

HB Heisman
Dec 16, 2005
We might want to work on each team member, identifying one opponent, and boxing them that we avoid standing around and watching the ball bounce off the rim...and into an opponent's hand for a put back or second chance. Boxing out isn't that tough, but it is a deliberate action...practicing it helps...but players don't tend to like such drills. Just an idea to make us better.
I hope you don't mind but I forwarded your idea to McCaffery and Speraw. The brilliance of your insight was too valuable to let rot on a message board.
With this information, I now believe that Iowa will be a contender. In his reply to me, Speraw was effusive in his gratitude for the tip and affirmed that the team does not presently conduct practice drills of this type. This can change the landscape of college basketball forever. Thanks.
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Thanks NU...that's why you are known as "the helper"... The world needs people like you!
I hope you don't mind but I forwarded your idea to McCaffery and Speraw. The brilliance of your insight was too valuable to let rot on a message board.
With this information, I now believe that Iowa will be a contender. In his reply to me, Speraw was effusive in his gratitude for the tip and affirmed that the team does not presently conduct practice drills of this type. This can change the landscape of college basketball forever. Thanks.

Can you forward my idea on. Don't miss shots. If you can make 'em once, you should make 'em all the time!
We might want to work on each team member, identifying one opponent, and boxing them that we avoid standing around and watching the ball bounce off the rim...and into an opponent's hand for a put back or second chance. Boxing out isn't that tough, but it is a deliberate action...practicing it helps...but players don't tend to like such drills. Just an idea to make us better.
We disagree on Gesell, but I agree with you on this. Hawks are not going to be successful in the B1G this year if they consistently give up 19 offensive rebounds.
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I hope you don't mind but I forwarded your idea to McCaffery and Speraw. The brilliance of your insight was too valuable to let rot on a message board.
With this information, I now believe that Iowa will be a contender. In his reply to me, Speraw was effusive in his gratitude for the tip and affirmed that the team does not presently conduct practice drills of this type. This can change the landscape of college basketball forever. Thanks.
Hey, that's great. Good work. Oh, and just in case they don't know how to set up a drill of this type, why don't you shoot him another email and tell him I'd be glad to drop by and give them a few pointers.
Watch Iowa's players...their effort and/or awareness of the need to - or ability to box out is, well, hideous...those basics of BB are taught in 7th grade...ball is in the air...look for someone to box out while it is on the way down. Please...give it a try guys.

You don't have to be "on fire" to box out and don't have to be "lucky" is just thinking BB...deliberate planning and execution. Fran's teams don't excel at this, nor do they seem to relish playing much organized defense. Thus...we are burned off the dribble and beaten to the loose balls, well, quite often. Needs to change to get better...hideous, inexcusable, but correctable.

Yes, please forward this to the coaching staff...I am sure they would appreciate my astute observations...
Actually rev, I agree with you on the boxing out. It's pretty bad. Woody is the only one who seems to do it as if he knows how.
Agree...Woody most often seems interested in identifying someone and boxing him out...Uthoff is hideous...really...D - level... It it is a team works... Rebounding isn't about is about thinking and working...a strategy...
Most often Uthoff doesn't box out, tries to rely on his jumping ability...with this ability he grabs his fair share...that said, boxing out it is a team art and effort...great teams do it well... If one or two box out and the others don' often doesn't have a happy ending.
Traditionally, rebounders were taught to find a man, block him off the board, THEN go for the ball. If everyone does that properly, the ball should usually hit the floor. Rebounding fundamentals haven't been a strength of Iowa teams for quite awhile.
Woody does box out, but sometimes he is so focused on boxing out, he forgets to go get the ball. Uthoff and Jok seldom box out anyone. The guards are better than our forwards, except Wagner, who does box people out.

I disagree on whether the Hawks play good defense. Iowa might not have the quickness or physicality to be a great defense, but the defense has been pretty darn good most of the time, until it comes to getting the defensive rebound. We need to do a much better job on the defensive board.
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