In honor of Memorial Day - the HROT thread that makes u feel good about America

Anyone who isn't humbled by this video is messed up

Again nobody has insulted the generation that went through the Great Depression and World War II. They lived through an era that most can't relate to with our own experiences. But by taking such a narrow and simplistic view of the time period you are creating a society that didn't exist.
You want to really honor these people? Make less of them that need to be honored in the future! Stop voting-in shills for the munitions industry and people who's instinct is to send military to solve the world's problems. Stop advocating it yourself and discourage it with your peers. Setting aside some token annual day to wave a flag and have cook-outs is about as lame, and self-serving as it gets. Have a mandatory viewing of War Torn 1861-2010.
I'm a fan of Ron Paul, so you're preaching to the choir....but some wars were more justifiable.
You want to really honor these people? Make sure less of them need to be honored in the future! Stop voting-in shills for the munitions industry and people who's instinct is to send military to solve the world's problems. Stop advocating it yourself and discourage it with your peers. Setting aside some token annual day to wave a flag and have cook-outs is about as lame, and self-serving as it gets. Have a mandatory viewing of War Torn 1861-2010.

You find nothing worth fighting for because you have no honor in your family or your soul.
In honor of memorial day HR encourages you to spend 72 hours NOT-hating America. After Monday please return to your posts blaming the USA for everything.

WW2 was a turning point in history. It woke up the world to three important things. Dictatorship is bad. Not saying we got rid of all dictators, just that they are bad. And there are fewer now, than there was then. It also taught us about the cost of bigotry. The Axis powers saw strength in their homogeneous society. Well they lost and Jesse Owens won. It also taught us the ultimate cost of war. Those nukes in 1945 were a warning.

The world is better for America being a beacon rather than the USSR, Nazi Germany, Mao's China, Japan, Italy, etc. Of course it's hard to prove that when we don't know the alternate paths of history. But I'll give it a try.

Friends of the USA post WW2

West Germany
South Korea
Hong Kong/Taiwan

Freinds of collectivism post WW2

East Germany
North Korea
Mainland China

Now China is doing much better than in 1946. But it wasn't until China and the USA started heavy trade that things headed in the "right" direction for China. Take a look at Hong Kong (and later Taiwan) and China between 1945 and 1975. It's clear which one was an economic success story.

Collectivism was and is on the wrong side of history. We could've chosen that path. We didn't. We can feel good about that. The world without America would have more dictators and less freedom.
You forgot to add your disclaimer. This message has been brought to you by The Department of Fatherland Security. Were you born ignorant or do you practice? You glorify militarism and as Randolph Bourne had said, "War is the health of the State."

Our country has been at perpetual war since its inception. It's irrefutable. And with that, our liberties have steadily eroded. Since 9/11, a celebrated holiday for big gov types like HR, we have seen our fedgov mushroom with new cabinet posts added. A surveillance and garrison state has erupted before your eyes with the NSA reading your e-mails, mail, texts and listening to your phone calls and you sit there in blissful ignorance with your giant foam finger and chant "U.S.A., We're #1!". Children and WW2 vets are gate-raped at airports by the TSA because they carry 5 ounces of toothpaste. Our police forces (once put in place to protect us), now view the Mundanes as the enemy, ready to squash the Dupes with military grade surplus equipment that only Stalin would lust for.

The 4th and 5th amendments were thrown to the curb post 9/11. Obama tried shoving SOPA down our throats to whittle away at the 1st amendment. The 10th amendment has long disappeared. The 2nd is under constant attack. FDR set up internment camps for Asians during WW2. After WW1, the largest land mass on earth, The USSR, became Communist. After WW2, the largest population on earth (China) became Communist.You know...for freedom.

Our foreign policy has propped every tin pot dictator under the sun and showered them with untold billions from us taxpayers, so multi-nationals could go in unmolested and extract their natural resources...all the while subjugating the native masses to economic squalor. Read Confessions of an Economic Hitman by Perkins. With all this busy body, stick our nose into the affairs of every nation policy, the USA has become a lightning rod to people all over the world who are tired of seeing their fathers and brothers burned, bombed and mutilated for freedom. Because of this, now we are under attack and constantly being told to live in fear so we can give up more freedoms.

