I guess some people got a special whistle

The way she's branded herself has no doubt made her a lot of money. That said, she does one thing well on the court. 38% fg when I would guess 90% of her shots are within 10 feet is horrific. 2 blocked shots all year is Ben Krikke like.
Pretty sure this is racist.
Also to be fair, the flagrant foul she bitched about would be called a flagrant foul in the NBA as well.
She came across as really stupid when she said that, wasn’t remotely controversial that she caught Clark pretty good with the arm across the head.

She’d have had an argument if they had chosen to eject her.
Lol. That was really bad. Like really really bad. 😆

The WNBA is clearly not a serious basketball league. I’ve watched that clip like five times now and still can’t stop laughing.
That's what I don't get. It's almost as if they don't want people to take their game seriously and they'd rather live off of the racial shit drama that's been going on with Reese and others since CC came into the league. It might bring them ratings today, but that product doesn't have a chance of carrying those eyeballs down the road when the novelty wears off.
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WNBA officiating is so bad it makes my eyes hurt just watching it.
It is beyond terrible but you can say that about every level of basketball in my opinion. Unfortunately I've come to terms with it after all these years (not really)

Nothing is as bad as womens college basketball officiating.. WNBA is a little worse then men's college (atleast the big ten). NBA is the least worst officiated... but that's not a compliment
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If the girls are making less than a McD's manager how much to you think the refs are bringing in?
More than I thought and more than 80% of the players if this is accurate. And I can't imagine it is, but who knows.

Once in the league, the average years of service for WNBA officials is eight, with more than a third having more than 10 years of experience, McCutchen said. Beginning salary is about $1,500 a game and, for more experienced officials, reaches more than $2,500.
More than I thought and more than 80% of the players if this is accurate. And I can't imagine it is, but who knows.

Once in the league, the average years of service for WNBA officials is eight, with more than a third having more than 10 years of experience, McCutchen said. Beginning salary is about $1,500 a game and, for more experienced officials, reaches more than $2,500.

That would be 60-100k at 40 games. Not too shabby to be absolutely terrible at your job.

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