A joke? No. Periods of ineptness (Lickliter)? Absolutely. Mediocre years? Of course. Disappointing NCAA tournament performances? No question. But to say it’s been “a joke for 30+ years” is ridiculous.
Look, my first real taste of Iowa basketball was as a little kid in the ‘80s, with BJ, Horton, Marble, Lohaus, Gamble, etc., so I get it. I think all of us hope for a little more, but there is a happy medium (where reality exists) between fantasies of being the Tar Heels of the Midwest and claiming the program has been straight trash for over thirty years. Why you choose the latter is beyond me.
Yes, Iowa basketball should be more, but if you’re actually serious with these “Iowa basketball is worse than infected gorilla 🦍 ass” threads you randomly start from one month to whenever you next get a wild hair, then you need to get a grip and chill.