Impeachment is happening


HR Legend
May 4, 2015
John Lewis just came out in favor. This was choreographed. Most see it as a sign that Pelosi behind scenes has said the time has come to take this on. She may have been very smart to hold back because they really have Trump. Senators or going to have a hard time explaining how Trump does not deserve it.

Hasn't he been really bullish on impeachment from the start?
No. Has been on the careful cautious side like the speaker. Key here as I have said elsewhere, I think quietly many Republican Senators behind closed doors know it would be better to end this Circus now and put Pence in. The whispers of gist mental state are deafening and he can’t possibly make it to November 2020. Once you get to that realization u then know the sooner the better. And he gave both sides a perfect reason
John Lewis just came out in favor. This was choreographed. Most see it as a sign that Pelosi behind scenes has said the time has come to take this on. She may have been very smart to hold back because they really have Trump. Senators or going to have a hard time explaining how Trump does not deserve it.

The only lasting result of this will be DT's re-election.
John Lewis just came out in favor. This was choreographed. Most see it as a sign that Pelosi behind scenes has said the time has come to take this on. She may have been very smart to hold back because they really have Trump. Senators or going to have a hard time explaining how Trump does not deserve it.

No. Has been on the careful cautious side like the speaker. Key here as I have said elsewhere, I think quietly many Republican Senators behind closed doors know it would be better to end this Circus now and put Pence in. The whispers of gist mental state are deafening and he can’t possibly make it to November 2020. Once you get to that realization u then know the sooner the better. And he gave both sides a perfect reason

I'd be all for Pence vs Warren. Seems like a lay up for the R's.
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Pence is going down with the ship at this point. It’s too late for him to wash the Trump stank off.

Ok, that's fine. My point is a less-hated Republican should fare well against a tax-happy Warren. Biden probably would win though. I say this because one of the biggest points D's make is they'll support anybody over Trump. Some might swallow hard and vote for a normal R though. Also, presumably, the never-Trump R's would be happy to come back.

If you don't agree, feel free to go with the tried and true "lol"
Republican candidates better start shaking off the dust and queuing up for the soon to be wide open nomination process.

Seems like a fitting end for the worst POTUS, at least in my lifetime.

Other than Andrew Jackson committing purposeful genocide on the Native population, I can’t think of a president in history that comes close. Even Nixon would have been ashamed of this con artist.
Ok, that's fine. My point is a less-hated Republican should fare well against a tax-happy Warren. Biden probably would win though. I say this because one of the biggest points D's make is they'll support anybody over Trump. Some might swallow hard and vote for a normal R though. Also, presumably, the never-Trump R's would be happy to come back.

If you don't agree, feel free to go with the tried and true "lol"
Pence's "approval" ratings (such as they are for vice presidents) have generally been about the same, if not worse, than Trump's.

There is no way all of the college educated suburban women who failed their nation by voting for Trump will make that same mistake again.

If the GOP is going to put up a candidate not named Trump, it better not be Pence.
Man, I wonder what the chances are that this investigation blows up Biden AND Trump and ends up with Romney running against Bernie or Warren.

I don't at all think this is a slam dunk for the Democrats, and could very well backfire on them and entrench Trump. But if this comes out as bad as it looks (which is far from certain given how many times these things have failed to deliver), then he definitely deserves it.

I wouldn't be necessarily surprised to see Republicans to try to force him to walk away if they could get Mitt in, but that would imply they'd have some sort of leverage to encourage him to do so. Immunity on something? The guy has no normal instincts and no shame.

Almost however this goes is going to be very ugly for the country.
oh this is good. This won’t end well for the democrats

The POTUS has committed an egregious crime and there is nearly irrefutable evidence and he has pretty much admitted it.

Whether or not this ends well for either side should be if no consideration. Not acting is basically throwing the entire essence of our Constitutionally mandated government in the trash.

Our government was created on checks and balances and only works if they are in place. Even if Trump is merely an idiot, not acting is eroding this system and paving the way for a dictator (of unknown political affiliation) to rise and seize power. And to be clear, this erosion began long before Trump and was accelerated by Clinton. This isn’t about party.

Anyone who puts party over our country is a f-ing traitor.
The POTUS has committed an egregious crime and there is nearly irrefutable evidence and he has pretty much admitted it.

Whether or not this ends well for either side should be if no consideration. Not acting is basically throwing the entire essence of our Constitutionally mandated government in the trash.

Our government was created on checks and balances and only works if they are in place. Even if Trump is merely an idiot, not acting is eroding this system and paving the way for a dictator (of unknown political affiliation) to rise and seize power. And to be clear, this erosion began long before Trump and was accelerated by Clinton. This isn’t about party.

Anyone who puts party over our country is a f-ing traitor.
you mean to say the "former vice president" has committed a crime
The POTUS has committed an egregious crime and there is nearly irrefutable evidence and he has pretty much admitted it.

Whether or not this ends well for either side should be if no consideration. Not acting is basically throwing the entire essence of our Constitutionally mandated government in the trash.

Our government was created on checks and balances and only works if they are in place. Even if Trump is merely an idiot, not acting is eroding this system and paving the way for a dictator (of unknown political affiliation) to rise and seize power. And to be clear, this erosion began long before Trump and was accelerated by Clinton. This isn’t about party.

Anyone who puts party over our country is a f-ing traitor.
Checks and balances...yet you are impeaching without actual evidence. 2nd hand info from a whistleblower with no actual hard evidence. Boom...impeachment.

So what happens if the info comes out and Trump didn’t say anything wrong. You going to lean on the Mueller report for impeachment? Good luck with that
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