Iowa-Indiana Play by play

My apologies for my fellow hawk fans. The Hawks aren't even close to the PSU wrestlers and they are grasping to find ways to put the Hawks on the same level as Carl and the fun boys. We really would like to experience the dynasty that is Pennsylvania State wrestling sometime in our lifetime. We are also very jealous watching a team revolutionize wrestling and do things that haven't been done in 6 million years of wrestling. I really do appreciate penn state fans coming to an Iowa board and educating us on wrestling and the greatness that is penn state. Thank you to you and your brethren for sharing your vast wrestling knowledge and again my apologies for Iowa fans discussing Iowa wrestling on an Iowa board.

I will admit that the down side of the ignore feature is that your average Iowa fan probably does miss out on a wealth of insight from PSU backers. But it's a curse I'm willing to live with. You just take one day at a time and make do without that fountain of knowledge that is the PSU fan base. Chin up, Hawk fans -- you can do it.
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Why do you guys keep comparing this result with PSU. Penn State wrestled them on the road in the second part of a 2 match road trip while Iowa wrestled them at home on senior night. Big difference.
Did you read everything?

Penn state was mentioned because some fans of ours were upset about a 45-0 blasting of Indiana. Someone threw some penn state numbers (ranked #1, mind you) out there to exhibit that the sky is not falling in iowa city.

Reading comprehension FTW
Flying_Tiger needs to take a look at his own board. Ever other thread is some personal attack on a Iowa wrestler or coach.
Not just her, they all need to. Can't get here fast enough to give us their opinions, then hurry back to BWI to mock us. Such idiots. But they are just here because they love wrestling and want to discuss it..
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"Cry baby m-Fvcker stay off our board"

"Isn't there a circle jerk session about to begin on Thematforums for you to attend to?"

Ok guys, I'm out here, lol. Stay classy.
Guys like you really ruined the forums. I know you're happy . . . having been a part of mutating that place into a constant boiling cauldron of Iowa contempt. It's all so warm and fuzzy for you now.

I rarely post there now. The Iowa hate is strong with this one.
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Not just her, they all need to. Can't get here fast enough to give us their opinions, then hurry back to BWI to mock us. Such idiots. But they are just here because they love wrestling and want to discuss it..

Almost......they don't want to discuss it............

They want to rub our noses in it and show how superior they are.

If only DT had stayed at ISU...none of this crap would be going on at PSU. [/QUOTE]
Not just her, they all need to. Can't get here fast enough to give us their opinions, then hurry back to BWI to mock us. Such idiots. But they are just here because they love wrestling and want to discuss it..

Haha...I see what you did there.
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My apologies for my fellow hawk fans. The Hawks aren't even close to the PSU wrestlers and they are grasping to find ways to put the Hawks on the same level as Carl and the fun boys. We really would like to experience the dynasty that is Pennsylvania State wrestling sometime in our lifetime. We are also very jealous watching a team revolutionize wrestling and do things that haven't been done in 6 million years of wrestling. I really do appreciate penn state fans coming to an Iowa board and educating us on wrestling and the greatness that is penn state. Thank you to you and your brethren for sharing your vast wrestling knowledge and again my apologies for Iowa fans discussing Iowa wrestling on an Iowa board.

Very level-headed post. I think any PSU fan can see your logic.
I'm not impressed with TailgateTom, but thanks for giving it your best try. That's all you can ask for.

Keep working at it, bud.
I assure you that "ever other" thread does not concern itself with Iowa wrestling in any manner. sorry!

Early in the season we all thought a top-4 finish was possible. Now AA looks like a 50/50 proposition - which really hurts our chances.

I'm an Iowa fan. But I am not happy with the development of our guys, and I'm not happy that every year we go to Nationals without a realistic chance of winning.
So stop holding Iowa back then....