I just paid my taxes. Biden's pandering on student loans will end up costing us all more.


HR All-American
Jul 17, 2023
Montezuma, Iowa
Great on point Article!

My husband and I both work full time. We like our jobs, but we work hard. Our reward? Sending thousands of dollars to the federal government each year.

Much like millions of other Americans on Tax Day, we had to write a large check and send it off to the Internal Revenue Service.

It’s always painful to kiss that money goodbye. It’s even more difficult when I know just how poorly it will be spent.

Biden fumbles FAFSA: Biden's so worried about 'canceling' debt he's ignored families who need to pay for college

Perhaps Biden misread his job description. Instead of commander in chief, he is acting like the panderer in chief.

Essentially, he’s using our tax dollars as campaign funds.

Biden is using taxpayer dollars to get himself reelected​

It seems not a week goes by when Biden isn’t announcing some plan that will magically wipe out swaths of student loans. That’s intentional, as Biden struggles with keeping young voters interested in his candidacy.

He’s betting that erasing all this debt will buy him more votes come November.
That became more urgent after the U.S. Supreme Court last summer overturned his initial unilateral attempt to cancel more than $400 billion in debt.

Biden uses big government to buy votes. Meanwhile, Argentina's Milei schools him on capitalism.

Rather than learn anything from this setback, Biden immediately set off to find other ways he could force taxpayers to cover the cost of paying off other people's student loans – never mind that the president's new efforts are almost surely just as unconstitutional as his first try.

As a taxpayer (and someone who has paid off my college loans), I find Biden’s costly new entitlement program to be irksome. After all, the debt doesn’t simply go away – it is loaded onto taxpayers' backs and added to our $34 trillion and counting national debt.

Last week, Biden waved his magic wand again, announcing his latest round of lucky borrowers. More than 270,000 people in Biden’s revamped income-driven repayment plans will see $7.4 billion in debt canceled.
That brings Biden's total debt transference from student borrowers to taxpayers at large to $153 billion. About 4.3 million borrowers have benefited from Biden’s generosity with taxpayers' money.

And Biden has plans to expand who’s eligible in the coming months through a different program.

In addition to adding to the national debt and our tax burden as a country, Biden’s actions are inflationary. Out-of-control government spending is one reason why inflation has remained so entrenched during his administration.

Forgive loans so people can 'go back to school'?​

My guess is most people who get their student debt zeroed out by Biden will go on some sort of spending spree. Progressive superstar Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez recently admitted as much while on the "Late Show with Stephen Colbert."

The U.S. representative from New York said Biden’s latest student cancellation proposal means “hope to buy a house, or have a kid, or travel abroad or maybe even go back to school.”

That tracks with what a 2022 poll found after Biden’s initial debt plan rolled out. According to, 73% of anticipated recipients said they planned to spend the forgiven amount on nonessential things like travel, eating out and new gadgets.

These are all things most Americans want. But why should taxpayers who didn’t go to college or who have paid off their debt subsidize the spending decisions of strangers?

And let’s not forget the most egregious part of Biden’s tax-dollar giveaway. Biden loves to tout how this election is all about democracy. In continuing with such sweeping executive action, however, he’s proving that he is a threat to our system of checks and balances.

Biden has failed to go through Congress, which should sign off on such a costly expenditure. And he has ignored a pointed rebuke from the Supreme Court.

"The Biden administration is once again looking to have a huge, unilateral – and hence unconstitutional – student debt cancellation," Neal McCluskey, education policy expert at the Cato Institute, observed on X.

I don't appreciate my hard-earned dollars being used by Biden to buy favor among voters. And I resent that he's doing it in such a blatantly undemocratic manner.
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We just paid a significant bill as well.

One thing that would be eye opening for every American is to require full payment at one time rather than deductions from paychecks. That would be impactful. It might actually get Anericans to realize how ridiculous spending has become.
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Another thing that burns my ass is that they've made the tax code so expansive that they've made it difficult for the average American to file their own taxes. Instead you have to pay hundreds to a tax preparer so that you can pay thousands to the government. That's messed up.
We just paid a significant bill as well.

One thing that would be eye opening for every American is to require full payment at one time rather than deductions from paychecks. That would be impactful. It might actually get Anericans to realize how ridiculous spending has become.

I've often thought that it would be a big wake up call if just for (1) single tax year we would actually collect taxes at a rate that matched expenditures,.. I Seriously doubt that any of us truly appreciates just how big this spending problem is...
Another thing that burns my ass is that they've made the tax code so expansive that they've made it difficult for the average American to file their own taxes. Instead you have to pay hundreds to a tax preparer so that you can pay thousands to the government. That's messed up.

Own your own business. Do your own taxes (it’s not that hard). Pay your quarterlies. You’ll learn a lot.
Another thing that burns my ass is that they've made the tax code so expansive that they've made it difficult for the average American to file their own taxes. Instead you have to pay hundreds to a tax preparer so that you can pay thousands to the government. That's messed up.
My federal was 81 pages.
Thank god i don’t have to file state.
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You're the funny boy in all this.

