Is COVID a Common Cold Yet?

Presumably their methodology did not change, yet the deaths dropped dramatically.
Your bias is making you blind.

The COVID-19 death toll has been four times higher in lower-income countries than in rich ones, according to a new report published today by Oxfam on behalf of the People’s Vaccine Alliance as the world marks two years since the World Health Organization declared the pandemic.

While the pandemic has been devastating for rich countries like the US and the UK, the world’s poorest countries have been hardest hit, with women and children bearing a disproportionate burden. Lack of testing and reporting means that very large numbers of deaths due to COVID-19 go unreported, especially in the poorest countries. Modelling using measures of excess deaths estimates that 19.6 million people have died because of COVID-19, over three times the official death toll. Based on this analysis, Oxfam calculated that for every death in a high-income country, an estimated four other people have died in a low or lower-middle income country. On a per capita basis, deaths in low and lower middle-income countries are 31 percent higher than high income countries.
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Well, I'm going to go with the John Hopkins data cited in the graph above.

But, you go ahead and use a report from The People's Vaccine Alliance if it tells you what you'd rather hear.
Well, I'm going to go with the John Hopkins data cited in the graph above.

But, you go ahead and use a report from The People's Vaccine Alliance if it tells you what you'd rather hear.
People’s Vaccine Alliance sounds totally unbiased. Like Pfizer.
Well, I'm going to go with the John Hopkins data cited in the graph above.
Maybe you should go read some actual reports from Johns Hopkins on what those graphs actually mean, and the qualifiers attached to them

HINT: Developing countries, with poorer populations, have lower rates of obesity and hypertension.
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Maybe you should go read some actual reports from Johns Hopkins on what those graphs actually mean, and the qualifiers attached to them

HINT: Developing countries, with poorer populations, have lower rates of obesity and hypertension.
Quick move the goalposts! Lol.
At least you’re admitting the real threat was always to fat, old, sick people.
Well, I'm going to go with the John Hopkins data cited in the graph above.
Here's more reading material you can learn from:

We estimate 14.83 million excess deaths globally, 2.74 times more deaths than the 5.42 million reported as due to COVID-19 for the period. There are wide variations in the excess death estimates across the six World Health Organization regions.

Read it, and you can clearly see where the less-developed nations have some of the widest variation, or no data at all to even track.

And, yes, it was published less than 1 month ago. So very much "up to date" here.
These threads are real treats for me and members of my lab. There are so many virologists, immunologists, and epidemiologists on here. Keep up with the good work haha. Holy Jesus.
People who think the virus that causes covid is as benign as the rhinovirus make me laugh. Same goes for the evolutionary virologists. Keep up the good work. Do go on.
Then why don’t you offer something here in regards to the data posted?
Then why don’t you offer something here in regards to the data posted?
Dude, I actually work with that virus and it's variants. I don't have time to add to the stupidity on here. I save that for other threads. There are plenty of experts on hort science to make up for my lack of posting.
Right on time. It's like you have a bat signal.

Tell us about the 2.5 million deaths you predicted for the US in the first year.
Why don’t you tell us how no one healthy under the age of 50 has died from COVID? Or post those ivermectin links again? How’s that Duke study coming along?
Why don’t you tell us how no one healthy under the age of 50 has died from COVID? Or post those ivermectin links again? How’s that Duke study coming along?

Let's Go To The Replay, Jim!!!

DURHAM, N.C. – A study led by the Duke Clinical Research Institute (DCRI) in partnership with Vanderbilt University found no differences in relief of mild-to-moderate COVID-19 symptoms between participants taking ivermectin and participants taking a placebo. These results confirm findings from a previous arm of the study that tested a lower dose and shorter duration of ivermectin.
“There was no significant benefit in our primary endpoint of resolution of symptoms in mild-to-moderate COVID-19 illness or any other endpoints,” said Adrian Hernandez, M.D., the study’s administrative principal investigator and executive director of the DCRI. “Given these results, and in conjunction with an earlier arm of the study testing a different dose of ivermectin, there does not appear to be any role for ivermectin in treating mild-to-moderate COVID-19, especially considering other available options with proven reduction in hospitalizations and death.”
  • Wow
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The thing about covid is if you lost a loved one, it will never be just a common cold.
I was fortunate to have not lost anyone close, but a lot of people did.

It has become almost like faith, information and discussion isn't changing anyone's opinion.
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Let's Go To The Replay, Jim!!!

