I was going to congratulate your team

Mar 24, 2004
on their win yesterday (though I must say there were some questionable calls that determined the outcome of the game), but after learning your school marching band chanted "We are Penn State" my cheerful mood went from a smiley face to anger. If this is TRUE, then this is my response: Grow up and act like you've been there!!! PSU has such a rich tradition that we would never resort to childish behavior. Yes, We are Penn State, thank you, been there and done that. It's too bad Iowa don't get to play us this season.

Enjoy your ride while it lasts. If I'm a betting man, Iowa will lose at least two games this season.

Why would the band chant We are Penn State? Not something to which I hope the Hawks aspire? Maybe some other meaning, but this makes no sense to me.

And I will forego the "child" jokes.
What in the hell are you talking about?

Exactly. WTH? This is the strangest most out of left field troll I've ever seen.

Nobody wants to be them. Penn State is a mediocre program who's only success happened with a coach who allowed the systematic raping of young boys on campus.

Out of all the things on the mind of a Hawkeye fan last night, freaking Penn State certainly wasn't one of them. lol
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on their win yesterday (though I must say there were some questionable calls that determined the outcome of the game), but after learning your school marching band chanted "We are Penn State" my cheerful mood went from a smiley face to anger. If this is TRUE, then this is my response: Grow up and act like you've been there!!! PSU has such a rich tradition that we would never resort to childish behavior. Yes, We are Penn State, thank you, been there and done that. It's too bad Iowa don't get to play us this season.

Enjoy your ride while it lasts. If I'm a betting man, Iowa will lose at least two games this season.


LOL, why would this piss you off? Only answer is you're a whinny lil baby.

Questionable calls? Don't think so bud.
I heard it too. I know Penn St is famous for using that song, but that was severely lame. It just shows how much some of the band geeks are into the sport.
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While watching with the wife last night, we thought we heard, "F*** Penn State". We did a double-take. Rewound it but couldn't quite figure out what they chanted. Very strange.
I'm confused. Is that really what they are saying? Need a clarification. (Why in the holy %##%% would anyone want to say we are Penn State?)

And to OP, I couldn't give half a crap about your congratulations.
Who is Penn State? Is this another one of those programs that had success 30 years ago and they still think they are relevant?[/QUOTE

I apologize guys, I guess I'm hindsight I should not have posted, I guess my emotion / passion got the best of me. Enjoy your great season (I equate it to someone winning the lottery). Moreover, please continue your success with rivals Iowa State and Nebraska (I doubt they really care).
I was at the game last night. I don't recall hearing Penn State mentioned once. I think most people in the Big 10 are by now completely indifferent to Penn State. In short, sorry, but nobody cares.
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What the heck? I did not notice this at the game or anyother time that has been played. It clearly looks like the band is mouthing "We are Penn State" though. Can't be. What's really being said?
Click on the video. The sound is turned off so change that setting in the upper left corner of the video and you will clearly hear the We Are Penn State chant.
Click on the video. The sound is turned off so change that setting in the upper left corner of the video and you will clearly hear the We Are Penn State chant.

I heard it. It just makes zero sense. Why would they be saying that? Has to be something else that just sounds similar.
So Iowa gator chomps(Florida), play let me clear my throat(Nebraska), play the song Kernkraft 400(Penn State)and do their version of the Ohio St chant? Next thing we know they'll be jumping around at the end of the third quarter and doing the war Seminole chant. Get an original thought
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I would like to congratulate you on thinking Penn State is relevant.
They are not.
Click on the video. The sound is turned off so change that setting in the upper left corner of the video and you will clearly hear the We Are Penn State chant.

That's really bizarre. I didn't notice that last night. One would think, though, the OP would be flattered that Penn State is even getting mentioned in a Big 10 game that has nothing to do with them. Seriously, Penn State is a lot like Nebraska in that only their fans remember or care about their past glory. Why he or she is butt hurt over something so trivial seems a bit ridiculous. Must need attention or validation.
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You ever rhythmically slap someone with one of your custom sausages? In a shower perhaps?
on their win yesterday (though I must say there were some questionable calls that determined the outcome of the game), but after learning your school marching band chanted "We are Penn State" my cheerful mood went from a smiley face to anger. If this is TRUE, then this is my response: Grow up and act like you've been there!!! PSU has such a rich tradition that we would never resort to childish behavior. Yes, We are Penn State, thank you, been there and done that. It's too bad Iowa don't get to play us this season.

Enjoy your ride while it lasts. If I'm a betting man, Iowa will lose at least two games this season.


They are chanting "We hate Iowa State".
Nothing like PSU to be vain or think they are relevant to us.
Watched the vine. Definitely not "we hate Iowa State" and pretty sure its nothing to do with PSU either.

I am reminded of a Carly Simon song....
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on their win yesterday (though I must say there were some questionable calls that determined the outcome of the game), but after learning your school marching band chanted "We are Penn State" my cheerful mood went from a smiley face to anger. If this is TRUE, then this is my response: Grow up and act like you've been there!!! PSU has such a rich tradition that we would never resort to childish behavior. Yes, We are Penn State, thank you, been there and done that. It's too bad Iowa don't get to play us this season.

Enjoy your ride while it lasts. If I'm a betting man, Iowa will lose at least two games this season.


Seems to me it was more of a shout out to Penn State than a mocking.
Seems to me it was more of a shout out to Penn State than a mocking.
Like I said, I apologize if it was much ado about nothing; I first found about this on the BWI board where someone mentioned it. I guess it was blown way out of proportion.

To the poster who made a reference to Thailand, say that to my face and I will drop you and that's a threat. I kid you not, I will destroy you under 2min.
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In general and to no one specific.

Like I said, I apologize if it was much ado about nothing; I first found about this on the BWI board where someone mentioned it. I guess it was blown way out of proportion.

To the poster who made a reference to Thailand, say that to my face and I will drop you and that's a threat. I kid you not, I will destroy you under 2min.

I'll take that challenge you enabling loser. Talk to us all when you're little team is relevant.
on their win yesterday (though I must say there were some questionable calls that determined the outcome of the game), but after learning your school marching band chanted "We are Penn State" my cheerful mood went from a smiley face to anger. If this is TRUE, then this is my response: Grow up and act like you've been there!!! PSU has such a rich tradition that we would never resort to childish behavior. Yes, We are Penn State, thank you, been there and done that. It's too bad Iowa don't get to play us this season.

Enjoy your ride while it lasts. If I'm a betting man, Iowa will lose at least two games this season.


I am confused. Why would our band do this? I certainly did not hear it.
Like I said, I apologize if it was much ado about nothing; I first found about this on the BWI board where someone mentioned it. I guess it was blown way out of proportion.

To the poster who made a reference to Thailand, say that to my face and I will drop you and that's a threat. I kid you not, I will destroy you under 2min.

Easy Rhonda!