Iowa's next coach? Maybe this guy

Feb 5, 2015
Very interesting article on PJ Fleck over at Western Michigan. He seems to be the anti-Ferentz: young, creative, energetic, and a fabulous recruiter. Of course, how hard is it to recruit kids to Kalamazoo what with all the beaches and babes, the awesome mountains only a few minutes away, and those tremendous facilities and all that money, not to mention the pull of a program that's never won a bowl game and plays in the MAC. Nonetheless, you might want to scan this article and try to picture this guy in Iowa City:
The Bielema ship has sailed. I think that idea can be filed in the Bob Stoops folder. Fleck seems to have an approach to coaching similar to Bielema's, but he still looks like an athlete and seems to have the charisma that is so sorely lacking in Iowa City right now. Really: Read the article. I thought Fleck was a joke with his silly "row the boat" mantra when Iowa played them in Fleck's first season. But when you realize what he's doing at a place like W. Michigan, you have to wonder what he might be able to do with the resources available at Iowa. As I said, he seems to have everything Ferentz does not, so whenever that time finally comes when KF is no longer the coach at Iowa, Fleck should get serious consideration.

This post was edited on 2/5 2:29 PM by CoachoftheFuture1
Timing isn't right for Bielema. Honestly, I don't care who they get as long as he can turn the team into a consistent contender for the Big 10 championship.
Fleck is a good young coach who will almost certainly climb the ladder. That said, it would be a huge reach for Iowa to hire him based on his term so far at Western Michigan.
Here is my suggestion. Another 1-2 years at WMU. Accept the HC position at University of Pittsburgh (because that job is open on an annual / biennial basis). Win there. Apply for the Iowa job when Ferentz retires in 2018.
Fleck is a total clown. Google "Rowing the boat".

If that idiot gets hired by Iowa, I will personally... do something.

Pretty confident I'm safely hidden behind my proxy set-up, but I won't risk it.

This post was edited on 2/5 3:45 PM by Milburn Stone
Bielema? I think Arkansas is where he should stay. He's just not that great. Pretty soon he won't be able to go anywhere.

I could be wrong, but I'm thinking we would be entering Brewster/Beckman territory if we hire Fleck. He's done a great job recruiting at Western Michigan, though. I'd like to see a bigger sample size before we hire Fleck. If he doesn't win, him and whatever program he is at, will be a laughing stock in college football.
Fleck would be a natural fit - Ferentz has swooped in and stolen a lot of Western Michigan's recruits so there's already a familiarity with many of our players.
Originally posted by Thunderlips71:

Fleck would be a natural fit - Ferentz has swooped in and stolen a lot of Western Michigan's recruits so there's already a familiarity with many of our players.

Hilarious, but so sad...
Originally posted by IMCC965:Might want to delete your post above ASAP.Too late, I already took a screen shot. A proxy server by the way can be traced. They simply need to see the IP used to connect in, and follow it to the proxy, and then from there they can make the proxy owner show where the proxy sent the information back to. Just a thing to think about for all the wannabe hackers out there.
Originally posted by Aegon_Targaryen:
Originally posted by IMCC965:Might want to delete your post above ASAP.Too late, I already took a screen shot. A proxy server by the way can be traced. They simply need to see the IP used to connect in, and follow it to the proxy, and then from there they can make the proxy owner show where the proxy sent the information back to. Just a thing to think about for all the wannabe hackers out there.
If I was using a 3rd party proxy, that might make sense. I, however, am not.

You really are an idiot.

This post was edited on 2/6 9:38 AM by Milburn Stone

This post was edited on 2/6 9:38 AM by Milburn Stone
I like Toledo's Matt Cambell as a fall back guy, and lets face it, we're good at getting those.

He's young, won 9 games in his 2nd year there, runs a pistol/spread with emphasis on the run, and plays QB's with long hair

Go check him out
Originally posted by Aegon_Targaryen:

Originally posted by IMCC965:
Might want to delete your post above ASAP.

Too late, I already took a screen shot. A proxy server by the way can be traced. They simply need to see the IP used to connect in, and follow it to the proxy, and then from there they can make the proxy owner show where the proxy sent the information back to.

