I agree totally that Joe T's intensity is really going to be missed. I just rewatched the BTT championship game with Purdue and Joe's play off the bench was probably the key to the win. He was so disruptive on the defensive end that Purdue lost their composure. I don't see anyone on the present roster who is capable of doing that on the defensive end - certainly not Ullis who was at best last year mediocre on the defensive end. Hopefully someone can pick up the slack.Joe T will be missed, his intensity at the defensive end was key to Iowa winning the BTT. I wish he would have finished his career at Iowa and been able to accept the complementary role he filled so very well... BUT I also know that Joe has higher aspirations and wants to see/know what could he be given more opportunity to be "the man" at PG
I will certainly be rooting for him at West Virginia this year.