Interesting piece on each generations….

Interesting article. I can understand why time is so important to the last couple generations. They are part of what I call the Instantaneous Age. The world and most things within it are available to them in an instant. Stop for a moment and think about the rapid change that has and still is happening during their formative years. Thats a lot of shit to take in and process.

Their world is constantly in fast forward mode giving themselves very little time for decompressing. I am not saying they have it harder than previous generations, only different.
Interesting article. I can understand why time is so important to the last couple generations. They are part of what I call the Instantaneous Age. The world and most things within it are available to them in an instant. Stop for a moment and think about the rapid change that has and still is happening during their formative years. Thats a lot of shit to take in and process.

Their world is constantly in fast forward mode giving themselves very little time for decompressing. I am not saying they have it harder than previous generations, only different.
My mother used to lament the my generation ( referred to as “Baby Boomers”) was the “Instant Gratification” generation……over 50 years ago……It has gotten worse….