Make of this what you will. I have been wanting to play with these numbers a bit for fun.
Trump 2,663,117
Harris 2,548,017
Difference 115,100 votes or .02% of total votes in Georgia or 57,551 to flip the state
Trump 2,804,647
Harris 2,724,029
Difference 80,618 votes or .014% of total votes in Michigan or 40,320 to flip the state
Trump 3,542,701
Harris 3,421,247
Difference 121,454 votes or .017% of votes in Pennsylvania or 60,728 to flip the state
Trump 1,697,626
Harris 1,668,229
Difference 29,397 or .0086% of total votes in Wisconsin or 14,699 to flip the state
The total difference on those four states is 346,569 or .002% of total nation votes excluding third party for this one, but it would lower that difference. Voter turnout in 2024 was fairly high at 63.9%. So Trump while getting 49.8% of the popular vote (not a majority) only received 37% of the vote of those eligible to vote.
So not really that badly. 173,285 votes in the right places would have swung the election the other way.
You do however support fraud as you keep lending Trump support. You have consented his crimes and ignored his felonious behavior.