Iowa's Easy Schedule


HB All-American
Sep 14, 2007
Iowa is 6 - 1 and each week Iowa is finding ways to win ugly. The defense and special teams has made up for a truly embarrassing Iowa offense that has deservingly received weekly national mockery. Injuries are piling up for an Iowa offense. Somehow the Iowa O is getting worse each year under BF. Iowa has a great shot to win out with their remaining B1G schedule. BF will likely be retained due to Iowa's record regardless if they are blown out again in the B1G Championship game.

BF and KF are largely protected by weak schedules. This year is no different. In Iowa's 6 wins their opponents are a combined 17-23 right now. Iowa's remaining 5 opponents are a combined 17-15 with only 1 team (Rutgers) being above .500. Iowa likely only faces one top 25 team all regular season and it ended in a 31-0 beat down by PSU. The defense is good but just how good? In years past we get less than stellar results against true top 25 teams with a bunch of blowouts against top 10 teams. It's not really news that most B1G teams really struggle on offense. Iowa's non-conference isn't really full of quality power 5 teams. Outside of Iowa St and the B1G how many power 5 teams has Iowa even played during the regular season this past decade?

Change is coming to the B1G. The B1G West is dead and gone. With that change right away Iowa has Washington, UCLA and Ohio St on the schedule. Year two they get Oregon, USC and Penn St. Year three its Ohio St, Michigan and Washington. We still get Wisconsin every year. KF and BF won't have an easy schedule to hide behind anymore.
You have made multiple posts this weekend about how they only win because of their schedule.

You know what else keeps happening? Teams keep losing because they have to play Iowa. If Iowa had lost to ISU and Wisconsin, would their schedule be tougher? It would be perceived that way.

We all know their offense sucks. We can worry about them playing USC when they play USC. Someday things will change at Iowa, and it’s not that far off. Hopefully it works out.
You start this thread 18 minutes ago, then:

You 48 minutes ago

“The national media is starting to hold the conference against Michigan, OSU and PSU. In their defense yeah everyone outside of those three teams has looked terrible this season. The B1G is way down this year. Yet Michigan, OSU and PSU are looking like three of the most balanced teams in all of college football. The Iowa offense is embarrassingly bad and KF and BF deserve the national mockery they are getting. When punting is winning its a fun joke but does the program no favors. With all the national mockery the Iowa defense doesn't deserve to be overshadowed by it. It sucks the mere mention of Iowa brings out all the mockery and scorn but the defense doesn't get its credit. Even if Iowa is largely shielded by one of if not the easiest power 5 schedule. Iowa's only top 25 opponent ended in embarrassment.”

You 38 minutes ago

I mean our wins are against opponents that are a combined 17-23. Our remaining opponents are a combined 17-15. KF and BF have largely been protected by very weak schedules. It's always been that question too of just how good is the Iowa D? Against true top 25 teams we get mixed results with a lot of blowouts against top 10 teams.”
You have made multiple posts this weekend about how they only win because of their schedule.

You know what else keeps happening? Teams keep losing because they have to play Iowa. If Iowa had lost to ISU and Wisconsin, would their schedule be tougher? It would be perceived that way.

We all know their offense sucks. We can worry about them playing USC when they play USC. Someday things will change at Iowa, and it’s not that far off. Hopefully it works out.
Well PSU didn't lose to Iowa. I don't think anybody thinks ISU and Wisconsin are good teams this year. Wisconsin fans sure don't. ISU has a young promising team. I don't think anyone thought ISU, Illinois and Nebraska were good teams last year.

Your last sentence "Hopefully things work out." is pretty much how the most optimistic Iowa fans feel right now. That is a big change from a few years ago.
I don't know. There were a lot of Iowa fans on this site that thought Iowa had no chance to beat ISU or Wisconsin.

This. I'm frustrated like everyone else about the embarrassment of an offense. But I also didn't think they'd be able to beat Wisconsin on the road.... Just like 90% of Iowa fans marked it as am L. So I'm pumped that they beat those stinking Badgers.

