Wow, so far Harpring (26), Bjorn (26), Lewis (26), Chastain (27) and Guy (28). Hope there's more.
I have Vukosa (6'5") as a UCONN lean. Plus, we already have Heiden and Hays.
Vukosa’s interview is last half of video below.
She says early on everyone is recruiting her hard. Although there's not much if any IA contact from what I can tell.
Her fav player is Breanna Stewart so I imagine she mimics her game after Stewart.
Mostly contact with OSU, TX, UCONN, UNC & LSU. She says this list twice. The boneyard forum is high on her.
I should also add her reply to what she looks for in a school fits how she interacted with Geno and staff.
All of this can be meaningless in the end. However, her Geno and Breanna references makes me lean towards UCONN.