Bro. Log out of Rico before responding to your OP. What is this amatuer hour?

Edit to add: Smooth (and fast) delete brother @RicoSuave102954

I'm here for you!

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Another thing that burns my ass is that they've made the tax code so expansive that they've made it difficult for the average American to file their own taxes. Instead you have to pay hundreds to a tax preparer so that you can pay thousands to the government. That's messed up.
Retired CPA here, and I agree with you. An average American should be able to prepare their own tax return accurately and without fear of "missing something".

Imagine having to pay property taxes based on how many nails, how much wood and how many blades of grass you have?

It's nonsense.
Asking a question here.. Isn't the resulting tax code and lack of deductions due to what biff and the Rs in congress back in 2018? I know my taxes went up after he gave tax cuts to billionaires.
Depends on bracket and if you itemize.
I have yet to see or hear one good reason for this student loan forgiveness, other than to buy votes.
Have you seen how these lenders make their money. People take out a 20K loan 20 years ago are still paying on it and owe 75k for example. Too much interest. It wasn't free money.. It was an anchor
Have you seen how these lenders make their money. People take out a 20K loan 20 years ago are still paying on it and owe 75k for example. Too much interest. It wasn't free money.. It was an anchor
Believe me, I can get behind that type of deal, which helps people out with interest. And I think this deal does that to an extent. My main point is that if you borrow 20k, you should pay back at least 20k.
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Or 25k..they are paying back triple or quadruple.
In my mind that makes sense. It’s forgiving principal payments that doesn’t make sense. Biden should just hand out free money to everyone, like a universal basic income. That’s more fair than this student loan gambit.
Have you seen how these lenders make their money. People take out a 20K loan 20 years ago are still paying on it and owe 75k for example. Too much interest. It wasn't free money.. It was an anchor
Go to private school for a shit major and jerk off in Europe for a semester and borrow every penny.

Nobody is in bad shape that went to junior college for two years and then a state school they live in for two years.

Government loans should only be for the amount of junior college the first two years and state school the following two. If somebody wants to give out private loans for more they can, and allow the student to declare bankruptcy to escape them.
Another thing that burns my ass is that they've made the tax code so expansive that they've made it difficult for the average American to file their own taxes. Instead you have to pay hundreds to a tax preparer so that you can pay thousands to the government. That's messed up.
Well didn’t Donald Trump and his GOP congress take care of that for you too? I know he promised to get rid of ObamaCare and replace it with something much better….and his tax code was going to sim-life taxes so much, we could fill them out on a post card…..

You may want to refigure your deductions Northern…..and reduce the size of that check you sent the government every April 15th….
Keep paying your taxes though…and be thankful your paying them….and have the money to pay them, too!
Believe me, I can get behind that type of deal, which helps people out with interest. And I think this deal does that to an extent. My main point is that if you borrow 20k, you should pay back at least 20k.
I’ve said before - I propose forgiving the interest on student loans, not the loan itself.

In my view, I think they should be considered in future investments as people will be able to use their future earnings to make bigger contributions to the economy sooner rather than spending years using their income to pay off the loan/interest instead.
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I've often thought that it would be a big wake up call if just for (1) single tax year we would actually collect taxes at a rate that matched expenditures,.. I Seriously doubt that any of us truly appreciates just how big this spending problem is...
$34 Trillion.
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I do not believe tax payments are nearly as “poorly spent” as is the common, lazy belief.
Democrats for years and years have talked about raising taxes on the rich and making them pay their fair share. While Democrats can't even tell you what what constitutes being rich.

The only time my taxes actually went down was due to Trumps tax cuts and now the Biden regime wants to sunset those!
Democrats for years and years have talked about raising taxes on the rich and making them pay their fair share. While Democrats can't even tell you what what constitutes being rich.

The only time my taxes actually went down was due to Trumps tax cuts and now the Biden regime wants to sunset those!
You know the sunset clauses were written when they were passed initially, right?
Democrats for years and years have talked about raising taxes on the rich and making them pay their fair share. While Democrats can't even tell you what what constitutes being rich.

The only time my taxes actually went down was due to Trumps tax cuts and now the Biden regime wants to sunset those!
The Trump Tax cuts were passed with the “sunset clause” already in place. Let’s be accurate while being accurate.
The Trump Tax cuts were as inflationary as they were stimulative. The Trump Covid Stimulus package was as poorly aimed and inflationary as anything the Dens could have ever dreamed up. Trump was a fiscal disaster as President.
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Didn’t have any college loans so I’m hoping he pays off my home loan soon. I mean don’t democrats want things to be fair?
Interesting to see the comments here of those who seem to be proud they pay their fair share and want their tax dollars used wisely by the government.

These are the same people who have no problems with a huge defense budget and the rich, including corporations, not paying anything at all. Did you folks have a problem a few years back when farmers got government handouts because of a bad crop? How about when almost a trillion in "loans" were given to small businesses during the pandemic without any oversight? Where do you all draw the line on how your tax dollars are spent, because you certainly have confusing viewpoints.
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