I've lost hope in much offensive improvement for this season, so will TRY to enjoy the ugly wins and the great Defensive and Special Teams. (Williams 82 yard TD run was pretty enjoyable too!)

We know that KF isn't going to make any coaching moves IN SEASON. So enjoy the ride and then we can really get out the BF pitchforks after the bowl W!
You used to have a connection to the program, if memory serves. Maybe you still do?

You seem to have an axe to grind. Was there a falling out?
Still have connections to the program. Axe to grind. A lot of the people close to the program do. Money has a lot of influence in College Football these days. Your programs perception also has a lot to do with future success. KF clearly benefits from easy schedules. If Brian wasn't Kirks son he would have been fired a couple seasons ago. As bad as the Iowa offense has been these past couple seasons no OC would have made it to the end of the year. Today Iowa is nationally mocked weekly due to the BF situation and how appallingly bad the Iowa offense is and continues to get. The biggest change to the B1G conference is happening next season. Some really good programs are coming in. The biggest change to college football happened here just recently and it involves money. Iowa Football is not looking like it is ready for the new era of College and B1G Football. The axe so many are grinding right now is KF don't bury Iowa Football for the sake of your son. What Nebraska has been going through is nothing compared to how far Iowa could fall. Remember Nebraska's fall happened during the safety net of the B1G West. That safety net his gone starting next year and schedules are about to get much harder. Staying relevant is going to get much much harder in the new B1G.
Still have connections to the program. Axe to grind. A lot of the people close to the program do. Money has a lot of influence in College Football these days. Your programs perception also has a lot to do with future success. KF clearly benefits from easy schedules. If Brian wasn't Kirks son he would have been fired a couple seasons ago. As bad as the Iowa offense has been these past couple seasons no OC would have made it to the end of the year. Today Iowa is nationally mocked weekly due to the BF situation and how appallingly bad the Iowa offense is and continues to get. The biggest change to the B1G conference is happening next season. Some really good programs are coming in. The biggest change to college football happened here just recently and it involves money. Iowa Football is not looking like it is ready for the new era of College and B1G Football. The axe so many are grinding right now is KF don't bury Iowa Football for the sake of your son. What Nebraska has been going through is nothing compared to how far Iowa could fall. Remember Nebraska's fall happened during the safety net of the B1G West. That safety net his gone starting next year and schedules are about to get much harder. Staying relevant is going to get much much harder in the new B1G.
Well said and 100% dead on
Still have connections to the program. Axe to grind. A lot of the people close to the program do. Money has a lot of influence in College Football these days. Your programs perception also has a lot to do with future success. KF clearly benefits from easy schedules. If Brian wasn't Kirks son he would have been fired a couple seasons ago. As bad as the Iowa offense has been these past couple seasons no OC would have made it to the end of the year. Today Iowa is nationally mocked weekly due to the BF situation and how appallingly bad the Iowa offense is and continues to get. The biggest change to the B1G conference is happening next season. Some really good programs are coming in. The biggest change to college football happened here just recently and it involves money. Iowa Football is not looking like it is ready for the new era of College and B1G Football. The axe so many are grinding right now is KF don't bury Iowa Football for the sake of your son. What Nebraska has been going through is nothing compared to how far Iowa could fall. Remember Nebraska's fall happened during the safety net of the B1G West. That safety net his gone starting next year and schedules are about to get much harder. Staying relevant is going to get much much harder in the new B1G.

It makes Nebraska's fall even more embarrassing.
This. I'm frustrated like everyone else about the embarrassment of an offense. But I also didn't think they'd be able to beat Wisconsin on the road.... Just like 90% of Iowa fans marked it as am L. So I'm pumped that they beat those stinking Badgers.

I've lost hope in much offensive improvement for this season, so will TRY to enjoy the ugly wins and the great Defensive and Special Teams. (Williams 82 yard TD run was pretty enjoyable too!)

