being targets. We've also seen activity in Somalia and Sudan. While it's reasonable to think that Obama handled them a little differently, he seems to be drawing from the Bush playbook as to targets.
True. But, the plans that he spoke of were learned on 9/20/2001. Terrorism is a bogeyman, a tactic.
Haven't we screwed up Iran enough? Washington overthrew their democratically elected leader, Mohammed Mossadegh, in 1953 (Operation Ajax) because he wanted to nationalize the oil fields where the revenue could better suit Iranian citizens. Then DC and the UK install their puppet Shah and the oppressive bloody Savak police. He gets sick and comes to the US for healthcare. Then the Hostage crisis, a reaction to western meddling. Then our Elites finance Iraq and Saddam Hussein in an 8 year war killing their future. How about we just do an about face and stay out of their business. Iran is surrounded by U.S. bases. Israel has over 200 nukes pointed at them. Why would Iran risk annihilation? Of course, they wouldn't. Our leaders have lied us into war everytime and yet, you believe them everytime.


All the "Blame America for everything" Obozo supporters all liked this post. :rolleyes:
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True. But, the plans that he spoke of were learned on 9/20/2001. Terrorism is a bogeyman, a tactic.
Yes, but for those who are inclined to doubt the Democrat Clark when he is critical of Team Bush, I thought it worth pointing out that he wasn't just making it up after Obama got in office or based on things that have happened since.

All the "Blame America for everything" Obozo supporters all liked this post. :rolleyes:
He's not blaming "America." America is an abstract. You need to learn that. He is blaming the people who ARE to blame. they just happen to be Americans. That doesn't make "America" the blame. Well... unless you're someone who has been on the business end of the bombs... then you might blame America.
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When the Iran deal was completed, Republicans took on a creative exercise. The assignment: Come up with the most outrageously hyperbolic condemnation you can think of. And they aced it.

With this agreement, said Mike Huckabee, President Barack Obama "will take the Israelis and march them to the door of the oven." Under it, said Ted Cruz, "the Obama administration will become the world's leading state sponsor and financier of radical Islamic terrorism."

Huckabee's comment was so over-the-top that Jeb Bush said it was "just wrong." Cruz's charge provoked an objection from Bobby Jindal, who is not normally a model of restraint.

But Dick Cheney outdoes them all in his new book, "Exceptional: Why the World Needs a Powerful America" (co-written with daughter Liz Cheney). The deal, he declares, will most likely lead to "the first use of a nuclear weapon since Hiroshima and Nagasaki."

The critics don't realize that the more extreme their characterizations, the less credible they are. It's not hard to make the case that the deal is flawed and inadequate. But it's hard to pretend it is, as Cheney claims, "madness."

Two of the most interesting moments of the campaign came at the Family Leadership Summit in Ames, Iowa, in July, which several GOP presidential candidates attended. Interviewing Marco Rubio and later Cruz, Republican consultant Frank Luntz asked: "If it's that bad, why would this president do this?"

Rubio had a simple answer: "Because he wants a legacy. He is dying to build out exhibits for his presidential library." Cruz echoed him: "The answer is simple. They see this purely as a domestic political legacy and agenda."

Really? According to them, the accord is a catastrophic blunder that will empower Iran, stimulate terrorism and invite a genocidal attack on Tel Aviv. How would a presidential library turn that into a glittering triumph? How could signing articles of surrender elevate your place in history?

Cheney, hitting a familiar conservative theme, insists the Iran agreement is "tragically reminiscent" of the 1938 Munich agreement, under which British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain allowed Nazi Germany to annex a portion of Czechoslovakia. The concession only emboldened Adolf Hitler.

But Obama, being familiar with Munich, may have noticed that 1) it didn't work and 2) Chamberlain has been notorious ever since as a foolish appeaser. If this deal has half the gruesome consequences the Republicans predict, he will spend his retirement years in disgrace, his name synonymous with monumental gullibility.

The claim that he is seeking a legacy rests on the assumption that the deal will work well enough, and long enough, to resemble a great achievement. If it's going to lead straight to disaster, Obama had nothing to gain by signing it.

Assuming the president set out to engage in futile appeasement, he had an odd way of going about it. The Munich agreement was drafted and signed in a matter of days. The Iran negotiations took two years. The Munich agreement was 522 words. This one fills 159 pages.

Had the administration been willing to settle for simply giving Iran everything it wanted, the talks would have concluded quickly and the text would be very brief.

Cheney explains this deal as part of Obama's plan to disarm and weaken America. "He has dedicated his presidency to restraining us, limiting our power and diminishing us," he writes.

This would come as a surprise to Moammar Gadhafi, Osama bin Laden and Anwar al-Awlaki (the U.S. citizen and al-Qaida leader who was killed in a targeted strike the president approved).

