Inside Pete Buttigieg’s Iowa surge: Loud crowds, strong ground game as he emerges as moderate altern


HR King
May 29, 2001
ative to Biden:

Deb Tekippe spent much of this year convinced she would support Joe Biden in his 2020 bid for president, but the more she has seen of him on the stump in Iowa and in debates on television, the less confident she has become.

So, on a recent rainy evening she found herself crammed up against the bleachers in Decorah’s high school gymnasium to see South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg. She came away intrigued.

inRead invented by Teads
“I was all in for Joe Biden, but now I’m wondering what happened with him, you know? It’s obvious that he’s fading,” said Tekippe, 63, a retired nurse who now says she won’t caucus for Biden and is strongly considering Buttigieg. “Pete is on his way up. There is a lot of enthusiasm for him, and there are so many people who really want to believe in their candidate, and you have to see him in person to see how impressive he is.”

Tekippe’s experience reflects the new reality in Iowa: Buttigieg has emerged as the major alternative to Biden among moderate voters the former vice president has counted on as the bedrock of his campaign in the first-in-the-nation caucus state.

A new Quinnipiac University poll released Wednesday found Buttigieg in second place in Iowa, a single percentage point behind Sen. Elizabeth Warren, and ahead of Sen. Bernie Sanders in third and Biden in fourth. That followed a recent New York Times/Siena College poll that had Buttigieg with slightly more support than Biden in the state, placing him third behind the more liberal Warren and Sanders.

The Midwestern mayor not only has caught Biden in the polls, but his campaign is better funded, has drawn larger and louder crowds at events, and has shown signs of a more effective ground operation in a state where the former vice president is making his third bid for the White House. The question remains whether Buttigieg can turn that momentum into permanent support ahead of the first-in-the-nation Iowa caucuses on Feb. 3.

His advantages were on full display in recent days as the top 13 candidates in the field flocked to Des Moines for the state Democratic party’s annual fall fundraising dinner, an event so large this year that it drew more than 13,000 people to the downtown sports arena.

There, Buttigieg’s supporters made up about one-quarter of the crowd, giving their candidate the loudest applause of the night. Biden had the smallest group of supporters among the major candidates — with the exception of Sanders, who drew around 1,000 people to a rally outside but didn’t buy tickets for supporters inside.

The enthusiasm gap between Biden and Buttigieg was even more evident in the hours before the main event.

More than 2,300 people stood in a steady rain for a Buttigieg rally in a downtown plaza where Grammy Award-winning singer-songwriter Ben Harper performed, and the candidate gave a speech and thanked the “Barnstormers for Pete,” a group of die-hard supporters that travels the country to boost the mayor’s candidacy.

“Well, friends, this is what it feels like when you realize you are definitely going to be the next president of the United States!” Buttigieg said to a loud roar from the poncho-clad crowd moments before he led them in a march through downtown to the arena. “This is what it feels like to build a movement. This is what it feels like to insist on change.”

A block away and a few minutes later, Biden welcomed his supporters in a convention center ballroom that remained a quarter empty. About one-third of the crowd sat on folding chairs in an accessibility seating section filled with seniors as the local cover band Pork Tornadoes played to little applause.

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Yeah, it's obviously a much better choice to go for the zombie campaign of Biden. That type of lifetime achievement candidate has worked so well in the past, like Dole, McCain, Kerry, and Hillary.

Then Bullock would be and is light years better than buttchug
A good response to a clown as president is a guy with no relevant experience?

Obama didn't have a lot of experience either.

Let's be honest - most of what the left hates about Trump is his demeanor, his immaturity, his "me-first" character, his lies, his Twitter. Trump's lack of experience has certainly been an issue, particularly his repeated misunderstandings of what he can or cannot even do as POTUS.

Pete has a much better character. I actually think I could pull the lever for Pete. There's a joke there somewhere, I'll let Natural take that one...
He's the best overall candidate for the Dems. He's a Midwestern guy who can win over this part of the country and I think he's closer to being a centrist than many of the other candidates.

I'm not all over the D candidates, but my impression is Amy Klobuchar is similarly positioned?
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I'm not all over the D candidates, but my impression is Amy Klobuchar is similarly positioned?
Yes she is but for whatever reason she hasn't caught on as well as Pete has.

Pete has a strong ground game that has helped elevate him. I also think he has a bit more "likability" to him than Amy and that seems to matter with people.
I would be fine with him as the nominee. To me he is the most presidential of the nominees. Granted it isn't hard when the competition is old grouches like Trump, Warren and Sanders or socially awkward people like Biden.

Also, he seems to be more moderate than Trump or a lot of the lefties the Dems have in the process.
What qualifications do you look for in a candidate? I'm honestly curious

Being a Governor is the best preparation. Let him run for governor of Indiana first.

Because he talks fancy isnt reason enough and I would argue that if he was hetero, he would get little if any attention.
Yes she is but for whatever reason she hasn't caught on as well as Pete has.

Pete has a strong ground game that has helped elevate him. I also think he has a bit more "likability" to him than Amy and that seems to matter with people.
He also has big big Democrat donor money behind him. That certainly helps.
Obama didn't have a lot of experience either.

