Iowa lawmakers advance bill that would ban COVID-19 vaccines


HB King
May 29, 2001

Iowa lawmakers advanced a bill Monday banning the administration of mRNA vaccines.

The bill, Senate File 360, would outlaw any person in the state of Iowa from administering an mRNA and would impose penalties of up to $500 for anyone found guilty of doing so.

According to MedlinePlus, an official website of the U.S. government, mRNA vaccines are a type of vaccine that use a synthetic piece of genetic code, called mRNA, to produce a specific protein.

COVID-19 vaccines, an example of an mRNA vaccine, work by injecting a COVID-19 protein into the vaccine, which the body’s immune system then recognizes and mounts a response against, helping to protect against infection.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services, has previously sought to revoke the authorization of all COVID-19 vaccines, claiming the risks of the vaccines far outweigh the benefits.

Several doctors spoke in support of the bill, citing the danger of COVID-19 vaccines and the unknown, long-term impacts.

Dr. Ben Tapper, an anti-vaccine chiropractor from Nebraska, said he has studied mRNA vaccines for several years and said there is not enough research yet about the long-term effects, making it dangerous for the COVID-19 vaccine to stay on the market.

“We have literally zero studies to show the long-term effects. Even the manufacturers admit they couldn’t study these vaccines for years before the release,” Tapper said. “Shouldn’t that be enough to pull this from the market?”

According to AP News, there is ample evidence that mRNA vaccines, including those that prevent COVID-19, do not cause harm and are effective.

As of 2022, only .0027 percent of those who had received COVID-19 vaccines resulted in preliminary death, AP News reported.

Edward Dowd, a former Wall Street executive, said his firm Finance Technologies has spent the last four years doing deep, extensive research into excess deaths, disabilities, and injuries. Dowd said there has been a 37 percent rise in civilian labor forces since February 2021 with 4.5 million disabled individuals added, based on his research.

“We identify signals and changes in trends, so we believe that mRNA vaccines are the cause of these trends. Regardless of my opinion, the trend has emerged, which is quite alarming [and it] needs to be investigated,” he said.

Opponents of the bill emphasized the legislation’s imposition on individual rights and the importance of vaccines in keeping the general public safe and healthy.

Lina Tucker Reinders, executive director of the Iowa Public Health Association, said the research around mRNA has been around for decades and is being applied to cancer and agricultural research.

“This is the direction of vaccine research, and stopping this research [and] making these vaccines not available for Iowans puts our health at risk, puts our agricultural sector at risk, and quite frankly, puts our research universities at risk if they cannot engage in this type of research,” Reinders said.

Dr. Patrick Keating, a doctor of child and adolescent psychiatry at Iowa Lutheran Hospital, expressed his frustration with the bill, supporting the effectiveness and safety of mRNA vaccines.

“The mRNA vaccines have been effective in saving thousands and thousands of lives. They have potential to save thousands of more lives,” he said. “These decisions need to be between a physician and their patient. The legislation has no right to take away a patient’s individual choice to be vaccinated or not.”

Dr. John Crosbie, a family medicine physician and professor at Des Moines University, said it would be difficult to imagine himself sitting here today if it hadn’t been for the COVID-19 vaccine.

RELATED: Iowa’s cancer rates continue to increase, number of survivors grows

“Five years ago, I had to run around town trying to find N95 masks for Mercy Hospital because they had 200 for the entire hospital at the start of the COVID pandemic,” he said. “Now, we have over a million people in the ground. They died because of COVID.”

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, over 1.2 million individuals in the U.S. have died from COVID-19 since Jan. 1, 2020.

Crosbie said the bill would be taking away from future physicians choosing to practice in the state of Iowa.

“I will tell you this right now — our students want no part of practicing here when bills like this are on the table,” he said. “You are chasing them off. You go ahead. Pass it. Chase off the best and brightest.”
Where was Dr. Keating when Joe was trying to force these shots into EVERYONE's arm... or New York had a vax pass and you couldn't go to dinner or buy groceries without your vax pass.

He's no hero now for saying this stuff. He's a coward.
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I'll give credit to the author from the Daily Iowan for writing a pretty non-biased story. You don't see many of these that actually present both sides of the story.

Usually they will just push their agenda and make some remark like "Not all doctors agree, but the Covid vaccine saved millions of lives and is magical and not at all broken."
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Where was Dr. Keating when Joe was trying to force these shots into EVERYONE's arm... or New York had a vax pass and you couldn't go to dinner or buy groceries without your vax pass.

He's no hero now for saying this stuff. He's a coward.

F this state. Yes I have comorbidities that COVID can exacerbate. The government is going to take away a protection from that? I am a hell of a lot more worried about what COVID will do to me than a vaccine. I did get COVID once and it wasn't bad....Thanks to the vaccine!
Republican leaders, again, will choose our freedoms for us, and which Americans are allowed to have those freedoms...that's where this is going.

from the CDC website​

you covid freaks will wish you hadn't taken this poison one day.

A closer look at the safety data​

  • During the COVID-19 pandemic, COVID-19 vaccines underwent the most intensive safety analysis in U.S. history.
  • COVID-19 vaccines continue to be monitored for safety, even after FDA approval, to make sure they continue to meet FDA's standards for safety and effectiveness.12345678910111213
To date, the systems in place to monitor the safety of COVID-19 vaccines currently used in the United States have identified anaphylaxis and myocarditis or pericarditis as serious types of adverse events following COVID-19 vaccination. Other rare events, such as Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS), are also monitored for and studied.


  • Anaphylaxis is a rare but serious type of allergic reaction that can occur after any vaccine. Anaphylaxis can require immediate treatment with epinephrine (EpiPen) and may require hospitalization. Healthcare providers can effectively and immediately treat the reaction. Symptoms of anaphylaxis can include wheezing, difficulty breathing, low blood pressure, or hives. Anaphylaxis after COVID-19 vaccination is rare.145711141516
  • Anaphylaxis occurs at a rate of approximately 5 cases per one million vaccine doses administered.

Myocarditis and Pericarditis​

Myocarditis and pericarditis after COVID-19 vaccination are rare.1234567911121718192021

  • Myocarditis is inflammation of the heart muscle. Most patients with myocarditis after COVID-19 vaccination respond well to medicine and rest and feel better quickly.
  • Pericarditis is inflammation of the outer lining of the heart. Most patients with pericarditis after COVID-19 vaccination respond well to medicine and rest and feel better quickly.
The evidence suggests that, although rare, these events are linked to certain types of COVID-19 vaccinations. For example, myocarditis has been most frequently seen in adolescent and young adult males within 7 days of their second mRNA COVID-19 vaccine dose. (Cases have also been observed in females, in other age groups, and after other vaccine doses.) Healthcare providers should review additional recommendations and clinica
Let’s be honest here, when the next pandemic hits, and Iowa isn’t prepared, where is the downside? Could be a net positive on society when we root out the cult members through natural selection.
I'll give credit to the author from the Daily Iowan for writing a pretty non-biased story. You don't see many of these that actually present both sides of the story.

Usually they will just push their agenda and make some remark like "Not all doctors agree, but the Covid vaccine saved millions of lives and is magical and not at all broken."
How is your polio doing these days?
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I'll give credit to the author from the Daily Iowan for writing a pretty non-biased story. You don't see many of these that actually present both sides of the story.

Usually they will just push their agenda and make some remark like "Not all doctors agree, but the Covid vaccine saved millions of lives and is magical and not at all broken."
Yeah, it was cool how they quoted the anti-vax chiropractor and the former Wall Street executive who are in favor of the bill. And the actual DOCTORS who are all against the bill. Both sides.
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