Spare us your crap, HR. You adore collectivism.
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On June 2, 1943, Kinnick was on a routine training flight from the aircraft carrier USS Lexington (CV-16), which was off the coast of Venezuela in the Gulf of Paria. Kinnick had been flying for over an hour when his F4F Wildcat developed an oil leak so serious that he could neither reach land nor the Lexington, whose flight deck was in any case crowded with planes preparing for launch. Kinnick followed standard military procedure and executed an emergency landing in the water, but died in the process. Rescue boats arrived on the scene a mere eight minutes later, but they found only an oil slick. His body was never recovered. Nile Kinnick was the first Heisman Trophy winner to die; he was a month and seven days away from his 25th birthday.

Iowa sportscaster Tait Cummins said, "Kinnick proved one thing, that college athletics could be beautiful. Everything that can be said that is good about college athletics he was. He didn't represent it...he was it."

There is also some uncertainty about exactly how Kinnick died. Reiter was the only person who claimed to have seen Kinnick clear of the plane and motionless in the water. Reiter died three months later.

Since Kinnick's body was never found, it is possible that Kinnick was still tethered to the plane. Dick Tosaw, whose brother played high school football with Kinnick, has repeatedly pursued the idea of finding and salvaging Kinnick's plane, and making a monument at Kinnick Stadium or at Adel-DeSoto-Minburn High School. But the possibility, however remote, that Kinnick's body is still with the plane led to overwhelming opposition to Tosaw's efforts. Nile Kinnick Sr. opposed the idea, saying that it would be like digging up his son's grave. Kinnick's teammates were also unanimously opposed to the idea. Such strong opposition from Kinnick's teammates, relatives, and fans scuttled Tosaw's plans.
Are you going to provide a link to all these copy and paste posts of yours? Or are you claiming them as your own?
The men who served in the military during WWII were
drafted. There were also a few who volunteered. Those
who died in combat, deserve our gratitude for the sacrifice
they made. It does not matter that Roosevelt was President,
those men loved their country and fought for freedom.
Many were NOT drafted. They went willingly to defend our country
I am thankful that I get to spend today at a service to honor those that fought for our freedom. It is incredibly important to me. Whether I agree with the politics of war or not is inconsequential.


The vast majority of these who died were either young enlisted/draftees, NCOs, or junior officers,..they had no say in the politics of the conflict. They were soldiers caught in events they had little to no control over.
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Strumm died in 1940 before the US was drawn into WWII. Wonder if he would have had the prescience to realize this was a worthwhile war or if he would have preached isolationism.
Nothing could be further from the truth. It was FDR who had placed economic sanctions on Japan and did everything in his power to maneuver Japan into firing the 1st shot.
Despite the childish rants of Strumming, American needs
to honor the sacrifice of lives made by our military. May
Memorial Day be a reminder of those brave men and women.
A more fitting title would be War Approval Day.
Nothing could be further from the truth. It was FDR who had placed economic sanctions on Japan and did everything in his power to maneuver Japan into firing the 1st shot.


The Roosevelt administration did not force the Japanese Imperial Army to conduct a full-scale invasion of China in the summer of 1937. They didn't make them fight Soviet Siberian troops in Manchuria during the summer of 1939. They didn't make them seize French Indo-China. Tokyo brought the Pacific War on themselves.

The Imperial High Command went on a rampage and we had no obligation to support them. How was providing the Imperial Armed Forces with material aid in the interests of the United States?
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Nothing could be further from the truth. It was FDR who had placed economic sanctions on Japan and did everything in his power to maneuver Japan into firing the 1st shot.

Maybe we should continue free trade with Russia, so as not to provoke them.

The Roosevelt administration did not force the Japanese Imperial Army to conduct a full-scale invasion of China in the summer of 1937. They didn't make them fight Soviet Siberian troops in Manchuria during the summer of 1939. They didn't make them seize French Indo-China. Tokyo brought the Pacific War on themselves.

The Imperial High Command went on a rampage and we had no obligation to support them. How was providing the Imperial Armed Forces with material aid in the interests of the United States?
Did I say all that? I did not. I said we placed economic sanctions on them, which is quite simply an act of war.
Yeah, we are obviously provoking Putin led Russian aggression. Clearly economic and military sanctions should be lifted. Smh
Where is this aggression you write about? Have you not seen all of the NATO bases surrounding Russia? Or...did Russia move its borders right up to NATO? Did Victoria Nuland not mention in a conversation with U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine, Geoffrey Pyatt, just 3 weeks before the overthrow of the democratically elected, Yanukovyck, that they would install Yats? Here's the video:

Have you not seen Nuland's speech before the U.S.-Ukraine Club boasting how the U.S. had spent $5 Billion to install a western style democracy. If you notice the Chevron banners behind her, you can quickly come to a rational conclusion what she meant by those amicable to U.S. interests.

You find nothing worth fighting for because you have no honor in your family or your soul.

