Inspired by AFHawk86


HB All-American
Jan 21, 2019

This thread was inspired by your post(1st quote). I was going to type up something similar to what you posted. But after catching up on all the threads over the last 12 hours, I realized that I don't have anything to add that hasn't been posted already.

I instead have compiled a collection of posts from you all that reflect my take aways from this epic showdown. Enjoy.

Not sure which thread to post this so here goes...

Last night was an exciting and awesome display of what is great about sports, and in particular, wrestling. Tom called it a fist fight. But instead of celebrating we’ve got whining, pissing, moaning, and name calling. Quit assuming the worst in the people you disagree with and in the opposing team and their fans. Gets really old that things always devolve into...the cesspool.
While many of you are engaging in your self-righteous chest thumping and ad hominem attacks, I will be remembering and epic battle between the best two teams in collegiate wrestling; a fist fight in the greatest coliseum ever known to wrestling fans.

165 and 174 worth the price of admission.

So often when you have two top guys they wrestle conservatively. Props to all the guys at 65 and 74 for getting after it. Great matches.

Kemerer looked amazing!

Wow. I honestly did not see that coming. Though Hall would be just too much for him but wow. What an effort by Kemdog. Incredible match.

Hell of a dual

Instant classic. Terrific W

Tip of the cap to the Hawks -- that was one hell of a battle . . .

Best wishes for DeSanto. He's come so far -- hope the knee is not a dealbreaker.

Triple H has nothing on Kemerer. That was some cerebral assassination. Hall will need to make adjustments, because Kem had him all kinds of figured out with the short game. (That throw was pretty sweet, though - can't believe Kem got out of it.)

Joseph-Marinelli: Braveheart reinacted in Iowa City. Damn, this is officially a war.

Congrats, Hawkeye fans. Again, best wishes for DeSanto's health.

Joseph and the bull own the biggest balls in the sport. A lot of wrestlers are afraid of positions where you get backs or give backs, especially against good wrestlers. These two say to hell with that, let's go! Love it. I could watch those two wrestle anytime.

Congrats guys!

As a big PSU fan I tip my cap to you.

Hope Desanto is ok, and what a match for Kemerer. Watched him wrestle in elementary school and have continued to follow his career.

Looking forward to BIGs and the dance, good luck!

I’ve been to a lot of meets in carver and I know there’s folks on here that have many more notches in their belts but I’ve never heard carver that loud for as long as it was.

great work kemdawg!

After suffering a tough loss, he was the first one to greet kemerer coming off the mat after his huge win. Character, class, leader.

The 165 and 174 matches are what’s right about college wrestling. Just tremendous action for three periods. Four dudes that aren’t scared to display their full arsenal of moves. The two PSU guys have accomplished more. The two Iowa guys need to show up at NCAAs and meet both on Saturday night. Awesome night.

Crowd goes crazy after the win!

Was one of the best matches I’ve witnessed on tv. Had plans to come out there to watch this dual live and even bought tickets but life got to me. Had to drink beers here. Anyway, I’m happy hawks get the win. I love marinelli’s heart. Did you see when he went back to the bear hug from his knees? That look was intense and pure man strength to do what he did. He forced that position and if there were a few more seconds in the period...we might be discussing a very different outcome.

Great dual tonight (last night now). Two tough teams fought hard. Kemerer is a stud. I was really impressed with Cassioppi fighting off the TD and converting it into one for himself. Haven’t seen that much athleticism at heavyweight in the past but this seems like a new era of heavies across the board. Going to be some fun tourneys at the end of the year. Can’t wait!

Ps...Lugo quietly won his 100th match . Congrats Pat.

This kid is special folks. You all already know that, but for someone who hasn't seen Cass wrestle before this season, wow is all I can say. This kid has a fantastic attitude and is just flat out fun to watch. You can't say that about too many heavyweights

I loved Marinelli being the first one as well. And no huge celebration it was just like, good job that went just like we figured it would. The whole place is going nuts and these two were just cool as cucumbers!!!! Amazing when you consider Bull had just lost a very tough match.I LOVE this team!!!!!

If the team champion was settled in a match like that?

Just saying. ;)

Seriously, the excitement of a closely fought dual meet is amazing!

Well said. Helluva dual last night.

Whether you're a Hawkeye or a Nittany Lion, you have to admit, that was a great dual meet. If that wasn't fun to watch, I don't know what would entertain you. Best of luck and hope everyone is healthy in March!!

This why Iowa and Penn State should wrestle every year. Great for the sport. I was at CHA and had a great time.

That was one of the most exciting wrestling matches between two top notch wrestlers that I have seen in a long time ... just balls out by both guys, total confidence in themselves, primal attacking.

To have that match followed up by Kemerer and Hall? Ridiculously great entertainment. Those were upper weight matches! How often do we get to see total studs at 165 and 174 let it all loose in a dual meet like that? Best back-to-back upper-weight dual matchups I've seen in years and years.

That was an amazing battle!! So glad I got to witness last night live...amazing atmosphere!!

Best live sporting event I've ever been to! Had a blast! And I get to do a set at Penguins in Cedar Rapids tonight with an old buddy of mine, so it's one of the best weekends ever!

Great time. The noise after 74 will be something to be remembered. Looking forward to trip to minny. Looking forward to maybe 10 AAs. Planing one up to Carver next year already.