There were guns in my home when I was a kid. I was taught not to touch them because they were dangerous. Handguns were secure, and long guns were unloaded. I was taught gun safety, and how to properly handle and fire all of them. I had my own shotgun when I was 15 or 16, and access to the shells.The fact is an elementary student playing video games is much less likely to bring a gun to school if there are no guns in the home. We are talking about kids between the ages of 5 and 13, they do not have the means to get a weapon on their own.
Times have changed. Parenting has changed. Sense of responsibility has changed. I grew up in the 60's and 70's. There were movies, but the violence wasn't even close to be as graphic as it is now. I truly believe video games have desensitized kids, and that parenting has devolved in a major way. Kids are now raised by day care workers.