I’m in a mood today

Christianity has a number of brands today: Catholic, Lutheran, Methodist,
Baptist, Presbyterian, etc. However, the important thing is that you are a
Christian first, and your particular brand is secondary.

Bottom Line: It is important for Christians to put their faith and trust in Jesus
Christ, the Son of God. It is good to have a personal relationship with Him.
The Christian church of your choice should help you strengthen your faith in Him.
I think these brands have all been around for hundreds of years not that they came around today or recently? Just kidding you
Catholics go to mass, protestants go to church, Jews go to temple, and muslims go to hell.
I got up early and went to Mass. (I am not a regular) It was the 9 AM families with kids special on Epiphany Sunday. Longer Mass with added “Bells and Smells” and my great-nephew was an altar boy.

A lot better than the old Catholic priest tradition of “balls and smalls”.
I could do one but no one would believe me.
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Also Catholic means universal, so all Christians are Catholic. The distinction is made by identifying Roman Catholic, Orthodox, Russian, Greek, etc.
“Most” Christian denominations -though not all - profess “most” of the elements of the nicene creed. The things we disagree about are generally nondoctrinal. Important differences to be sure but often a level or two below the core
“Most” Christian denominations -though not all - profess “most” of the elements of the nicene creed. The things we disagree about are generally nondoctrinal. Important differences to be sure but often a level or two below the core

UU's fit into that "not all" category. The "Universalist" part of the Unitarian Universalists believes that Jesus died to "universally" save mankind's sins. So everyone is saved whether you like it or not.
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UU's fit into that "not all" category. The "Universalist" part of the Unitarian Universalists believe that Jesus died to "universally" save mankind's sins. So everyone is saved whether you like it or not.

"Unitarian" means they don't believe in the Trinity, I think?
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I got up early and went to Mass. (I am not a regular) It was the 9 AM families with kids special on Epiphany Sunday. Longer Mass with added “Bells and Smells” and my great-nephew was an altar boy. I can report that young Catholic couples are obeying their vows to be fruitful and multiply- amazing number of pregnant women were present in the church. And lots of kids. The church needs a big “cry-room” like they all had back in the day.

Feeling full of grace. I prayed for our country cause we need some help at the moment.

Did you get Communion?

I went to a funeral Mass on Saturday and my brother and lots of his friends got Communion and I bet most were in mortal sin from missing weekly Mass.

I didn't say anything lol.