We know that KF isn't going to make any coaching moves IN SEASON. So enjoy the ride and then we can really get out the BF pitchforks after the bowl W!
I honestly thought Iowa had a 50/50 chance against Wisconsin and expected a win. If you have watched the Badgers these past couple seasons you know they are eroding. The OL is getting soft and has been really poor this season. The defense hasn't been reloading and there has been a huge gap in talent these past 2-3 seasons compared to the past Badger defenses. Boosters saw this coming a few years ago and it's why Chryst got the axe. They knew if Wisconsin was to survive in the new world they needed new blood and new ideas. I heard from a very reliable booster last year Chyrst was going to get the axe. I posted it on this site and nobody believed me it would happen. 3hrs later it was national news that Chryst was getting the axe.

Point being everyone within the Wisconsin Football program saw the program was heading in the wrong direction from the challenges of a new B1G. Will Fickell get Wisconsin back on the right track and have them in the middle of Michigan, Ohio St, PSU, Washington, Oregon and USC? And even more importantly can they stay a head of teams like Iowa, UCLA, MSU, Nebraska, Maryland and Minnesota? Iowa needs to be preparing themselves for the same challenges. How can Iowa be competitive against those top 6 programs and more importantly what will it take for Iowa to be at the front of that next tier of teams?
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Enjoy it while it lasts. This is the last year of an easy schedule and the last time Iowa sniffs 10 wins for a while unless something significant changes between this year and next. Given how nothing has changed in the last 5 years or so, I don't see why we should expect it to change now. Kirk will change things after his job is on the line, not before.
I honestly thought Iowa had a 50/50 chance against Wisconsin and expected a win. If you have watched the Badgers these past couple seasons you know they are eroding. The OL is getting soft and has been really poor this season. The defense hasn't been reloading and there has been a huge gap in talent these past 2-3 seasons compared to the past Badger defenses. Boosters saw this coming a few years ago and it's why Chryst got the axe. They knew if Wisconsin was to survive in the new world they needed new blood and new ideas. I heard from a very reliable booster last year Chyrst was going to get the axe. I posted it on this site and nobody believed me it would happen. 3hrs later it was national news that Chryst was getting the axe.

Point being everyone within the Wisconsin Football program saw the program was heading in the wrong direction from the challenges of a new B1G. Will Fickell get Wisconsin back on the right track and have them in the middle of Michigan, Ohio St, PSU, Washington, Oregon and USC? And even more importantly can they stay a head of teams like Iowa, UCLA, MSU, Nebraska, Maryland and Minnesota? Iowa needs to be preparing themselves for the same challenges. How can Iowa be competitive against those top 6 programs and more importantly what will it take for Iowa to be at the front of that next tier of teams?
Every week it's some poster writing a novel about hey we're winning, but here's why we still suck and you shouldn't be happy. I don't care anymore. I watched the first game and saw it was going to be the same Ole shit. I don't need these dumb fvcking posts every week. We all know the offense blows and none of us would be going forward status quo.
Mighty USC get stomped at Notre dame and Im sure the national pundits will make excuses for USC, Iowas schedule is what it is and all they can do is win games. Iowa is not flashy with horrible passing game but the D and special teams are very good.
So, the B1G West sucks. I'm sure people think Maryland, Indiana, Rutgers and MSU suck. So, there are 3 teams in the B1G that don't suck.

Do you have to be in the Top 20 to not suck?
I think the point is that the West is extremely weak and the winner gets a free pass to the conference championship game and then gets the crap kicked out of them by the East winner. The point - they need to balance up the divisions better. The West has NEVER won the championship game - period
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OP - every team in the west is essentially playing the same weak schedule. And most would give their left nuts to be able to sustain the same success against said schedule as Iowa has. Side note - everyone beats up on the “weak west” but the only teams NOT in that same sentence are OSU and Michigan. Even Penn St has been good but not materially better than Wisconsin and Iowa.