Just a thing to think about for all the wannabe hackers out there.
When bullet points go bad......
If we are looking for a coach to replace Ferentz, I would look at the new head coach at NDSU, just won their 4th FCS championship with a rebuilding year. They look to be strong again this next season and then come to Kinnick in 16. If he is still hammering BCS teams then, Hire him!!
Originally posted by frmrhwk57:

If we are looking for a coach to replace Ferentz, I would look at the new head coach at NDSU, just won their 4th FCS championship with a rebuilding year. They look to be strong again this next season and then come to Kinnick in 16. If he is still hammering BCS teams then, Hire him!!
He has plenty of Iowa ties, and we have his old AD on staff. I would like more FBS-level experience, but I suppose beating FBS teams counts for something. Maybe next year we could make our game with them more WWE-like, and the winning coach gets/keeps the Iowa job.
just who are these BCS teams this NDSU coach beat, there has been any news of them Beating Michigan who KF is 4-1 in the last 5 meetings , maybe I never heard about, did they beat PSU who KF beat 8 straight times, or maybe he beat O$U and the world never heard about it, please list all these BCS teams this coach has beat.
Originally posted by Hawkeye2222:

just who are these BCS teams this NDSU coach beat, there has been any news of them Beating Michigan who KF is 4-1 in the last 5 meetings , maybe I never heard about, did they beat PSU who KF beat 8 straight times, or maybe he beat O$U and the world never heard about it, please list all these BCS teams this coach has beat.
Well, he managed to beat ISU last year when Kirk couldn't. He also didn't get to play ISU at home like Kirk did. I assume that will suffice.
Originally posted by wneff:
Originally posted by frmrhwk57:

If we are looking for a coach to replace Ferentz, I would look at the new head coach at NDSU, just won their 4th FCS championship with a rebuilding year. They look to be strong again this next season and then come to Kinnick in 16. If he is still hammering BCS teams then, Hire him!!
He has plenty of Iowa ties, and we have his old AD on staff. I would like more FBS-level experience, but I suppose beating FBS teams counts for something. Maybe next year we could make our game with them more WWE-like, and the winning coach gets/keeps the Iowa job.
Wait, so you'd hire the guy who coached NDSU for one year? Who was DC there for only one year, and whose previous HC stint appears to have been at Loras, with a losing record?
Originally posted by theIowaHawk:
Originally posted by wneff:
Originally posted by frmrhwk57:

If we are looking for a coach to replace Ferentz, I would look at the new head coach at NDSU, just won their 4th FCS championship with a rebuilding year. They look to be strong again this next season and then come to Kinnick in 16. If he is still hammering BCS teams then, Hire him!!
He has plenty of Iowa ties, and we have his old AD on staff. I would like more FBS-level experience, but I suppose beating FBS teams counts for something. Maybe next year we could make our game with them more WWE-like, and the winning coach gets/keeps the Iowa job.
Wait, so you'd hire the guy who coached NDSU for one year? Who was DC there for only one year, and whose previous HC stint appears to have been at Loras, with a losing record?
Not sure why you would put the losing record part in there when the man you tirelessly defend on here was 12-21 at his previous HC job.

Regardless, I would hope Iowa finds someone more proven than the NDSU coach.
Originally posted by gohawkz:
He has a better resume than Ferentz had when we hired him..
Not really. I mean feel free to bag on Ferentz but give him some credit.

Fleck has coached for 7 years, for two college programs and one year at the NFL, and now HC. He is 9-16 overall.

KF coached at Iowa for, what, 8 years? 5 more in the NFL, which was after his Maine stint, so he only coached 13+ more years than Fleck at this point, and had actually coached at the hiring-school for many of those. He was 12-21 at Maine.

Yes, the MAC is a better conference than the FCS, no doubt, and I think you could say that Fleck has a better HC record when considering that.

But, come on.
Originally posted by ThatsFootball:
Regardless, I would hope Iowa finds someone more proven than the NDSU coach.
That is my point. There is a contingent of the FIRE-FERENTZ crowd who want to hire someone even less "proven", simply for the sake of change and what they keep thinking is "excitement."

Hire an FCS guy, who has only coached at FCS for ONE year? See my other post, KF had coached 21 (?) years prior to this gig.

