Indiana Approves One-Time Transfer to IHSAA schools

I have a friend, 3 kids. Oldest played travel hoops since probably 3rd grade. Traveled all over the country. He is playing for free in college…in BFE Kansas in front of a smattering of fans. Middle. Travel sports forever. Not a college athlete. The youngest has a chance in hoops and even if she plays for free in college, they have basically paid for their kids’ education up front. To each their own but fvck all that noise.

A college in "BFE Kansas" is giving a full ride?
Do kids change schools for robotics, band, show choir, etc? I would guess not
Absolutely. In my area we have a number of kids who transfer in our my school's performing arts department and PLTW programs. Another local school gets a number of kids who transfer for their Ag program/FFA. There are also kids who transfer for academics from smaller schools lto larger schools as the small schools don't offer the AP, Dual Credit and College Prep courses they want.

In the athletic realm, most transfers are kids moving down for less competition because they can't make the big school teams.
Absolutely. In my area we have a number of kids who transfer in our my school's performing arts department and PLTW programs. Another local school gets a number of kids who transfer for their Ag program/FFA. There are also kids who transfer for academics from smaller schools lto larger schools as the small schools don't offer the AP, Dual Credit and College Prep courses they want.

In the athletic realm, most transfers are kids moving down for less competition because they can't make the big school teams.
Well shiver me timbers! My kids were, um, not great students so that is news to me.
In the athletic realm, most transfers are kids moving down for less competition because they can't make the big school teams.

While true in many cases, there are a significant number who transfer up to bigger schools because they think that's what they need to do to raise their profile. I can think of quite a few cases like that. Including a local kid who is now playing on the Iowa men's basketball team. And, the kid who just set the all time Iowa City West passing record.
Do you append to know what they are? I’m not as tied in as I was, my kids have both graduated. I have seen it personally where my kids went to school and even though their school benefited for free agency, I still disagree with it. Do kids change schools for robotics, band, show choir, etc? I would guess not
Most of the Omaha schools have different educational pathways and acadamies so there's quite a bit of transfer around here for those.

Such as North has a really strong engineering and CS path, Central has a strong global arts path, Benson has a strong business path, Bryan-construction and design, Burke-Air and Space/marketing, Northwest-legal and law, south has a strong performance and fine arts path.
Most of the Omaha schools have different educational pathways and acadamies so there's quite a bit of transfer around here for those.

Such as North has a really strong engineering and CS path, Central has a strong global arts path, Benson has a strong business path, Bryan-construction and design, Burke-Air and Space/marketing, Northwest-legal and law, south has a strong performance and fine arts path.
That's how school choice is supposed to work. Let kids and families select the best education scenario for themselves.
Don't take away the opportunity for a kid to attend the best business school, because they happen to live in the district with the top construction and design school.
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That's how school choice is supposed to work. Let kids and families select the best education scenario for themselves.
Don't take away the opportunity for a kid to attend the best business school, because they happen to live in the district with the top construction and design school.
The unfortunate part is the one with the best business path canceled their varsity football season because 17 people on their depth chart transferred to a nearby school.

They were a top class Omaha school losing games 70-0 and had like 20 kids on the squad.
While true in many cases, there are a significant number who transfer up to bigger schools because they think that's what they need to do to raise their profile. I can think of quite a few cases like that. Including a local kid who is now playing on the Iowa men's basketball team. And, the kid who just set the all time Iowa City West passing record.
I am speaking specific to my area in semi-rural central Indiana.
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I am speaking specific to my area in semi-rural central Indiana.
Absolutely. Just chiming in that it does work both ways. Bottom line is more kids and families will be changing schools more frequently in the future, than they ever have in the past.