Indiana Approves One-Time Transfer to IHSAA schools


HB Heisman
Nov 9, 2001
No penalty to sit out and if you want to transfer back the following year to your original school.

Recruit away.

Tri-Center is currently shopping for an OG, OT and RB. 3 missing pieces for a back to back state championship in 2025.
I just don't care anymore. These schools recruiting will pull the best players from the other area schools, but that opens up playing time for other kids. The people who should be pissed are the ones that have their kids in the program for years and some Johnny come lately takes their position out of nowhere.
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Nebraska allows immediate play without sitting if they transfer before May 1. I believe they get a 1 time transfer.

Play fall football for school A, submit application in the winter to enroll in School B by May 1, play football for School B without sitting.

This has really hurt some of the Omaha schools. Basically Millard South, Westside, and Skutt have been feasting. North has been holding on, but South, Central, and Millard North are struggling. Benson has pretty much cancelled varsity football.
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When this happens it's usually because some douche in the state legislature wants his kid (or a campaign contributor's kid) to be able to play football at one good program and get to transfer to play baseball at another good program.

He's able to present the argument to a room full of legislators who don't know shit about sports or how HS is set up and he appoints himself as some sort of liaison to that world for them and they just all fall in line. I know that's how shit like that happened in both Florida and Georgia. There's no one to make a counter argument so they just do it.
When this happens it's usually because some douche in the state legislature wants his kid (or a campaign contributor's kid) to be able to play football at one good program and get to transfer to play baseball at another good program.

He's able to present the argument to a room full of legislators who don't know shit about sports or how HS is set up and he appoints himself as some sort of liaison to that world for them and they just all fall in line. I know that's how shit like that happened in both Florida and Georgia. There's no one to make a counter argument so they just do it.
I get what is being said. I just wasn’t aware that kids could focus on multiple sports anymore. I thought you pretty much have to specialize in one sport and focus on it year round.
I get what is being said. I just wasn’t aware that kids could focus on multiple sports anymore. I thought you pretty much have to specialize in one sport and focus on it year round.
No. Quite the opposite. The first thing every football recruiter asks is "What other sports does he play?" Not to mention, a majority of schools are small schools who need their students to play multiple sports to fill out teams. And as a long time Head Football Coach, I (and others) always tell my kids to play other sports. There's no substitute for game competition and learning how to hate to lose.
No. Quite the opposite. The first thing every football recruiter asks is "What other sports does he play?" Not to mention, a majority of schools are small schools who need their students to play multiple sports to fill out teams. And as a long time Head Football Coach, I (and others) always tell my kids to play other sports. There's no substitute for game competition and learning how to hate to lose.
interestingly enough I was just talking with a basketball coach at smaller school and he was telling me he has 3 freshman starting and only one senior on the team. He was telling me that kids are being pushed to play one sport year round. (I highly doubt it would be because the kids don’t like him either as he’s one of the nicest guys I know. Plus he has some college bball experience).
Of course that’s always a bit different from athlete to athlete. I know a lot of lineman are encouraged to wrestle as it will help the hand to hand combat and help with footwork.

Im not at all disagreeing but I just feel like kids are pushed towards one sport more than they used to.
Personally I think it’s stupid. Most iowa kids aren’t receiving a D1 scholarship. Let them have fun in high school. I know I loved being able to play multiple sports and usually by the end of a sports season, I was ready for the next one to begin.
The quicker we disconnect sports from high school, the better. This from someone who was on a two excellent high school teams in my time. School should only be about academics and only directly connected to academic activities.
I looked and found Indiana. I wonder if OP got his states mixed up.

Honestly pretty crazy to let them play for school A, transfer and play for school B, and transfer back to school A all within 365 days.
The IHSAA (Indiana) did make this rule, but made it in response to a bill passed through the state legislature that would mandate this. It is being driven by politicians in Indiana not the sports regulatory organization.
Don’t know if this is true, but I was told Bosco had kids from 3 different states on their wrestling team this year.
Kids already transfer in Iowa all the time. You just have to follow the 'rules'.
Several years back there was a good player who transferred mid-basketball season from a terrible team (West Liberty), 'got an apartment' in his new neighboring small town (West Branch), sat out the required two weeks, and played in the playoffs for his new team that same season. It's so prevalent anymore that it's not worth caring much about. It will only become more common with the current state of college sports.
Kids already transfer in Iowa all the time. You just have to follow the 'rules'.
Several years back there was a good player who transferred mid-basketball season from a terrible team (West Liberty), 'got an apartment' in his new neighboring small town (West Branch), sat out the required two weeks, and played in the playoffs for his new team that same season. It's so prevalent anymore that it's not worth caring much about. It will only become more common with the current state of college sports.

