I used to think Chishawk was a little nuts…

You are off the rails stoop.
Yeah,drump is the same lying, grifting, cheating asshole he has always been. 2016, 1980, etc… If you are good with that, WTF?
You are a dumb MF er.
You stoops are leading dumbass citizens off the rail into the country crashing into a bad place.
Be proud of the crash you promote. It will be epic.

Show me any post where I was "good" with Trump. I have despised him since the USFL. Any sliver of chance I ever had of supporting him vanished when he disparaged McCain's service.
Would you like to talk about specific topics? I would be down with that. We may agree or disagree.
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Did I read somewhere that you are an educator? You seem to not have any semblance of an overarching ideology. You are frantic about one topic, then frantic about the opposite position five minutes later.
Trump is the same person he was in 2016, 1980, etc.
Chis is the same multiple-purple-heart hero that can't tell the difference between an AR-15 and an AK-47. The only thing he has acquired multiples of are OWIs.
Show me any post where I was "good" with Trump. I have despised him since the USFL. Any sliver of chance I ever had of supporting him vanished when he disparaged McCain's service.
Would you like to talk about specific topics? I would be down with that. We may agree or disagree.
Oh boy, gray hair steps up. Tell us what you see as the way forward.
I think the OP wants to sleep with chis and then it’s just a bunch of liberal tears as far as I can tell.
✅ Liberal tears

Next time, to be more effective, consider also using these trusty GOP quips to ensure you are effectively owning the Libs:
  • Libtard
  • Leftist
  • Illegals
  • Marxist
  • Globalist
  • Woke
  • DEI
  • Trans
  • Open borders
  • Deep State
  • Migrant caravans
Show me any post where I was "good" with Trump. I have despised him since the USFL. Any sliver of chance I ever had of supporting him vanished when he disparaged McCain's service.
Would you like to talk about specific topics? I would be down with that. We may agree or disagree.
How did you vote in 2016, 2020, and 2024 (or how would you have voted if you had voted)?

If we're going to try to have honest conversations, showing our cards would be a good place to start.

If you're up to it, show how you voted since the beginning of time.
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Oh boy, gray hair steps up. Tell us what you see as the way forward.

Best thing that could happen is if everyone eschewed the cable news networks. They are the greatest source of division. Then, maybe have a civil conversation with someone you know possesses a different opinion from you. I can remember a time when I debated with people and then was still cordial with them afterwards.
How did you vote in 2016, 2020, and 2024 (or how would you have voted if you had voted)?

If we're going to try to have honest conversations, showing our cards would be a good place to start.

If you're up to it, show how you voted since the beginning of time.
1984 Reagan
1988 Bush I
1992 Bush I
1996 Clinton
2000 Bush II
2004 Ditto
2008 McCain
2012 Third party
2016 ditto
2020 ditto
2024 abstained

Now you go
✅ Liberal tears

Next time, to be more effective, consider also using these trusty GOP quips to ensure you are effectively owning the Libs:
  • Libtard
  • Leftist
  • Illegals
  • Marxist
  • Globalist
  • Woke
  • DEI
  • Trans
  • Open borders
  • Deep State
  • Migrant caravans
Adding to the list...


What else...?
Best thing that could happen is if everyone eschewed the cable news networks. They are the greatest source of division. Then, maybe have a civil conversation with someone you know possesses a different opinion from you. I can remember a time when I debated with people and then was still cordial with them afterwards.
Why do you think that only cable news is how we ascertain “news”? One has to gather “news” from many sources, but more importantly, give thought to the source as well as then really think about where/how/why that info was produced.

You feel like you have solid info?
A lot of people here have been onto this, but Chis certainly put himself front and center and kept on going even after some timeouts and lots of ire. He's like the Energizer Bunny that hates fascists.
So, he's a member of Antifa?
Why do you think that only cable news is how we ascertain “news”? One has to gather “news” from many sources, but more importantly, give thought to the source as well as then really think about where/how/why that info was produced.

You feel like you have solid info?
People choose their news source based on who is delivering what they want to hear. There was a time when many journalists were guided and restrained be ethics. They tried to report events objectively. Now it is all about pandering to a target audience.
People choose their news source based on who is delivering what they want to hear. There was a time when many journalists were guided and restrained be ethics. They tried to report events objectively. Now it is all about pandering to a target audience.
Is that the sources you listen to?
I admit to not following faux news, as they have admitted to be an entertainment site.
1984 Reagan
1988 Bush I
1992 Bush I
1996 Clinton
2000 Bush II
2004 Ditto
2008 McCain
2012 Third party
2016 ditto
2020 ditto
2024 abstained

Now you go
Which 3rd party (or parties)?

