If you were stuck in an elevator for several hours, who would you like to be stuck with?


HB King
Gold Member
Jan 30, 2008
I heard this being talked about on some sports radio show yesterday. Several LA Chargers players and staff members were stuck in the elevator of a Dallas area hotel when they were in town for a preseason game against the Cowboys. Give yourself some leeway on the number and variety of sections of society the people could come from.
Of all my favorite Cubs, I'd go with Rick Sutcliff. He's such good bulls***er he'd make the time go fast with endless stories. I'd love to sit and chat with Pat Hughes, too. As a Bears fan, and a listener of the Score, I imagine sitting and listening to Dave Wannstedt would be entertaining, even though he talks about Jimmy Johnson too much.
I'd love to chat with Tina Fey because she is so brilliant and clever. Salma Hayek, because, well, duh.
Politicians? Probably a few of them. John Boehner and Paul Ryan for their views on how their party went crazy, and their regrets. Barack Obama for sure, but then all those secret service guys would be in the way.
HBOT posters? Just the ones I know would have an edible, and would be willing to share.
My understand, after extensive research, is Ava Adams has a very difficult time going more than a day or so without sex.

I'll pick her.

And a young lady who happened to have been delivering pizza at the moment.