If Europe ball is so lucrative, then didn't guys like Gatens, Haluska, Luke Recker, etc stick it out
over there raking in $400K/yr? Why is Uthoff and Woody still slogging in G-league when average salary is $35K/yr. Some guys like Brunner have long/lucrative career. There are some limits on number of foreigners
teams can take, so the less elite guys get less money. Garza supposedly won't count as a foreigner
because he has European parents...he probably can make a lot of money and have great career and
hope he does.
No doubt playing B-ball professionally is higher paying than being a college student. I have no problem
with Weezy leaving early----I myself would have given a left nut to be a 4-year college great and all time
Iowa great but I am in my 50's. Times are different. Weezy leaving early, he will go down as a nice player at Iowa, not an all time great. Gatens put together an epi senior year....weezy bailed.