Geez at least the posters could be clamoring for the NDSU coach who actually deserved all of those accolades.
I'll probably get ripped apart, but as I've posted in the past the BB ship has NOT sailed...
Originally posted by ThatsFootball:
Originally posted by theIowaHawk:
Originally posted by wneff:
Originally posted by frmrhwk57:

If we are looking for a coach to replace Ferentz, I would look at the new head coach at NDSU, just won their 4th FCS championship with a rebuilding year. They look to be strong again this next season and then come to Kinnick in 16. If he is still hammering BCS teams then, Hire him!!
He has plenty of Iowa ties, and we have his old AD on staff. I would like more FBS-level experience, but I suppose beating FBS teams counts for something. Maybe next year we could make our game with them more WWE-like, and the winning coach gets/keeps the Iowa job.
Wait, so you'd hire the guy who coached NDSU for one year? Who was DC there for only one year, and whose previous HC stint appears to have been at Loras, with a losing record?
Not sure why you would put the losing record part in there when the man you tirelessly defend on here was 12-21 at his previous HC job.

Regardless, I would hope Iowa finds someone more proven than the NDSU coach.
Most here don't realize the coach that had the most success at NDSU is at Wyoming now... sad really.
Coach of the Future? And Post #1 wasted on this? Welcome to the Message Boards but please something more interesting next time. No one gives a flying Fleck about the next coach. Ferentz on board...getting ready for 2015. Good luck to Western Michigan though this season!! (And pic's please of all the babes in's a slow news day).
I'm not saying that we should hire the guy but he does have Iowa ties and is running a successful FCS program. Just that the topic was brought up as to who we should look at. I'm not even on the Fire Kirk band wagon. Yes I also know that the first three national championships where under the Wyoming Head coach. But I'm of the opinion that unless Wyoming gets things turned around, we wouldn't want him then. Also as far as Teams NDSU has beaten at the BCS level, Kansas state and Minnesota in the past three years. NDSU has had a hell of a program and has been lead by some very good coaches.

The flip side of all of this is that some of the knuckle heads on here, think that Iowa is going to go out and steel a top tier coach and not pay him 4-5 million a year. Figure out what kind of program Iowa really is and accept it. We are a developmental program, IE we need to find kids that will work hard and develop into top tier talent. With that style of program, you get some really good hits and you get some really bad misses to.

Hence the ebbs and flows of success. If we can get our middle of the road seasons to an 8 wins per year and have our bad years at 6 wins per year and have a year or two where we have a run at 12 or 13 wins. I'm alright with that. Oh wait that's kind of what we have now. we happen to be on a down cycle. As I said at the start, I'm not really on the fire Kirk band wagon just wanted to point out that there are options out there.
KF should be the Iowa head coach until he turns 95 years old.

This whole new coach thing is blasphemous. How dare you show disrespect to KF??!?! He has a winning record against UNI and Ball State!!!
This post was edited on 2/11 9:33 AM by thirdandpunting
Originally posted by frmrhwk57:
I'm not saying that we should hire the guy but he does have Iowa ties and is running a successful FCS program. Just that the topic was brought up as to who we should look at. I'm not even on the Fire Kirk band wagon. Yes I also know that the first three national championships where under the Wyoming Head coach. But I'm of the opinion that unless Wyoming gets things turned around, we wouldn't want him then. Also as far as Teams NDSU has beaten at the BCS level, Kansas state and Minnesota in the past three years. NDSU has had a hell of a program and has been lead by some very good coaches.

The flip side of all of this is that some of the knuckle heads on here, think that Iowa is going to go out and steel a top tier coach and not pay him 4-5 million a year. Figure out what kind of program Iowa really is and accept it. We are a developmental program, IE we need to find kids that will work hard and develop into top tier talent. With that style of program, you get some really good hits and you get some really bad misses to.

Hence the ebbs and flows of success. If we can get our middle of the road seasons to an 8 wins per year and have our bad years at 6 wins per year and have a year or two where we have a run at 12 or 13 wins. I'm alright with that. Oh wait that's kind of what we have now. we happen to be on a down cycle. As I said at the start, I'm not really on the fire Kirk band wagon just wanted to point out that there are options out there.

There would need to be hope of an upswing, aka good recruiting. There's 0% chance of 12 wins with current recruiting classes.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by Milburn Stone:

Fleck is a total clown. Google "Rowing the boat".

If that idiot gets hired by Iowa, I will personally... do something.

Pretty confident I'm safely hidden behind my proxy set-up, but I won't risk it.

This post was edited on 2/5 3:45 PM by Milburn Stone
You gonna hire Miss Kitty to take him out?