Well, see, you'd like to think it was that simplistic. That's how you need it to be in order for you to understand it. It makes you feel like you're damaging my character by making statements of total conjecture. I'm kinda glad I threaten you that much.

Truth is, I find a great deal worth fighting for and I have fought fervently, and continue to fight. The difference is, I choose the battlefield that matters. I don't "fight" by putting on some uniform and going and shooting at (and being shot at by) some foreigner in their home country. My freedoms and liberties are not threatened or in danger by that person. My freedoms and liberties are threatened by one entity- MY GOVERNMENT! This whole "war" theater is well named... it's a show! It's a side show. The people who really gain from them never do the actual fighting. They never have and they never will. My fight is with them, not the poor SOB who lives on a different piece of real estate 10,000 miles away who's fallen for some propaganda from his own government. In their case, however, the actual fight is on their home soil, so their life and liberty (to them) is at risk when they're being invaded.

As far as honoring my family? That's another mistake you made. My own father, who was dying of Agent Orange cancer he'd been exposed to in Vietnam (he joined to "Save the USA from Communism" as he was told), called me in late 1990 after the First Gulf War rumblings got high. It was speculated that a war would come and a draft would come back and casualties could be high. He saw all of this and made arrangements to get my brother and I out of this country to make sure we didn't get drafted. I'll never forget when he called and surprised me with "I'm not going to let them do to my kids what I let them do to me. If what I think might happen, happens, I have made it so you ad your brother can leave until it's over." He died 3 years later and we never had to go anywhere, obviously. But he was humble enough to realize that all of his sacrifice (and those he saw die) was nothing but a waste for people who exploit their lives for political and financial gain. So, do I feel honor, and complete justification, when I criticize the Masters of War? Every single time.
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Sorry Tenn, I had to borrow this. You know I look at the collage below and get sad. There used to be a time when Dems and Republicans alike served in uniform. Both parties had a respect and love for those who fought and died for freedom. But the last two Presidential images in the grouping show you the direction of the Democrat party. They look at our men in uniform as if they were wearing white sheets with a pointy hat. Hillary and Bill never served and if her (it's called a hypothetical) or her husband had been drafted they would've fled to Canada. With Hussein's point of view I assume he would've done the same if he had been drafted. Our national anthem says "Home of the Brave". I read some of these replies and worry about the number of "men" who are trying to rewrite that particular wording in the anthem where brave is replaced with retard.

Where is this aggression you write about? Have you not seen all of the NATO bases surrounding Russia? Or...did Russia move its borders right up to NATO? Did Victoria Nuland not mention in a conversation with U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine, Geoffrey Pyatt, just 3 weeks before the overthrow of the democratically elected, Yanukovyck, that they would install Yats? Here's the video:

Have you not seen Nuland's speech before the U.S.-Ukraine Club boasting how the U.S. had spent $5 Billion to install a western style democracy. If you notice the Chevron banners behind her, you can quickly come to a rational conclusion what she meant by those amicable to U.S. interests.

You missed the point completely.

How were we obligated to support Japanese expansion?
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Sorry Tenn, I had to borrow this. You know I look at the collage below and get sad. There used to be a time when Dems and Republicans alike served in uniform. Both parties had a respect and love for those who fought and died for freedom. But the last two Presidential images in the grouping show you the direction of the Democrat party. They look at our men in uniform as if they were wearing white sheets with a pointy hat. Hillary and Bill never served and if her (it's called a hypothetical) or her husband had been drafted they would've fled to Canada. With Hussein's point of view I assume he would've done the same if he had been drafted. Our national anthem says "Home of the Brave". I read some of these replies and worry about the number of "men" who are trying to rewrite that particular wording in the anthem where brave is replaced with retard.

Come on Hit and Run. Get in the debate and leave Tennessee'e post in his thread. Don't deflect.
You missed the point completely.

How were we obligated to support Japanese expansion?
I missed nothing. I asked you if you were referring to present day Russia and Ukraine? You said, "Yes." Then you implied we were provoking Putin. I detected sarcasm. If I am wrong, I apologize.

As for your last question, I debated this with you before. Your history started in the 30's. I asked why not go back to 1904. Maybe we can debate in another thread should you wish to rehash.
Well, see, you'd like to think it was that simplistic. That's how you need it to be in order for you to understand it. It makes you feel like you're damaging my character by making statements of total conjecture. I'm kinda glad I threaten you that much.

