I used to think Chishawk was a little nuts…

What we need is for Antifa to become a real thing in America.

Plus a revival of the Earth Liberation Front.

Personally, I'm waiting for the west coast to secede and merge with the western part of Canada; and for New England to secede and merge with the eastern part of Canada. The South can go its own way. And Texas will become a separate nation.

It won't be quite this, but this is a good place to start. Where would you move?

Move that border a little west of the Mississippi please.
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I get what you are saying. That his echo chamber is likely built around the likes of FOX News and worse. You're not wrong that they are the worst. But starting more than a decade ago, MSNBS and CNN started modeling themselves after FOX.

I hardly ever listen to US news sources these days. Instead, I get most of my news from foreign sources - where it's very easy to distinguish their slant and not be conned by it. Simply because their slant is tailored toward their viewership, not ours.

Nowadays, whenever I tune in to MSNBC or CNN (even more) I am repulsed by the blatant distortions and what I think of as corporate Democratic propaganda. What's more they sometimes even have Republicans on, and they never seem to challenge their lies. That level of journalistic malpractice and malfeasance has even infected PBS in the last couple of years. Don't get me wrong, I'm confident FOX, et al, are worse. But I never tune them in any more.

Point being, mainstream US news is demonstrably awful. Liberals/progressives/lefties (or even those on the right who want honest journalism) need to look elsewhere. And need to mix it up.
BBC, npr, cnn, are my first reach daily.
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I mean, perhaps, but wouldn’t you say our country is currently going off the rails? I think Chishawk was just providing a mirror of clairvoyance most of us never thought possible. Even with Trump.
I disagree, and it’s not because I’m clairvoyant. It’s because I lived in NYC, and saw or heard about him every single day.

This goes back to the ‘80’s.

The dude has always been a narcissistic sociopath. Bankruptcy after bankruptcy, claiming he could put on the Olympics in NYC in his buildings.

Goldmom can verify that I was vehemently against the guy back in 2016.
Which 3rd party (or parties)?

1968 - Humphry (preferred McCarthy)
1972 - McGovern
1976 - Carter
1980 - John Anderson
1984 - Mondale (preferred Gary Hart)
1988 - Dukakis
1992 - Clinton (preferred Tsongas)
1996 - Nader
2000 - Nader
2004 - Nader (Obama was OK, but Nader was better)
2008 - Nader
2012 - Stein
2016 - Stein (preferred Bernie)
2020 - Biden (preferred Bernie or Lizzie, in that order)
2024 - Stein (preferred Cornel West)

I do my best to never vote for war criminals or climate destroyers.

I also try to avoid voting for anyone who isn't acceptable. Not a lesser of evils voter.
Looks like his schtick has been spot on. Can you give him credit for that even if you don’t like his delivery? Or, are you onboard with the fascist garbage going on right now? Mainstream media isn’t even covering most of it and X is suppressing it.
Sit down, precious. Eliminate the term “fascist” from your posts and people will immediately add ten points to their estimate of your IQ.
I mean that’s so 2024…
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I disagree, and it’s not because I’m clairvoyant. It’s because I lived in NYC, and saw or heard about him every single day.

This goes back to the ‘80’s.

The dude has always been a narcissistic sociopath. Bankruptcy after bankruptcy, claiming he could put on the Olympics in NYC in his buildings.

Goldmom can verify that I was vehemently against the guy back in 2016.
I have been against Trump from the beginning too. I’m not suggesting the position is unique. My point was I regret being a jerk to Chishawk and owed him an apology.

Not surprising it rallied the MIB. “Liberal tears, TDS, blah blah blah.” All morons.
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What we need is for Antifa to become a real thing in America.

Plus a revival of the Earth Liberation Front.

Personally, I'm waiting for the west coast to secede and merge with the western part of Canada; and for New England to secede and merge with the eastern part of Canada. The South can go its own way. And Texas will become a separate nation.

It won't be quite this, but this is a good place to start. Where would you move?

So in this scenario who will the Georgia Federation leech off of in order to survive?
The tourism tax will be awesome. The Ministry of Mousedom told us so.
It is gonna be awesome to see how Floridian folk afford Canadian lumber to rebuild after the latest storms.
Exit locals and multi generational peeps. Enter Fook hedgefunders. .
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I don’t anymore.

I apologize, @Chishawk1425. You were right.
Endorsing the first shitpost in the Potomac crash thread and the last one to realize Biden was out of it. Not to mention attacking posters that agree with him on everything else because of Biden. Yep, always right. 🙄
Did I read somewhere that you are an educator? You seem to not have any semblance of an overarching ideology. You are frantic about one topic, then frantic about the opposite position five minutes later.
Trump is the same person he was in 2016, 1980, etc.
Chis is the same multiple-purple-heart hero that can't tell the difference between an AR-15 and an AK-47. The only thing he has acquired multiples of are OWIs.
I certainly hope he’s not an educator. 🥴
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2024, the six months Goldie tried so hard to not be transparent about her love for the orange man.
Busted? I don’t think so.
No - he’s doing a lot of what caused me to not vote for him this time.
Peggy Noonan’s column in the WSJ yesterday was interesting because she likened it to Godfather II when “all business was settled” with enemies while the family was at the Baptism. Old scores taken care of. She was spot on.
His scorecard and not the country’s business.
Why do liberals do so poorly at not getting their way!? The amount of unprovoked name-calling in this thread alone is hilarious! So progressive!
2024, the six months Goldie tried so hard to not be transparent about her love for the orange man.\

I was going to use goldie's resentment of Chis's use of fascist to drum on MAGAs obsession with Marxism, communism, fascism and other isms they know nothing about, other than being Stupid TV or other brainless, mindless conservative mediums.
Why do liberals do so poorly at not getting their way!? The amount of unprovoked name-calling in this thread alone is hilarious! So progressive!
Much of this is a collective bait operation by a number of trolls and bots who are sowing hysteria and discord. It’s all they have for the next four years.
Meanwhile there is a larger issue at hand and that’s the safety and future of America.
I was going to use goldie's resentment of Chis's use of fascist to drum on MAGAs obsession with Marxism, communism, fascism and other isms they know nothing about, other than being Stupid TV or other brainless, mindless conservative mediums.
And there you go. By the way I wasn’t referring to Chis. I was responding to ATLNole.
I don’t typically comment on Chis.
Much of this is a collective bait operation by a number of trolls and bots who are sowing hysteria and discord. It’s all they have for the next four years.
Meanwhile there is a larger issue at hand and that’s the safety and future of America.

Interesting. Safety of the United States in the hands of.......the Orange Turd?

And you are being serious.