Iowa is not a world beater. Nor should our bar be comparing against other west teams. But if you can’t appreciate the wins and appreciate the difference between Iowa vs every other team in the BIG not named OSU, Penn St, Michigan, and maybe Wisconsin, then you truly do just have an ax to grind.
I think the point is that the West is extremely weak and the winner gets a free pass to the conference championship game and then gets the crap kicked out of them by the East winner. The point - they need to balance up the divisions better. The West has NEVER won the championship game - period
Yeah, I get that.

But, lots of teams in the FBS suck, not just the West.
I think the point is that the West is extremely weak and the winner gets a free pass to the conference championship game and then gets the crap kicked out of them by the East winner. The point - they need to balance up the divisions better. The West has NEVER won the championship game - period
You do know that divisions disappear next year?
Please list the SOS for all the Big10.

As of 10/7 Sagarin has Iowa SOS as #40, ahead of Mich, Ohio St, Rutgers, Nebby, Minny and Purdue.

That stellar 3-4 Illinois team is ranked #13.

What point is that proving? Doesn't take away the fact Iowa's wins are against weak teams with poor records. Ohio St still has PSU and Michigan left and have beaten ND. Michigan still has OSU and PSU left. Nebby, Minn and Rutgers having poor schedules will only weaken Iowa's schedule in the future which was a point I made. Iowa beating a bad Purdue team with a weak schedule only weakens Iowa's. Again what point are you trying to make? Also who does Iowa have left on the schedule that will improve that ranking? Iowa likely doesn't play another team ranked inside the top 40 the rest of the season.
Please list the SOS for all the Big10.

As of 10/7 Sagarin has Iowa SOS as #40, ahead of Mich, Ohio St, Rutgers, Nebby, Minny and Purdue.

That stellar 3-4 Illinois team is ranked #13.

According to Sagarin, Iowa’s SOS is 19th. Stronger than everyone in the East except Indiana (6). Stronger than everyone in the West besides Purdue (7) and Illinois (13).
You do know that divisions disappear next year?
Yes, I fully understand that but it doesn't do PSU, OSU or Michigan any good this year. ---- or the past 8 or 9 years. They've carved each other up. And if the West could have won ONE - just ONE - of the B1G championship games - it might be a different story but they've all been mostly blowouts. Just pathetic
What point is that proving? Doesn't take away the fact Iowa's wins are against weak teams with poor records. Ohio St still has PSU and Michigan left and have beaten ND. Michigan still has OSU and PSU left. Nebby, Minn and Rutgers having poor schedules will only weaken Iowa's schedule in the future which was a point I made. Iowa beating a bad Purdue team with a weak schedule only weakens Iowa's. Again what point are you trying to make? Also who does Iowa have left on the schedule that will improve that ranking? Iowa likely doesn't play another team ranked inside the top 40 the rest of the season.
This year the big 3 are good. That has not been the case every year. Some west teams play just one of them, I am sure there is a team or two that plays 2 of them, like we did last year. It is what it is. But that is what you are talking about here right? That there are just 3 teams that are any good and everyone else sucks right? If you want to argue that the other east teams have a much harder schedule because they have to play all 3 then you have a point. But the 4th best team in the east on paper, and most thought overall Maryland, just got beat by Illinois at home no less. Iowa right now is the 4th best team in the conference, both in ranking and reality, and especially considering all of the challenges that is an accomplishment.
What point is that proving?
The point I'm proving is the statement

BF and KF are largely protected by weak schedules

is utter bullcrap. The only part of the schedule that KF has some control over is the three OOC conference games.

