Every year someone gets on here and talks about some state that does a 1 class wrestling state tournament. Its stupid. Our state tournament is an event, communities empty and show up to watch 4 kids. It's fun! I don't care that we have 3 state champions at each weight. Also, when you meet someone and talk wrestling and eventually it comes up they were a state champion from .... no one ever says, "in a one class system you would have been 3rd." No, a state champion is a state champion.
Second, expanding to 24 is awesome. I would much rather have a few kids with losing or 500 records make it into the bracket than leave a deserving kid home.
It reminds me of the Texas HS Football system where they have a Division I and a Division II in each class from A to 6A. I believe it's randomized at the beginning of the year as to which Division you'll be competeting in. (It's not a reflection of class size or anything else, that's what the A-6A distinction is for) Even more crazy as is that each division has it's own 64 team playoff bracket at the end of the year and each Division has it's own champ, that has won 6 playoff games in a row. And you're left with two bad ass teams, from the same class, oftentimes both undefeated that will never play each other in a "Superbowl" type game. It's bad for fans. But a 17 game season is plenty for a HS team and pushing the season past Christmas is never going to happen. It seems weird to have two different state champs in each class but everyone is used to it now. Obviously Texas is a huge state but it's kind of wild to think that 128 teams are competing in the playoffs in each class each year.