Truth is, I find a great deal worth fighting for and I have fought fervently, and continue to fight. The difference is, I choose the battlefield that matters. I don't "fight" by putting on some uniform and going and shooting at (and being shot at by) some foreigner in their home country. My freedoms and liberties are not threatened or in danger by that person. My freedoms and liberties are threatened by one entity- MY GOVERNMENT! This whole "war" theater is well named... it's a show! It's a side show. The people who really gain from them never do the actual fighting. They never have and they never will. My fight is with them, not the poor SOB who lives on a different piece of real estate 10,000 miles away who's fallen for some propaganda from his own government. In their case, however, the actual fight is on their home soil, so their life and liberty (to them) is at risk when they're being invaded.

As far as honoring my family? That's another mistake you made. My own father, who was dying of Agent Orange cancer he'd been exposed to in Vietnam (he joined to "Save the USA from Communism" as he was told), called me in late 1990 after the First Gulf War rumblings got high. It was speculated that a war would come and a draft would come back and casualties could be high. He saw all of this and made arrangements to get my brother and I out of this country to make sure we didn't get drafted. I'll never forget when he called and surprised me with "I'm not going to let them do to my kids what I let them do to me. If what I think might happen, happens, I have made it so you ad your brother can leave until it's over." He died 3 years later and we never had to go anywhere, obviously. But he was humble enough to realize that all of his sacrifice (and those he saw die) was nothing but a waste for people who exploit their lives for political and financial gain. So, do I feel honor, and complete justification, when I criticize the Masters of War? Every single

If your father did serve this country, it's to bad you can't honor his sacrifice whether or not you feel it was necessary.

As for my own children. I weep for their future as more and more pussies like you are becoming common. As smart as you think you are, you would think you'd be smart enough to figure out you're the problem.

Learn to use the quote feature. If "more pussies like me become common" then it's less likely that your kids get sent off to die while killing others' kids.

I am honoring his sacrifice... abundantly. I just don't honor it like you want me to, or think I should.
What would HROT be, without a dick showing contest over what this holiday signifies?

Holy f**king hell.

Well my friend.The political tards here just can't help themselves.And tards they are.Can't even enjoy one day to remember the dead and fallen.I salute everyone that put on a uniform for this country.The tards can go eff themselves.I'm having a cocktail.
Learn to use the quote feature. If "more pussies like me become common" then it's less likely that your kids get sent off to die while killing others' kids.

I am honoring his sacrifice... abundantly. I just don't honor it like you want me to, or think I should.

You couldn't be more wrong. If our ancestors thought the same we would still be hailing the king or queen.

As for the present, you're not very bright if you think there isn't somebody else that would take our place. The nature of the beast is always to feed on the week. In the middle east they hate and kill over difference of opinion and belief. Here, you're afforded the right to do it on a message board.

You're such a cliche. This is always the patented, boring response from people who have no comeback because Rush Limbaugh isn't by their side telling them what to say. Similar to all of those posts on page 1 that you neglected to provide a link for while trying to claim as your own. Very sad.
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Well my friend.The political tards here just can't help themselves.And tards they are.Can't even enjoy one day to remember the dead and fallen.I salute everyone that put on a uniform for this country.The tards can go eff themselves.I'm having a cocktail.
Hey Tard...put a space after every period.
When after many battles past,
Both tir’d with blows, make peace at last,
What is it, after all, the people get?
Why! taxes, widows, wooden legs, and debt.

–Francis Moore
You couldn't be more wrong. If our ancestors thought the same we would still be hailing the king or queen.

As for the present, you're not very bright if you think there isn't somebody else that would take our place. The nature of the beast is always to feed on the week. In the middle east they hate and kill over difference of opinion and belief. Here, you're afforded the right to do it on a message board.

I'm actually railing against the present-day King. You're the jingoistic Tory.

Sounds like you'd prefer if our society was more like the middle east so the beasts can feed on the week.
I missed nothing. I asked you if you were referring to present day Russia and Ukraine? You said, "Yes." Then you implied we were provoking Putin. I detected sarcasm. If I am wrong, I apologize.

As for your last question, I debated this with you before. Your history started in the 30's. I asked why not go back to 1904. Maybe we can debate in another thread should you wish to rehash.

Sure. Might even be an interesting discussion.

Imperial Japan had determined to become 'the' hegemonic power in the Pacific. We had no obligation to fuel war aims of an expanding Empire which posed a threat to us. How was providing material support for conquest in Manchuria, China, Indo-China, and an ever increasingly strong Imperial Japanese Navy in our interests?

Not to mention the Japanese substantially upgraded fortifications in the Marshall and Mariana Islands while building the Imperial Navy far beyond treaty limits.