It would be news to the more than 2,000 people killed by drones under Obama. It might evoke doubt among the Islamic State fighters in Syria and Iraq, who have been the target of thousands of U.S. air attacks over the past year. It would puzzle Robert Gates, a Republican who ran the Pentagon under Obama as well as George W. Bush.

If the deal were a craven surrender, you would expect some of Obama's national security aides to resign in protest. You wouldn't expect it to win the endorsement of people like Colin Powell, who was secretary of state under George W. Bush and chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff under George H.W. Bush.

All those facts don't mean the Iran deal is a good one. They do make it clear, though, that it's a good-faith effort that has to be taken seriously. You can pretend otherwise, but it takes a wild imagination.
Yeah "hysterics"...
Israel will not exist in another quarter century, Iran's supreme leader, the Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, said during a speech this week in Tehran, state-run media report.

"I'd say (to Israel) that they will not see (the end) of these 25 years," the Islamic Republic News Agency quoted Khamenei as saying Wednesday at the Imam Khomeini Mosque.

All the "Blame America for everything" Obozo supporters all liked this post. :rolleyes:
You're right. It's Iran's fault for having their country in the ME and our military thousands of miles away across an ocean in their backyard. Yep, Iran is clearly the aggressor. Care to take on anything I posted? Or, was this just a rah, rah, rah USA post?
The Republican party has become the little boy who cried wolf. I'm not sure how many people even listen to their circus-style predictions anymore.

List the Democrats that voted, or are voting no. In your mind, they are Republicans too, right?
List the Democrats that voted, or are voting no. In your mind, they are Republicans too, right?
By the current account, just 4 Democratic Senators oppose this deal. And they deserve to be criticized for it. This clearly isn't a Democratic problem no matter how badly you want it to be.
Yeah "hysterics"...
Israel will not exist in another quarter century, Iran's supreme leader, the Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, said during a speech this week in Tehran, state-run media report.

"I'd say (to Israel) that they will not see (the end) of these 25 years," the Islamic Republic News Agency quoted Khamenei as saying Wednesday at the Imam Khomeini Mosque.
You're taking this out of context. This was done before as well. This was awkwardly translated from when the CIA installed Shah was removed from power and the former USSR.
Yeah "hysterics"...
Israel will not exist in another quarter century, Iran's supreme leader, the Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, said during a speech this week in Tehran, state-run media report.

"I'd say (to Israel) that they will not see (the end) of these 25 years," the Islamic Republic News Agency quoted Khamenei as saying Wednesday at the Imam Khomeini Mosque.

You do understand that Iran has politicians just like America has, who make inflammatory and incompetent statements just to rile up local support, right?

Or are you so naive and taken in by public theater in politics that everything everyone says is 'sincere' and 'true'?:eek:
Sorry, most here won't believe that. And some who do are nevertheless too busy regurgitating the Fox/GOP memes to think it through.

When even the Cato Institute says the GOP are acting like idiots on this, you know something weird is going on.
Sorry, most here won't believe that. And some who do are nevertheless too busy regurgitating the Fox/GOP memes to think it through.

When even the Cato Institute says the GOP are acting like idiots on this, you know something weird is going on.

I gotta say, on a side note, if the government is shut down over the funding of planned parenthood, I will never cast my vote for a Republican or Democrat again. Third party only, and that's only if they are worthy. Otherwise, I will be sitting on the sidelines from here on out. That's how disgusted I'm becoming with Washington as a whole (or should I say hole).
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List the Democrats that voted, or are voting no. In your mind, they are Republicans too, right?
Politicians come and go. The policy remains the same to the benefit of the Elite. They are the ones who put these puppets in power.
I gotta say, on a side note, if the government is shut down over the funding of planned parenthood, I will never cast my vote for a Republican or Democrat again. Third party only, and that's only if they are worthy. Otherwise, I will be sitting on the sidelines from here on out. That's how disgusted I'm becoming with Washington as a whole (or should I say hole).
Why would you place blame on the Dems? They're not the ones holding funding hostage over bullshit videos.
Now They Tell Us: Iran Didn’t Actually Threaten to Wipe Israel Off the Map
By Steve Rendall

Israeli Deputy Prime Minister Dan Meridor acknowledged on Al Jazeera English (4/14/12) that Iranian leaders have never called for Israel to be “wiped” off the map.

Meridor agreed with interviewer Teymoor Nabili’s suggestion that the supposed remarks were never actually made; Iranian leaders, Meridor said,

come basically ideologically, religiously, with the statement that Israel is an unnatural creature, it will not survive. They didn’t say “we’ll wipe it out,” you are right, but [that] it will not survive, it is a cancerous tumor, it should be removed.

