Iowa 6th best state and Florida 9th #suckit

So Iowa is 6 and Florida is 9. That means that when you put us together….

I’d visit Iowa. But I’m glad I live in Florida.
Was on my daily walk Sunday and it looks like we have a new resident in the neighborhood.
Iowa plates. Johnson County. Anyone missing a relative?
Honestly whiskey listed nearly all the things to do in Iowa except game days and the area by the MS river in NE Iowa where there's ancient burial mounds and a few river bluff parks and forests that weren't turned into farmland 150-200 years ago. I would rather live in Florida but if I had to pick one each for visit/live I'd go the other way around. On an Iowa vacation you'd be looking at your watch about two blocks from the airport. My livability rankings:
0. Omaha (we should just take it, we have twice the population of Nebraska and it's right there). Makes the list at 0 because Council Bluffs can't be #1.
1. Des Moines - basically if Naperville was a state capital
2. Iowa City /Cedar Rapids corridor - really easy to tell where the industrial town ends and the college town begins because of the few miles of corn and beans fields in between.
3. Waterloo/Cedar Falls - this is the same town/metro area and don't let the locals tell you any different. The share a nice state park that includes a bicycle trail system going throughout the metro. Here there is a university but no college town. Just a college hill.
4. Consider asking Canada for euthaniation
5. Decide on another state instead
I’d visit Iowa. But I’m glad I live in Florida.
Was on my daily walk Sunday and it looks like we have a new resident in the neighborhood.
Iowa plates. Johnson County. Anyone missing a relative?
You enjoy nutsack sweat 24/7 and lifted pickup trucks with thin blue line stickers blowing smoke in your face?

Not to mention a way overvalued housing market and runaway auto and home owners insurance.

The next big one could literally destroy Florida’s housing market.
Do you live in Iowa now? My experience (after living in several states during my adult working years and now retiring in Iowa) is that ‘Iowa nice’ is a real thing. Compared to a state like Minnesota that promotes “MN nice”, which is more like “MN passive aggressive”. 😳
I lived in Iowa from 1990-1993, then again 1994-April 2024. Iowans will help you fix a flat if they see you stranded, there's no diffusion of responsibility that way. But they talk unkindly behind your back. They are very pushy about religion outside the larger metros. And they are very cliquey. I suppose the are always nice if you are one of them.
For where I'm at in life, Iowa is turrible. I don't need any poll or rankings to tell me otherwise. And it has nothing to do with politics. The land, the people...everything, vanilla and boring AF. T-1 more year and I'm finally free. Those "Iowa Captive" stickers you see on vehicles nails it.
For where I'm at in life, Iowa is turrible. I don't need any poll or rankings to tell me otherwise. And it has nothing to do with politics. The land, the people...everything, vanilla and boring AF. T-1 more year and I'm finally free. Those "Iowa Captive" stickers you see on vehicles nails it.
Man, if only I could get mugged or shot at a couple more times a month- I am just soooo bored here.
Depends on what you are looking for. Those are VERY LOW black population states in general. Not lowest but low. Apparently they didn't see the MSP thread as well.

Years ago, there was a survey where Iowa had the most towns above 1500 in population. Iowa would rank high on states with the most dust from rural gravel roads (that is why Iowa is so hazy in the summer). Iowa ranks high on lowest 4 year college degrees per 1000. Iowa has a higher crime rate per 100k than.....IL. and Maryland and NY. Actually, Iowa and IL are almost identical on violent crime rates. Go figure.

Iowa is a decent state. Not much exciting or terrific, just average nice.
Iowa > your version of Iowa
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You enjoy nutsack sweat 24/7 and lifted pickup trucks with thin blue line stickers blowing smoke in your face?

Not to mention a way overvalued housing market and runaway auto and home owners insurance.

The next big one could literally destroy Florida’s housing market.
I don’t have a nutsack that sweats. I don’t live in a neighborhood where there are lifted pickup trucks. I don’t even know what thin blue line stickers are.
But I’m glad you aren’t planning to move here. 😏
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Man, if only I could get mugged or shot at a couple more times a month- I am just soooo bored here.

Where I'm likely moving, I probably won't get mugged. There probably is more of a chance I'll get shot by some 2A lunatic either on accident or because they're unhinged and don't like my hybrid though. It will likely be more MAGA than Iowamagastan - and that's saying something considering where we've come in the last 10 years!

