I could agree with your post if you substituted 'fan base' above with 'powers that be'. What you and I think doesn't amount to a hill of beans in the wrestling world. Where it matters is with the administration of the sport at the national and int'l levels, and that includes prominent coaches. For example, the NWCA fiddles away about trying to get a Dual Championship to line their own pockets while the sport as a whole burns. I can't imagine that they actually think the sport will be saved by having a Duals champion and that this is our most important issue. Just one of many examples of a self-serving, fractious leadership both here and abroad.
Yes - D1 wrestling is cursed with the NWCA and a surprisingly dense and stubborn rules committee. Instead of advancing the sport, it seems every year enormous amounts of energy are expended fighting off the NWCA's latest idiotic idea and trying - usually unsuccessfully - to convince the rules committee to make wrestling more fan friendly. What a nightmare.