In discussing the OL in a
Press-Citizen article today, KF made the following curious statements: "I want to let the guys compete and see," Kirk Ferentz said. "We're talking about some guys that really haven't played very much either.
You just got to see them in game action. Sometimes it's painful. But those mistakes will get cleaned up and they will get better [my emphasis] and we'll try to figure it out."
See the entire article here:
I just find it curious that KF says such things about the OL but not about the QB position. In contrast to the OL, KF treats the QB position as the anointing of a king. Once you're the QB, you're always the QB. The QB position is evaluated solely on practice performance. The second and third QBs aren't even allowed on the field against a Nevada in garbage time, although backups at most other positions were flooding Kinnick Sunday morning like, well, like rain in a thunderstorm.
So "you just got to see them in game action" when it comes to the OL, but not so when it comes to the QB. Just thought I'd mention it.