Hostile words, to be sure, but not the menacing threat endlessly reported in corporate U.S. media in recent years. (Iran, Israel and “wiped off the map” occur together more than 8,500 times in the Nexis news database in the last seven years.)

Of course, Mideast expert and blogger Juan Cole noted long ago that Ahmadinejad never called for Israel to be wiped off the map, but Meridor’s interview suggests that there is hope this information might finally penetrate the corporate media bubble.

A New York Times blog (Lede, 4/18/12) wrote up the Al Jazeera interview (“Israeli Minister Agrees Ahmadinejad Never Said Israel ‘Must Be Wiped Off the Map.'”) Though the Lede‘s lede was somewhat grudging, suggesting the Persian language was partly to blame for the confusion (“In a reminder that Persian rhetoric is not always easy for English-speakers to interpret…”), it nevertheless indicated a clean break from earlier media insistence that the threatening remarks, coupled with a supposed Iranian nuclear weapons program, posed an existential threat to Israel.

The Times has used the shopworn Ahmadinejad canard on several occasions. “Wipe Israel ‘Off the Map,’ Iranian Says,” was the paper’s October 27, 2005headline; a January 19, 2010 report stated matter-of-factly: “The Iranian president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, says Iran’s nuclear program is for peaceful purposes. He has also denied the Holocaust and called for Israel to be wiped off the map.” Other Times stories have acknowledged doubts about the claim (6/11/06, 1/8/11), but the paper has never conclusively established the context and meaning of remarks, despite the fact that Jonathan Steele, an Iranian expert who writes for the London Guardian, tried to explain it to Timesreporter Ethan Bronner (6/11/06) :

The Iranian president was quoting an ancient statement by Iran’s first Islamist leader, the late Ayatollah Khomeini, that “this regime occupying Jerusalem must vanish from the page of time,” just as the Shah’s regime in Iran had vanished. He was not making a military threat. He was calling for an end to the occupation of Jerusalem at some point in the future. The “page of time” phrase suggests he did not expect it to happen soon.

Other media outlets have expressed even less doubt that Iran is hell-bent for Israel’s annihilation. “Iran’s president unleashes another warning to Israel, declaring once again that the Jewish state will be wiped off the map, and soon,” remarked CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer (Situation Room, 6/2/08). “Since Ahmadinejad took office four years ago,” announced CBS Evening Newsanchor Katie Couric (9/23/09), “he’s built a reputation as a provocateur, saying Israel should be wiped off the map.” As a recentWashington Post op-ed (4/1/12) by Dennis Ross and David Makovsky explained, “Israel is the only country that Iran has repeatedly threatened to wipe off the map.”

Over the years, two key claims have sustained hostility toward Iran in official circles and the media: that it is attempting to manufacture nuclear weapons, and that it wants to wipe Israel off the map.

The first claim, though now contradicted by American officials and the CIA, who say there’s no proof Iran is currently working on nuclear weapons, nevertheless survives in the media as sort of unkillable zombie lie.

It remains to be seen if the bogus charge that Iran has vowed to wipe Israel off the map will be as resilient, even after a top Israeli official has acknowledged its inaccuracy.
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By the way, EVERYTHING in Nat's post is 100%, absolutely, irrefutably, true. So, whoever did those things IS TO BLAME!

You beat me to it!

They keep people thinking they're divided by the show of moral distinctions being "in opposition." Then, when it REALLY COUNTS, they raw-dog the people of the USA and the world, with a smile and a handshake.

The financial owners of this country are dying to invade Iran. Iran doesn't allow Usury or credit cards. The only threat Iran poses is financial. And, financial is all that matters.
All it is, is a game. There have been people involved in politics that have explained this quite a bit. Of course, when that happens, the MSM is curiously quiet.
The amount of innocent lives before it's fixed; if it ever could be. IMO it's not about Iran's ability to create nuclear weapons, it's about them now having the money to buy them. They will get them, all they needed was the sanctions to be lifted so they could acquire the money to buy them. My guess is North Korea will be happy to sell them some.

North Korea can't have nuclear weapons...they're FAR poorer than Iran.

In other words, if you think you need lots of money to build nukes, you're just flat wrong. Iran has many capable nuclear and weapons engineers...they really don't need to buy a bomb.
They are a theocracy and I believe that many of them truly dislike the decadent, self-serving, commercialized society of the USA. But, I don't see them as any more of a threat to my life than North Korea, Russia, Israel or Washington, D.C. I'm more frightened of my own government, not some other country.

I already suggested you move to NK. Yet, you're still here...where the REALLY scary people are. Makes one wonder if there are convictions behind your pronouncements.