I’m in a mood today

Christianity has a number of brands today: Catholic, Lutheran, Methodist,
Baptist, Presbyterian, etc. However, the important thing is that you are a
Christian first, and your particular brand is secondary.

Bottom Line: It is important for Christians to put their faith and trust in Jesus
Christ, the Son of God. It is good to have a personal relationship with Him.
The Christian church of your choice should help you strengthen your faith in Him.
I think these brands have all been around for hundreds of years not that they came around today or recently? Just kidding you
I got up early and went to Mass. (I am not a regular) It was the 9 AM families with kids special on Epiphany Sunday. Longer Mass with added “Bells and Smells” and my great-nephew was an altar boy.

A lot better than the old Catholic priest tradition of “balls and smalls”.
I could do one but no one would believe me.
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