Iowa +14.5 with total 156

Pomeroy has 87-72. Your site says 80-71. Ours says 82-72. Everyone in that ballpark.
I guess the pressures off. Fire up the threes and run like heck boys! Play at least eleven (figuring guys foul out, screw protecting or saving anybody.) and see if Purdue's eight can measure up. Take the ball at Swannigan and see if we can get some early fouls on him.

Run, shoot and long rebounds. Get those rebounds and drive right at their bigs! Nobody likes you Iowa!!! Nobody thinks you can play!!! Punch Purdue in the mouth.

Run, run, and if you're tired come out and someone else runs.

And, deny defense on their bigs. If they can make Jok drag 'em around as they hang on his leg, we can do the same to Swannigan.
I think about a 10-15pt game seems about right. I just think the young hawks will be over matched inside. This is the TOP team in the Big Ten and they return a ton of experience. I think the only way is if Iowa shoots 50% from 3 land and Purdue is ice cold from outside.

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