Let's be honest - most of what the left hates about Trump is his demeanor, his immaturity, his "me-first" character, his lies, his Twitter. Trump's lack of experience has certainly been an issue, particularly his repeated misunderstandings of what he can or cannot even do as POTUS.

Pete has a much better character. I actually think I could pull the lever for Pete. There's a joke there somewhere, I'll let Natural take that one...

Plus Obama and Mayor Pete are actually intelligent. Our current President is dumber than a box of rocks. Needless to say, this also makes a difference.
Obama didn't have a lot of experience either.

Let's be honest - most of what the left hates about Trump is his demeanor, his immaturity, his "me-first" character, his lies, his Twitter. Trump's lack of experience has certainly been an issue, particularly his repeated misunderstandings of what he can or cannot even do as POTUS.

Pete has a much better character. I actually think I could pull the lever for Pete. There's a joke there somewhere, I'll let Natural take that one...

What I hate most about Trump are his illegal actions and violations of our Constitution and his oath of office.
He is exciting. I agree he doesn't have experience and that is an issue. I was at the Liberty and Justice Dinner (in the balcony) and he by far the most enthusiastic support section. I was surprised. He has oratory skills of Obama, in presentation and depth and scope, which requires intellect.

The other speaker that impressed me most was Klobachar. Of any person on earth the Orange Turd does not want to have on the opposite podium it is Amy. She is no nonsense, winner-take-all, cat fight prosecutor that will make him cry like a baby. I'd love to see her in a position to turn the table on Moscow Mitch.

My ticket: Amy + Pete

Realistically, it may be too late for Amy. It is too bad she didn't gain traction.
He’s going to win Iowa, it appears. He is a safe choice with cowardly ideas. The guy just seems so contrived to me. His delivery bugs me too. When Pete talks, he sounds remarkably like when I’ve heard black peoples’ humorously exaggerated impression of a white person talking.
this is great news in my opinion. he is a pretty good guy from what i can tell. a bad mayor . but a good guy. anybody but biden. biden is evil and horrible. however, you guys know exactly how hills threw bern under the bus in iowa? six two headed coin tosses in a row and hills gets heads? this will be done to pete. because biden is the evil chosen one.
He’s going to win Iowa, it appears. He is a safe choice with cowardly ideas. The guy just seems so contrived to me. His delivery bugs me too. When Pete talks, he sounds remarkably like when I’ve heard black peoples’ humorously exaggerated impression of a white person talking.
Father of Mayor Pete?...
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He's going to place first or second in Iowa. Feel free to bookmark this post and use on me if I'm wrong...but I won't be. Ground game is too strong, and his style too palatable with "Iowa nice" liberals to not get at least runner-up.

I have been saying this since the last debate. Honestly I think he has Iowa wrapped up. One more debate with Warren on the defense, his organization, and money then he will be a clear cut favorite
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I have been saying this since the last debate. Honestly I think he has Iowa wrapped up. One more debate with Warren on the defense, his organization, and money then he will be a clear cut favorite
the dems will toss him under the bus like they did to Bernie last time in iowa. you watch. some sort of scandal shall emerge. it will be blamed on repubs but it will be dems behind it. warren will eat dirt too. like pizzagate: made up by dems , blamed on repubs
Iowans will get biden, like him or not. look at this Ukraine impeachment nonsense. the whole thing is about biden, biden, biden.
the dems will toss him under the bus like they did to Bernie last time in iowa. you watch. some sort of scandal shall emerge. it will be blamed on repubs but it will be dems behind it. warren will eat dirt too. like pizzagate: made up by dems , blamed on repubs

So you’re saying there will be a conspiracy to take care of Pete B? Wouldn’t expect anything less from you OiT
So you’re saying there will be a conspiracy to take care of Pete B? Wouldn’t expect anything less from you OiT
yes it is going to happen for sure . I think the gay thing is totally not a factor because I think we have already had a gay or two or three , prez. no big deal. probably be something back home in Indiana with money or something
they could let him win iowa then pounce on him and get rid of him. I could see this happening too. { and I don't mean physically get rid of him, hills is not around!! ha ha}
Being a Governor is the best preparation. Let him run for governor of Indiana first.

Because he talks fancy isnt reason enough and I would argue that if he was hetero, he would get little if any attention.

He's a no go state wide in Indiana.

Our Democrat senator ran for re-election in 2018 on a campaign of "Fund the wall", "screw socialized medicine", "more military funding", and "Reagan was right all along." He lost to an opponent who ran on a campaign of "I will obey Trump"

Honestly part of the reason I think Pete's shooting straight for a presidential run is because where he lives he couldn't be anything more than a State senator at most. And that's only if the incumbent retired. Even if he loses here he's got his name on the map for VP or a cabinet post.

But he couldn't win our congressional district or any state-wide election such as governor or senate.
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Nobody has experience that prepare you to be President. I look for intelligence, thoughtfulness, and an even temperament.

Your enthusiastic hatred of him is perplexing.

Hatred? No

Again, I am more qualified. That is scary.