And according to Sagarin Iowa's OOC schedule was tougher than Ohio St, Michigan and most of the rest of the Big10.
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Still have connections to the program. Axe to grind. A lot of the people close to the program do. Money has a lot of influence in College Football these days. Your programs perception also has a lot to do with future success. KF clearly benefits from easy schedules. If Brian wasn't Kirks son he would have been fired a couple seasons ago. As bad as the Iowa offense has been these past couple seasons no OC would have made it to the end of the year. Today Iowa is nationally mocked weekly due to the BF situation and how appallingly bad the Iowa offense is and continues to get. The biggest change to the B1G conference is happening next season. Some really good programs are coming in. The biggest change to college football happened here just recently and it involves money. Iowa Football is not looking like it is ready for the new era of College and B1G Football. The axe so many are grinding right now is KF don't bury Iowa Football for the sake of your son. What Nebraska has been going through is nothing compared to how far Iowa could fall. Remember Nebraska's fall happened during the safety net of the B1G West. That safety net his gone starting next year and schedules are about to get much harder. Staying relevant is going to get much much harder in the new B1G.
You are 100% correct regardless of how many times the usual array of Ferentz apologists hit the laughing emoji. If Ferentz is not willing to change his offensive approach a little and bring in an actual OC and quarterback coach after this season, next year will prove the inevitable. I know it, you know it, and anyone with half a functioning brain knows it.

There is no rule in football that dictates you have to be embarrassingly bad on offense to maintain good defenses and special teams. Seriously, there is no such rule. Crazy, huh? Fans who voice frustration over the same anemic offense year after year are very right in doing so. Jesus Christ, just an average offense allows Iowa to be competitive against top 25 teams. Yes, just average. Why an average offense, I repeat, AVERAGE OFFENSE is too lofty of an expectation at Iowa is beyond me.

As it is, “real” Iowa fans are supposed to rejoice over 17-13 type barn burners against the crème de la crème of the Big Ten West and nod and smile at the Ferentz company “that’s football” line each time Iowa gets blown out against an East opponent worth a shit. Because, ya know, Bob Commings and Bo Pelini.

As far as I’m concerned, the Iowa fans who peddle this “be content” bullshit (so Tommy Boy can stay in big boy football) are just as insane as the Alabama fans who want Nick Saban fired. Opposite ends of the spectrum, but equally stupid.

You get it. **** the ones who don’t.
If it was so easy why doesn't everyone do it? Like, what advantage does Iowa have over the rest of the west including the teams in the east that are not the big 3?
and about 70 other programs in the country. They all suck. Everybody sucks.
The point I'm proving is the statement

BF and KF are largely protected by weak schedules

is utter bullcrap. The only part of the schedule that KF has some control over is the three OOC conference games.

And according to Sagarin Iowa's OOC schedule was tougher than Ohio St, Michigan and most of the rest of the Big10.
Do not argue with Auger. He has connections to the program. Probably tells Kirk how much he sucks every week.
Also probably is 100 pounds overweight, drunk, loud and obnoxious at every home game.
Calls all the plays before they are ran. Hits about one in ten and when he does, he lets everyone around him know how right he was.
Enjoy the rest of this season, Hawk fans. Iowa may not ever win another game going forward. Those PAC 12 teams will be too much to handle.
You are 100% correct regardless of how many times the usual array of Ferentz apologists hit the laughing emoji. If Ferentz is not willing to change his offensive approach a little and bring in an actual OC and quarterback coach after this season, next year will prove the inevitable. I know it, you know it, and anyone with half a functioning brain knows it.

There is no rule in football that dictates you have to be embarrassingly bad on offense to maintain good defenses and special teams. Seriously, there is no such rule. Crazy, huh? Fans who voice frustration over the same anemic offense year after year are very right in doing so. Jesus Christ, just an average offense allows Iowa to be competitive against top 25 teams. Yes, just average. Why an average offense, I repeat, AVERAGE OFFENSE is too lofty of an expectation at Iowa is beyond me.

As it is, “real” Iowa fans are supposed to rejoice over 17-13 type barn burners against the crème de la crème of the Big Ten West and nod and smile at the Ferentz company “that’s football” line each time Iowa gets blown out against an East opponent worth a shit. Because, ya know, Bob Commings and Bo Pelini.

As far as I’m concerned, the Iowa fans who peddle this “be content” bullshit (so Tommy Boy can stay in big boy football) are just as insane as the Alabama fans who want Nick Saban fired. Opposite ends of the spectrum, but equally stupid.

You get it. **** the ones who don’t.
It does appear some fans think the Hawks can have either a good offense or a good defense.....but it's not possible to have both.

There are going to be games where the offense is going to have to score points.
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