DURHAM, N.C. – A study led by the Duke Clinical Research Institute (DCRI) in partnership with Vanderbilt University found no differences in relief of mild-to-moderate COVID-19 symptoms between participants taking ivermectin and participants taking a placebo. These results confirm findings from a previous arm of the study that tested a lower dose and shorter duration of ivermectin.
“There was no significant benefit in our primary endpoint of resolution of symptoms in mild-to-moderate COVID-19 illness or any other endpoints,” said Adrian Hernandez, M.D., the study’s administrative principal investigator and executive director of the DCRI. “Given these results, and in conjunction with an earlier arm of the study testing a different dose of ivermectin, there does not appear to be any role for ivermectin in treating mild-to-moderate COVID-19, especially considering other available options with proven reduction in hospitalizations and death.”
Studies are manipulated all the time. Money sullies science.

You want a vaccine get one. You want ivermectin or hqc take them. Or don’t. Personally I’ve stayed away from all that stuff and I’m doing just fine.

Studies are manipulated all the time.
Are they?

You and your buddies were touting the Duke study for months on end.
Now, it's "tainted" because it didn't give you the results you wanted.

And those results are consistent with at least a half dozen independent studies.
Just a cold, with 1200 deaths

We've been averaging >300 deaths a day since late Spring this year.

When the counts catch up from the holiday reporting lull, we'll likely be at >270,000 new Covid deaths in 2022. Sure, a large majority of those are the oldest age groups; but a significant minority are still younger and middle-aged adults. Adults who are refusing vaccine protections.
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“The association of increased risk of COVID-19 with higher numbers of prior vaccine doses in our study, was unexpected.”

I’ll bet. :rolleyes:
“The association of increased risk of COVID-19 with higher numbers of prior vaccine doses in our study, was unexpected.”

I’ll bet. :rolleyes:

Weird. Not what the paper says.

Among 51011 working-aged Cleveland Clinic employees, the bivalent COVID-19 vaccine booster was 30% effective in preventing infection, during the time when the virus strains dominant in the community were represented in the vaccine
“The association of increased risk of COVID-19 with higher numbers of prior vaccine doses in our study, was unexpected.”

I’ll bet. :rolleyes:

In multivariable analysis,the bivalent vaccinated state was independently associated with lower risk of COVID-19 (HR, .70; 95%C.I., .61-.80), leading to an estimated vaccine effectiveness (VE) of 30% (95% CI, 20-39%). Compared to last exposure to SARS-CoV-2 within 90 days, last exposure 6-9 months previously was associated with twice the risk of COVID-19, and last exposure 9-12 months previously with 3.5 times the risk.

Your link is misinterpreting the underlined part here.

, you have 2x the risk of infection at 6-9 months and 3.5x the risk at 9-12 months.

Which means that, just like flu, the vaccines cannot keep up with rapidly changing variants, and the immune system antibody levels drop. BUT the memory cells remain, which means infection severity is still exceedingly likely to be much lower with boosters.
Weird. Not what the paper says.

Among 51011 working-aged Cleveland Clinic employees, the bivalent COVID-19 vaccine booster was 30% effective in preventing infection, during the time when the virus strains dominant in the community were represented in the vaccine
You are attempting to pass off inflated approximated numbers as a reason to panic.

Prime Joe.
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“The association of increased risk of COVID-19 with higher numbers of prior vaccine doses in our study, was unexpected.”

I’ll bet. :rolleyes:
Know what else they say?

Individuals with more doses are more likely to be at higher risk for Covid. AND that behavioral differences between groups cannot be accounted for.
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The COVID-19 death toll has been four times higher in lower-income countries than in rich ones, according to a new report published today by Oxfam on behalf of the People’s Vaccine Alliance as the world marks two years since the World Health Organization declared the pandemic.

While the pandemic has been devastating for rich countries like the US and the UK, the world’s poorest countries have been hardest hit, with women and children bearing a disproportionate burden. Lack of testing and reporting means that very large numbers of deaths due to COVID-19 go unreported, especially in the poorest countries. Modelling using measures of excess deaths estimates that 19.6 million people have died because of COVID-19, over three times the official death toll. Based on this analysis, Oxfam calculated that for every death in a high-income country, an estimated four other people have died in a low or lower-middle income country. On a per capita basis, deaths in low and lower middle-income countries are 31 percent higher than high income countries.
"Lack of testing and reporting means" - means there is a lot of guessing?
What "panic"?

The vaccines are more effective than "no vaccines".
Effective at increasing your chances of myocarditis in populations that don't contract covid.

The papers you are using state they can't keep up with the variants and yet you still think everyone needs 7 jabs a year. You truly are ****ed in the head.
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Uh, no.

You have at least a 7x lower risk of myocarditis with the vaccines than with a Covid exposure. And the severity is documented to be lower with the vaccines.
You really going to make me drag your ass through the mud again?

Hey Joe, who has the least chance of.contracting myocarditis:

No shot/ no exposure

Shot/ no exposure

Shot/ exposure

No Shot/ exposure

Person A, and they do exist, and frankly as time has gone on we have learned more of them exist than the panic porn you promoted that said the whole world would be getting covid.

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