I love the Cornhuskers and Cyclones


Scout Team
Jul 31, 2016
Without hesitation I openly throw my arms up and thank the heavens for Nebraska and Iowa State. On one hand you have the greatest fans on this planet, along with legends like Dr. Tom and Tommy ArmWeak.

Then we have the greatest little engine that could and the land of promises and great water. Without these guys September would be pointless. I just gotta say you guys have the best ....................water towers ever.

What would a football less summer be without the great back and fourths with the greatest there ever was and the greatest never to be? I love you guys!

Warning: The written words above do not reflect the entirety of HawkEye Nation. Anything said or stated was without the written approval of the great Iowa Hawkeyes program or it fans. This is the sole view of one very bored and silly HawFan. Reader Discretion Advised.
Rated SSS for silly,stupid and sarcastic.
For those of you with weak stomachs and little children I apologize but it needed to be done. I gotta go wipe the tears from my eyes and renew my subscriptions to " Why I love the 90s" and " Hope is the best medicine".
In all seriousness I hope every team on our schedule has a very good season except when they face us. I hear good things about Campbell and his passion. The guy jumps out at you , he's so excited to be in Ames.

The Huskers need to rebound this year if Riley has any shot at building something over there. Iowa needs to show it can string together consecutive successful seasons if we ever want to be taken seriously in tbe National scope of things.

This could be our year, no jinxes please.
All this from a fan base handling life when they are hot, dry, and Donkey less, a fan base that that has seen their team go 334-352 (for Iowa graduates that's less than 500) during the years the Huskers were kicking ass. A fan base reveling in their first undefeated regular season in the history of their program. No wonder the consternation and focus on the team to the West. There's an Old Gaelic sayings; Chan eil h-uile facal sireadh freagairt. No wonder the cast smells of the herrings that it holds. Good Luck in your up coming season Hawk fans.
All this from a fan base handling life when they are hot, dry, and Donkey less, a fan base that that has seen their team go 334-352 (for Iowa graduates that's less than 500) during the years the Huskers were kicking ass. A fan base reveling in their first undefeated regular season in the history of their program. No wonder the consternation and focus on the team to the West. There's an Old Gaelic sayings; Chan eil h-uile facal sireadh freagairt. No wonder the cast smells of the herrings that it holds. Good Luck in your up coming season Hawk fans.
Check your facts N. Iowa has has other unbeaten seasons.
ISU Nebraska threads... blah blah blah.
They're the basis of our message board life. What would we do without talking about our rivals, talk about recruiting news and gameplanning? Ha I say to you .

We must be educated in the ways of the force young Hawker.
All this from a fan base handling life when they are hot, dry, and Donkey less, a fan base that that has seen their team go 334-352 (for Iowa graduates that's less than 500) during the years the Huskers were kicking ass. A fan base reveling in their first undefeated regular season in the history of their program. No wonder the consternation and focus on the team to the West. There's an Old Gaelic sayings; Chan eil h-uile facal sireadh freagairt. No wonder the cast smells of the herrings that it holds. Good Luck in your up coming season Hawk fans.

We don't really feel consternation towards the Cornhuskers... We just think most of their fans are dicks.