If tiny Wins, Are We Still Building a Wall, and is Mexico Still Paying for It?

WARSAW (Reuters) - The leaders of European Union countries agree that the bloc should help finance security measures on Poland's border with Belarus, Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk said on Tuesday.
The border has been a flashpoint since migrants started flocking there in 2021. The EU accuses Belarus, a close Russian ally, of flying in migrants from the Middle East and sending them across the border illegally in an attempt to engineer a crisis, which Minsk denies.
"Today I can assure you - Europe is going to pay for our security, because our security on the border is Europe's security," he said.
Poland has said it plans to spend 10 billion zlotys ($2.5 billion) on strengthening its border with Belarus and has reintroduced a no-go zone along part of the frontier.
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Biden already got 1.5 billion from Mexico for border security. Trump got zilch. Republicans don’t care about this either.
Doescher: In addition, enforcing laws already on the books, like the Remain in Mexico Policy worked to keep border encounters down. While we never got a check from Mexico per se, increased cooperation with them, helped bring border crossings down. Then Biden took office. But before we get there, I wanted to cover one thing. A common measurement for illegal aliens crossing the border is the encounter count. Now an encounter is typically measured by two criteria.

Doescher: First, apprehensions in which migrants are taken into custody in the United States to await adjudication. And two, expulsions in which migrants are immediately expelled to their home country or last country of transit without being held in us custody. So let's put it in context.

Doescher: There were around 350,000 encounters at the Southern border in 2020, the last year of Trump's presidency. And in 2021, the first year of Biden's presidency around 1.1 million encounters. That's an over 210% increase. So what was the Biden administration's response, other than canceling the wall and killing the effective Remain in Mexico Policy?

Kamala Harris:
Folks in this region who are thinking about making that dangerous track to the United States, Mexico border, do not come. Do not come.

Doescher: Since Vice President Harris said that, we're on track to shatter encounter number records at the border for 2022. They're coming and they're not stopping. So what is the Biden Administration doing now? Here's CBS in Los Angeles.

Clip: President Biden and Mexican President Andreas Manuel Lopez [inaudible 00:04:14] at the White House announcing major agreements, including $1.5 billion in smart border technology paid for by Mexico. President Biden emphasized this as a new era of cooperation.

Joe Biden: As I told you from the beginning and I mean this, I see, we see Mexico as an equal partner.

Clip: The two leaders met for several hours. President Biden announced the U.S. would expand the number of working visas, expand worker protections and said the U.S. would allow more refugees.

Doescher: So let's recap. The number of encounters at the Southern border is through the roof and only getting worse. Mexico is now committing $1.5 billion over two years for smart border technology. And in return, the U.S. is going to increase the numbers of worker and refugee visas and provide more worker protection for them. So is this going to solve the crisis at the seemingly wide open border or is this just a political stunt, to be able to say Biden was able to get Mexico to pay for the border and Trump wasn't just in time for the 2022 midterm elections?
I missed the trump rally last night so apologies if this was covered, but if trump wins, are we building a wall again, and is Mexico still going to pay for it?

Not sure if that's a thing anymore.
Good question. They might wanna get that huge beautiful wall built before they round up millions of people and deport them. Otherwise they'll be right back in the US in no time, voting for more GODDAMN DEMOCRATS
I missed the trump rally last night so apologies if this was covered, but if trump wins, are we building a wall again, and is Mexico still going to pay for it?

Not sure if that's a thing anymore.
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Doescher: In addition, enforcing laws already on the books, like the Remain in Mexico Policy worked to keep border encounters down. While we never got a check from Mexico per se, increased cooperation with them, helped bring border crossings down. Then Biden took office. But before we get there, I wanted to cover one thing. A common measurement for illegal aliens crossing the border is the encounter count. Now an encounter is typically measured by two criteria.

Doescher: First, apprehensions in which migrants are taken into custody in the United States to await adjudication. And two, expulsions in which migrants are immediately expelled to their home country or last country of transit without being held in us custody. So let's put it in context.

Doescher: There were around 350,000 encounters at the Southern border in 2020, the last year of Trump's presidency. And in 2021, the first year of Biden's presidency around 1.1 million encounters. That's an over 210% increase. So what was the Biden administration's response, other than canceling the wall and killing the effective Remain in Mexico Policy?

Kamala Harris:
Folks in this region who are thinking about making that dangerous track to the United States, Mexico border, do not come. Do not come.

Doescher: Since Vice President Harris said that, we're on track to shatter encounter number records at the border for 2022. They're coming and they're not stopping. So what is the Biden Administration doing now? Here's CBS in Los Angeles.

Clip: President Biden and Mexican President Andreas Manuel Lopez [inaudible 00:04:14] at the White House announcing major agreements, including $1.5 billion in smart border technology paid for by Mexico. President Biden emphasized this as a new era of cooperation.

Joe Biden: As I told you from the beginning and I mean this, I see, we see Mexico as an equal partner.

Clip: The two leaders met for several hours. President Biden announced the U.S. would expand the number of working visas, expand worker protections and said the U.S. would allow more refugees.

Doescher: So let's recap. The number of encounters at the Southern border is through the roof and only getting worse. Mexico is now committing $1.5 billion over two years for smart border technology. And in return, the U.S. is going to increase the numbers of worker and refugee visas and provide more worker protection for them. So is this going to solve the crisis at the seemingly wide open border or is this just a political stunt, to be able to say Biden was able to get Mexico to pay for the border and Trump wasn't just in time for the 2022 midterm elections?
What did Trump get? You left out the over 900,000 border encounters in 2019. Thanks for your help. Trump lied AGAIN, got nothing. Biden did.
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Seems the prudent thing to do would be subcontract Mexico to build the wall and then not pay them like he did with contractors that worked on his Hotels here in the U.S.
Would a completed border wall allow fewer illegal immigrants to enter the United States? Yes or no?
Would a completed border wall be as effective as comprehensive immigration reform, a stronger partnership with Mexico and Central American nations, portions of a wall where effective, and other measures where those are most effective?
It is super simple, by the way, to find videos of immigrants climbing and cutting through Trump's beautiful wall as soon as it was completed. Where there is a will, there is a way.
FYI, you'd need 3000 miles worth of wall for the Canadian border, too. Walls along the coast, too.
Would a completed border wall be as effective as comprehensive immigration reform, a stronger partnership with Mexico and Central American nations, portions of a wall where effective, and other measures where those are most effective?
It is super simple, by the way, to find videos of immigrants climbing and cutting through Trump's beautiful wall as soon as it was completed. Where there is a will, there is a way.
FYI, you'd need 3000 miles worth of wall for the Canadian border, too. Walls along the coast, too.

Just answer the question.
Would a completed border wall be as effective as comprehensive immigration reform, a stronger partnership with Mexico and Central American nations, portions of a wall where effective, and other measures where those are most effective?
It is super simple, by the way, to find videos of immigrants climbing and cutting through Trump's beautiful wall as soon as it was completed. Where there is a will, there is a way.
FYI, you'd need 3000 miles worth of wall for the Canadian border, too. Walls along the coast, too.
i don't see a bunch of beaners crossing over from Canada.
I believ
Would a completed border wall allow fewer illegal immigrants to enter the United States? Yes or no?
Probably not. Most illegal immigration comes from people overstaying their visas. Then there are people smuggled through checkpoints. And finally people who simply buy a ladder.