Iowa suuuuuucccccckkkkks.

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I don’t have a nutsack that sweats. I don’t live in a neighborhood where there are lifted pickup trucks. I don’t even know what thin blue line stickers are.
But I’m glad you aren’t planning to move here. 😏
I ran away as fast as I could once I saw where home owners insurance is going.
Iowa > your version of Iowa
It's a nice state. Been to 46 states in all. If you are talking about crime states, please give your version. Nothing spectacular about Iowa. Nothing much bad either. SE/SC/NE Iowa have some very scenic areas. Des Moines metro area is nice, except that the area is one of the worst for car pollution.

Iowa gravel roads suck. It is an ignored health problem. Get over it. The good thing is it cuts down on lime needed on farm fields.
Nebraska might have been #1 overall if they weren’t weighed down so much by their score in the “Quality of College Football Teams” category.
Where are people supposed to go in Nebraska off I-80? I understand Iowa has its own major concentration of population along I-80 but nothing as obscene as Nebraska. I've been to most of the I-80 towns there plus Norfolk ("Nor-fork") and there just can't be much more to it if you look at the numbers. Roughly 2/3rds the population of Iowa and between 1.25-1.5 times the area of Iowa. The largest metro in Nebraska is significantly larger than Iowa's. There must be places in Nebraska where if you miss an exit, you just run out of gas somewhere AAA can't find you.
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We are bordered by two of the largest rivers on the planet. The driftless zone, the uniqueness of the loess hills, our native land grows some of the largest whitetail deer on the planet. We have almost zero crime. Our standard of living ( OP), Des Moines is consistently rated a top place to live. We quite literally feed the world and ag wouldn't exist to anywhere near the degree it does if not for Iowans. ( Deere, round up)
Crime just isn't true. As shown earlier, Iowa and IL pretty much mirror each other. Take out south Chicago and IL would be safer.
I went to a university out of state. Wanted an ag degree and I couldn't be clown. There were a lot of what the natives called Iowegians at the school. The natives pointed out to me how defensive Iowegians are about their state and quick to point out the negatives of others. I was shocked, but listened a while and it was true. Kind of like the middle child trying to get attention. Very average. Average nice.
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It's a nice state. Been to 46 states in all. If you are talking about crime states, please give your version. Nothing spectacular about Iowa. Nothing much bad either. SE/SC/NE Iowa have some very scenic areas. Des Moines metro area is nice, except that the area is one of the worst for car pollution.

Iowa gravel roads suck. It is an ignored health problem. Get over it. The good thing is it cuts down on lime needed on farm fields.
Iowa > Nebraska

Deal with it.
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I'm going to have to call bullshit. NY is like #6 Natural Environment and CA is somewhere in the 30s.
I’ve always said Iowa is a great place to raise your family due to the cheaper cost of living and slow pace of life. But on the other hand it is bottom 5 for things to do for a state. Iowa is home and if I want to do something fun I go on vacation
I have always heard people in Big states always go on about how much there is to do in their states. Weird thin is that these people don't actually do any of the things they brag about. I have been to the museums in Illinois, I have been to the Cubs, and I have done this as much as the people I know in Illinois, and I have a hose that cost 50% less than their houses, and traffic even in CR that is way better than Chicago. Personally if I had to choose another place to live in America, it would be #1, Savannah Georgia, or #2 Kansas City (suburbs), or Bentonville Ark. People that want top live on the water somewhere, fine, but I don't care about being on water ever. Sitting on a beach or partying on some body of water don't interest me. It's all about what you want from life, and activities don't specifically interest me, being with Family is more important.
I’d visit Iowa. But I’m glad I live in Florida.
Was on my daily walk Sunday and it looks like we have a new resident in the neighborhood.
Iowa plates. Johnson County. Anyone missing a relative?
I have lived several years in both states. No desire whatsoever to live in either one again.
Some liberal members of HROT engage in high level propaganda, complete with lies and distortions as it relates to Iowa. Their motives are purely political.

This is a good lesson for many. Always question the motives of those who seek to disparage.
Why are young Iowans with college degrees leaving the state, and why aren't people moving into Iowa?

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