In-laws are young earth creationists and keep teaching it to my kids.

My life is fine. I grew to be very uncomfortable in church, and if I forced myself to go back I'd be miserable.

Seriously, try to make yourself believe something you're convinced is nonsense. That's what you're suggesting I should do. It's impossible.
I'll offer this much to you. Consider it... I think we all believe in God. It's not "if we do", but "how we do." Most of us have transcended the more traditional perception of a God as defined by the organized religions of the west. The idea of a super-human parental figure that floats around in the sky, who resembles an ancient King, that is kind to those who obeys him and cruel to those who don't... that has become more and more of a sort of fairy tale. A builder who created a reward-and-punishment universe. The liturgy of a lot of Scripture creates such an image as being "God."

Nevertheless, we have, for the most part, become an embodiment of what that "God figure" has supposedly wanted us to be. And, our own abilities and experiences have allowed us to realize our own potential more and more... which is exactly what Divinity would seem to actually resemble, or be. To me, "Life" is another word for "God." How we personify, or identify "God" in our minds and perceptions makes a huge difference. Organized religion was always control driven, with good intentions. But, I think those religions are slowly losing their relevance because they're obsolete for us.
If many of us could remove the religion association from "God", we'd see fewer atheists! Because, all of us are God. We're all little pieces of God.
My life is fine. I grew to be very uncomfortable in church, and if I forced myself to go back I'd be miserable.

Seriously, try to make yourself believe something you're convinced is nonsense. That's what you're suggesting I should do. It's impossible.

Nothing is impossible with God.

I felt exactly like you until I was 33 and came back. It's never too late.

Pray for me. I'll pray for you.

You old fat fvck.

I'm gonna go out on a limb and predict N.T. Wright isn't gonna get the job done. Better pick another champion.

I'm not sure if this guy believes the Universe is still 3-tiered or not. But, here's a taste. He does sound very intellectual because of his sophisticated English accent.
LOL no. I'm not an obese middle aged troll..

Time for you to go on my ignore list. You provide nothing of value to HROT.


I can't tell if he's a Russian atheist bot trying to turn people atheist, or born again Soup. Or my young earther father in law. What a shit show.
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I can't tell if he's a Russian atheist bot trying to turn people atheist, or born again Soup. Or my young earther father in law. What a shit show.
Soup was never as dedicated as Brian. I've never seen someone so fuggin mixed-up through an online persona in my life.

I mean, people like OiT... I get it. Just off-the-reservation... not much need for acceptance, either. He's maxed-out and fairly harmless if you let him play in the corner.

Brian? DESPERATELY needs acceptance. That dude will probably hang himself IRL, if he's anything like the person he portrays here. He's struggling with far too many inner conflicts.
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I kinda feel sorry for him.

A little bit.
I've been researching young earthers and ran into presuppositional apologetics. Basically, the bible is 100% correct is the premise that everything is built on. They pretend to "debate" scientists and attempt to be sciencey... but in the end say because God said so and he is perfect.

At least they're honest about not wanting to have a serious conversation so are easily ignored. They admit that their core position rests on faith that the bible is the perfect word of God. That's Brian, except he is dumb enough to think that Christianity is scientifically provable. He doesn't know what that means. Thus... shit show.
I've been researching young earthers and ran into presuppositional apologetics. Basically, the bible is 100% correct is the premise that everything is built on. They pretend to "debate" scientists and attempt to be sciencey... but in the end say because God said so and he is perfect.

At least they're honest about not wanting to have a serious conversation so are easily ignored. They admit that their core position rests on faith that the bible is the perfect word of God. That's Brian, except he is dumb enough to think that Christianity is scientifically provable. He doesn't know what that means. Thus... shit show.

That is not a kind way of putting it, but true. No matter how you spin it, it is faith.
Wow, Brian really went off the rails in this one.

Baron von Richthofen (the Red Baron) survived well into WW 1 on the principal that you do not enter a battle you cannot win. In disputes over the sensibilities of religious beliefs there are no winners or losers, so why fight the battle?
the miracle of life. cannot be explained by science. at all.

Researchers may have solved origin-of-life conundrum

You won't even study the claims. No amount of evidence will convince you that your materialist world view is false.

Because you can't prove a negative.

And yet the author of said study said this:

Kenneth Ring conceded (in his own words) that there hadn't been a single "case of a blind NDEr reported in the literature where there was clear-cut or documented evidence of accurate visual perception during an alleged OBE" (Blackmore, "Dying" 133).

Worth a read:

Why a Near-Death Experience Isn’t Proof of Heaven
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