1968 - Humphry (preferred McCarthy)
1972 - McGovern
1976 - Carter
1980 - John Anderson
1984 - Mondale (preferred Gary Hart)
1988 - Dukakis
1992 - Clinton (preferred Tsongas)
1996 - Nader
2000 - Nader
2004 - Nader (Obama was OK, but Nader was better)
2008 - Nader
2012 - Stein
2016 - Stein (preferred Bernie)
2020 - Biden (preferred Bernie or Lizzie, in that order)
2024 - Stein (preferred Cornel West)

I do my best to never vote for war criminals or climate destroyers.

I also try to avoid voting for anyone who isn't acceptable. Not a lesser of evils voter.
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Which 3rd party (or parties)?

1968 - Humphry (preferred McCarthy)
1972 - McGovern
1976 - Carter
1980 - John Anderson
1984 - Mondale (preferred Gary Hart)
1988 - Dukakis
1992 - Clinton (preferred Tsongas)
1996 - Nader
2000 - Nader
2004 - Nader (Obama was OK, but Nader was better)
2008 - Nader
2012 - Stein
2016 - Stein (preferred Bernie)
2020 - Biden (preferred Bernie or Lizzie, in that order)
2024 - Stein (preferred Cornel West)

I do my best to never vote for war criminals or climate destroyers.

I also try to avoid voting for anyone who isn't acceptable. Not a lesser of evils voter.
Your last sentence is exactly where I am now.
My third party choices were libertarian or Constitutional party. I could not find anyone I could get behind in 24.
What Gary Hart got chased out for wouldn't move the needle today.
I watch the NBC nightly news at 5:30 if I am home on time. I have watched CNN, MSNBC, and Fox at different times over the years.
OK. You posted this earlier. Is NBC what you “want to hear”?

People choose their news source based on who is delivering what they want to hear. There was a time when many journalists were guided and restrained be ethics. They tried to report events objectively. Now it is all about pandering to a target audience.
I can't argue that. I'll try to do better there. We need something good every now and then in these times. Mental health for people who truly care about America is going to be hurting.
I am still hoping that enough lawsuits stop this facist re-making of America. And we will need court judges who are truly patriotic to see the money and power grab for what it is.

I think the IGs should be put back in their jobs via a lawsuit until Congress gets their 30 day notice and more time for a review.
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OK. You posted this earlier. Is NBC what you “want to hear”?

People choose their news source based on who is delivering what they want to hear. There was a time when many journalists were guided and restrained be ethics. They tried to report events objectively. Now it is all about pandering to a target audience.

I believe the open-air networks are as close to unbiased as there are. I prefer reporting of events without analysis and editorializing.
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Is that the sources you listen to?
I get what you are saying. That his echo chamber is likely built around the likes of FOX News and worse. You're not wrong that they are the worst. But starting more than a decade ago, MSNBS and CNN started modeling themselves after FOX.

I hardly ever listen to US news sources these days. Instead, I get most of my news from foreign sources - where it's very easy to distinguish their slant and not be conned by it. Simply because their slant is tailored toward their viewership, not ours.

Nowadays, whenever I tune in to MSNBC or CNN (even more) I am repulsed by the blatant distortions and what I think of as corporate Democratic propaganda. What's more they sometimes even have Republicans on, and they never seem to challenge their lies. That level of journalistic malpractice and malfeasance has even infected PBS in the last couple of years. Don't get me wrong, I'm confident FOX, et al, are worse. But I never tune them in any more.

Point being, mainstream US news is demonstrably awful. Liberals/progressives/lefties (or even those on the right who want honest journalism) need to look elsewhere. And need to mix it up.
I am still hoping that enough lawsuits stop this facist re-making of America. And we will need court judges who are truly patriotic to see the money and power grab for what it is.
The GOP has been stacking the Judiciary with rightwingers from The Federalist Society's curated list. Meanwhile, McConnell, et al, have been blocking or slow-walking Dem nominations.

Which is to say that judge-shopping may slow some of Trump's atrocities, but probably won't stop many for long.

And besides, judge-shopping shouldn't be a thing.
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