Inside the extraordinary effort to save Trump from covid-19 His illness was more severe than the White House acknowledged at the time.

Dude, you defended Arizona all along, as they slow walked ‘Rona response. Look at Arizona deaths per million compared to other states. Poor outcome. Own it. To say that you and your wifey followed protocol, but all along downplayed these suggestions, is all you had to say. Own it.
What exactly did I defend, specific quotes please
Considering published data in hospitalized patients with oxygen saturation <90% having relative risk of ~2-4 for mortality, I would say based on that variable alone he was in much worse shape than we were initially lead to believe.

Had his oxygen saturation remained in the mid-to-high 90s, he isn’t getting taken to the hospital or getting FDA compassionate use exemptions for experimental drugs regardless of his social or political standing.

Then consider his added risk due to age >60 and obesity in the setting of hypoxemia.
Was he on a rapid downward spiral bad?
What exactly did I defend, specific quotes please
Lord child. Your stance early and often needs no quotes. Own your history.
And, no. I will not chase down your posts. You should, however, look back to understand where you come from.
Lord child. Your stance early and often needs no quotes. Own your history.
And, no. I will not chase down your posts. You should, however, look back to understand where you come from.
Got nothing then, typical
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What exactly did I defend, specific quotes please
I don’t understand why the left is upset with the Arizona recount a. As evidenced above people are coming off bat sh:; crazy, b. This will shut up the base of the Republican Party that believes the election was stolen and it will leave a massive egg on their face
Not exactly a defense but a dumb as hell take. Nobody is coming off as "bat shit crazy" to the bat shit craziest bunch in this country. This isn't an effort to overturn the election - it's an effort to delegitimize future elections - to convince the morans that election results can't be trusted. If you don't understand that's why YOU should be upset with the AZ joke "recount", I have no idea what to tell you.
Not exactly a defense but a dumb as hell take. Nobody is coming off as "bat shit crazy" to the bat shit craziest bunch in this country. This isn't an effort to overturn the election - it's an effort to delegitimize future elections - to convince the morans that election results can't be trusted. If you don't understand that's why YOU should be upset with the AZ joke "recount", I have no idea what to tell you.
I am upset, it is dumb which I made pretty evident with my post
I am upset, it is dumb which I made pretty evident with my post
RNHawk said:

I don’t understand why the left is upset with the Arizona recount you're upset but you can't understand why the left is upset.

Hindsight is always 20/20, but my wife and I isolated, we have worn our masks, and we are both vaccinated, so defending Trump on some things does not equal not following medical advice

Are you really going with the "hindsight" defense. If you truly isolated then why did you defend trump and downplay the virus? There shouldn't need to be a reason to use hindsight as a defense, you should have known and it seems like maybe you did because you and your wife protected yourselves. But for some reason you felt the need to publicly defend and back what trump was saying.

It's one thing to be ignorant and follow trump, it's scary when people know better but choose to follow what they (should) know is wrong. That's what the republican party has become and you're just part of the problem when you follow along.
Are you really going with the "hindsight" defense. If you truly isolated then why did you defend trump and downplay the virus? There shouldn't need to be a reason to use hindsight as a defense, you should have known and it seems like maybe you did because you and your wife protected yourselves. But for some reason you felt the need to publicly defend and back what trump was saying.

It's one thing to be ignorant and follow trump, it's scary when people know better but choose to follow what they (should) know is wrong. That's what the republican party has become and you're just part of the problem when you follow along.
I defended Trump on some things yes, but not once did I say to not quarantine, wear your mask, and get vaccinated. Probably the three biggest core principles of this pandemic. A lot of you obviously assume that since I voted for Trump then I must be one of those anti mask anti vaccine people which is just not true and makes you look ignorant. I am still asking for posts and yet you can’t produce them other than a totally unrelated post about the Arizona election in which tar heel couldn’t interpret
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I defended Trump on some things yes, but not once did I say to not quarantine, wear your mask, and get vaccinated. Probably the three biggest core principles of this pandemic. A lot of you obviously assume that since I voted for Trump then I must be one of those anti mask anti vaccine people which is just not true and makes you look ignorant. I am still asking for posts and yet you can’t produce them other than a totally unrelated post about the Arizona election in which tar heel couldn’t interpret

You were defending trump when trump was against quarantine, masks. That puts you in the same group. Your defense is disgusting because you don't take ownership for what happened and you're still defending the guy. You're like a guy cheering his friend on while his friend abuses someone, and then your defense is, I didn't do it. That's not good enough. You should have stepped in and done the right thing. You have a personal flaw that you really need to work on.
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You were defending trump when trump was against quarantine, masks. That puts you in the same group. Your defense is disgusting because you don't take ownership for what happened and you're still defending the guy. You're like a guy cheering his friend on while his friend abuses someone, and then your defense is, I didn't do it. That's not good enough. You should have stepped in and done the right thing. You have a personal flaw that you really need to work on.
I didn’t realize I had that much influence on HROT, I apologize to all of you who listened to me and didn’t wear your masks and quarantined. Or is it possible you have a warped sense of reality and believe HROT is real life. I know which one I am choosing
I didn’t realize I had that much influence on HROT, I apologize to all of you who listened to me and didn’t wear your masks and quarantined. Or is it possible you have a warped sense of reality and believe HROT is real life. I know which one I am choosing

You don't have to worry, I don't think anyone is following what you say.
Good news, I don't listen to you either. Let's just hope people aren't listening to you at your workplace. Back to one of my original posts, it's lucky you're not a doctor.
Well since I am in charge they kind of have too, couldn’t be happier with my choice of being a nurse.
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Well since I am in charge they kind of have too, couldn’t be happier with my choice of being a nurse.

Good think there were people above you that kept you from downplaying the virus at work.
Actually I was nominated for Hospital employee of the year. So I was doing something right
Like I said, good thing you weren't calling the shots on how to handle the virus, otherwise I don't think you would have been nominated.
His power over the GOP is terrible for our nation, and is making bipartisan efforts almost impossible. The GOP needs to divorce themselves from him in order for the entire nation to move forward.
Sort of how Obama has power over Biden and the rest of the Dem party?

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