I've heard of the alternate residency, via an apartment and/or relatives, being used in the past.

I recall a few years back that the union had a notice on their site that said they wouldn't look into complaints received anonymously, and thus required the name of the complaining party.
With restrictions, or in some cases with shenanigans.
Do you append to know what they are? I’m not as tied in as I was, my kids have both graduated. I have seen it personally where my kids went to school and even though their school benefited for free agency, I still disagree with it. Do kids change schools for robotics, band, show choir, etc? I would guess not
Do you append to know what they are? I’m not as tied in as I was, my kids have both graduated. I have seen it personally where my kids went to school and even though their school benefited for free agency, I still disagree with it. Do kids change schools for robotics, band, show choir, etc? I would guess not
They do. But, nobody cares about those transfers.
I just don't care anymore. These schools recruiting will pull the best players from the other area schools, but that opens up playing time for other kids. The people who should be pissed are the ones that have their kids in the program for years and some Johnny come lately takes their position out of nowhere.
I laugh at parents that think their upperclassman should play over more talented younger players due to being in the program longer. No, it’s who is better. Don’t like it, get better by working harder and longer at that sport to earn the position back. It’s not yours to begin with.
Do you append to know what they are? I’m not as tied in as I was, my kids have both graduated. I have seen it personally where my kids went to school and even though their school benefited for free agency, I still disagree with it. Do kids change schools for robotics, band, show choir, etc? I would guess not
Many parents these days think they are raising a DI athlete.
Oh no doubt. Most of my friends of a similar age have younger kids than I do. I know this is a different situation, but the money, time, and energy spent on travel sports is insane. At its core, it is a money grab.
Using youth club basketball as an example...there are multiple entities like Iowa Prep, Team Iowa, Kingdom Hoops, and All Iowa Attack that charge pretty hefty fees and have 2/3/4 teams in each grade.
In most cases, imo, there is a huge difference in coaching ability if your kid isn't on the top team.
They will run practices with the top coach, but in game coaching(actual learning moments) falls off considerably on the lower level teams.
But hey...isn't my $$$ or time involved.
Using youth club basketball as an example...there are multiple entities like Iowa Prep, Team Iowa, Kingdom Hoops, and All Iowa Attack that charge pretty hefty fees and have 2/3/4 teams in each grade.
In most cases, imo, there is a huge difference in coaching ability if your kid isn't on the top team.
They will run practices with the top coach, but in game coaching(actual learning moments) falls off considerably on the lower level teams.
But hey...isn't my $$$ or time involved.
I have a friend, 3 kids. Oldest played travel hoops since probably 3rd grade. Traveled all over the country. He is playing for free in college…in BFE Kansas in front of a smattering of fans. Middle. Travel sports forever. Not a college athlete. The youngest has a chance in hoops and even if she plays for free in college, they have basically paid for their kids’ education up front. To each their own but fvck all that noise.
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I have a friend, 3 kids. Oldest played travel hoops since probably 3rd grade. Traveled all over the country. He is playing for free in college…in BFE Kansas in front of a smattering of fans. Middle. Travel sports forever. Not a college athlete. The youngest has a chance in hoops and even if she plays for free in college, they have basically paid for their kids’ education up front. To each their own but fvck all that noise.
I mean, as grandparents, we've probably spent tens of thousands of dollars in the last 15 years watching our grandkids play youth/high school/college sports.
We love it, but that's our choice.
It ain't cheap for anyone involved.
I mean, as grandparents, we've probably spent tens of thousands of dollars in the last 15 years watching our grandkids play youth/high school/college sports.
We love it, but that's our choice.
It ain't cheap for anyone involved.
Absolutely. I’ve posted this before on this topic, but the last year my kids were in competitive cheer we spent 20k. Not only was it a huge drain financially, I firmly believe it contributed to my marriage dissolving.
Using youth club basketball as an example...there are multiple entities like Iowa Prep, Team Iowa, Kingdom Hoops, and All Iowa Attack that charge pretty hefty fees and have 2/3/4 teams in each grade.
In most cases, imo, there is a huge difference in coaching ability if your kid isn't on the top team.
They will run practices with the top coach, but in game coaching(actual learning moments) falls off considerably on the lower level teams.
But hey...isn't my $$$ or time involved.
I've always said that if you really want your kid to play against tougher competition, no need to spend more money on these travel teams, just have them play up an age. Don't need to travel 300 miles for that.

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