I O W A chant

Nov 28, 2007
After our go-ahead TD, we kept the chant going through the first half of Pitt's ensuing possession. I don't remember our crowd sustaining the chant that long before. It must have lasted over 5 minutes without interruption.

My question for those watching at home was whether it was clear over the TV. Could you all hear it at home?

Regardless, it was an amazing feeling only eclipsed tonight by the winning FG.

Koehn is able!!
Yeah -- it was odd that the crowd was so into the game at that point but our D was having a hard time stopping them at the same time.
Just got home from the game and yes the continuation of the IOWA chant went on much longer than I had ever heard it before..AND after the game it happened again! And that was very special.
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It's just one of those really really great days.
Nebraska loses
Greenwood leading us out with Angerer and Doyle by his side
Gallery getting recognized
Tough hard nosed gut check football
Bomb to win it as time to expires.
Iowa State loses.

Just an awesome day
Crowd was awesome for most of the game. It is great to see the fans really get behind the team and it is great to see how the team responds. When Kinnick is alive and electric, it is a very tough place to play.
Best crowd I have heard on tv from Kinnick in a long, long time.

My closest thought was Michigan in '85.

That's what my buddies dad said too! I was in section 128 and it was insane. I don't know if aside from LSU that there would have been a better atmosphere in college football yesterday!
Yes, props to the students for keeping I-O-W-A going so long. There were some points where it could have died out but the students kept the "I" going every time.
Previous games I've noticed that the fans may have been able to keep the chant going longer like this, but then they pipe in music and drown it out. Did they figure something out and NOT drown out the chant last night?

This chant is something that can set IOWA apart. Whoever controls the music, needs to let it play out. Can be VERY impressive to hear in person and on TV. Any team can pipe is music and artificial noise....

Well done last night!
Previous games I've noticed that the fans may have been able to keep the chant going longer like this, but then they pipe in music and drown it out. Did they figure something out and NOT drown out the chant last night?

This chant is something that can set IOWA apart. Whoever controls the music, needs to let it play out. Can be VERY impressive to hear in person and on TV. Any team can pipe is music and artificial noise....

Well done last night!
Exactly! It always ticked me off whenever they squelched the crowd with that dumb ass typed in "start me up"
After our go-ahead TD, we kept the chant going through the first half of Pitt's ensuing possession. I don't remember our crowd sustaining the chant that long before. It must have lasted over 5 minutes without interruption.

My question for those watching at home was whether it was clear over the TV. Could you all hear it at home?

Regardless, it was an amazing feeling only eclipsed tonight by the winning FG.

Koehn is able!!
Yep, it was awesome. I can't believe we don't do it more often like that.

Maybe going forward?
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It was very cool!! I was torn on the back end of if though because I wanted more crowd noise instead of just 1/4 making noise.. Glad the crowd didn't stop though!
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I remember that game well. Navarre was totally rattled.

I am friends with two die hard Michigan fans and from their perspective John Navarre got rattled in every game that was close at the end.
Just got home from the game and yes the continuation of the IOWA chant went on much longer than I had ever heard it before..AND after the game it happened again! And that was very special.

The chant was great. After the game was crazy. I found myself standing there about 5 minutes after the kick, and the stadium was still mostly full. Pure awesomeness.
Previous games I've noticed that the fans may have been able to keep the chant going longer like this, but then they pipe in music and drown it out. Did they figure something out and NOT drown out the chant last night?

This chant is something that can set IOWA apart. Whoever controls the music, needs to let it play out. Can be VERY impressive to hear in person and on TV. Any team can pipe is music and artificial noise....

Well done last night!

We actually kept it going through some piped in music. Nobody wanted to stop. :)
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The deafening piped-in music exhibited during the Ill St game was not as prevelent, annoying, or was it even needed last night. The crowd made most of the noise ... as it should be. I don't go to games to listen to music and commercials blasted at 145dB. Great job spirit squad and football team with getting and keeping the crowd in the game. It was rocking at Kinnick! ♥️IOWA
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The chant was great. After the game was crazy. I found myself standing there about 5 minutes after the kick, and the stadium was still mostly full. Pure awesomeness.

I've never seen the team come back out to celebrate like last night. The awesomeness just kept going! Great night for Iowa Football in so many ways.
It was very cool!! I was torn on the back end of if though because I wanted more crowd noise instead of just 1/4 making noise.. Glad the crowd didn't stop though!

Agreed. That's why after an IOWA touchdown, do it and let it ride instead of playing some crappie song for kickoff. Usually TV retuns from commercial with a zoomed out stadium shot...... with 70K screaming I-O-W-A!

Or come back from commercial and crank up "start me up".....not
Here is my proposal. They need to get this organized by the PA guy to initiate it maybe with an on field person to cue the crowd to get it started.

Someone in marketing etc could come up with a great way of coordinating it all.

East stands and north stands say "I" then west stands and south stands say "O" then alternate back for the W and the A.

This would be great because you have half the stadium instead of 1/4 of the stadium yelling at a time.

Use it for defensive stands and even red zone possessions for visiting teams.

This could be a huge home field advantage.

Hell, the whole stadium could yell each letter. Imagine HOW Loud THAT Would be!
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